Center Community Chat
June 20 2024
Dear Families,
As we celebrate the completion of another school year, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support and partnership throughout the year.
Your involvement in your child's education has made a significant impact on their growth and success. Whether it was ensuring your students read or did iReady, volunteered in the school or for PTO events, your dedication did not go unnoticed.
Together, we have created a strong community that prioritizes the academic and personal development of our students. We are truly grateful for the trust you have placed in us as educators and for the collaborative effort in ensuring a successful year for our students.
Staff Updates
We welcome several new educators next year. Aleigha Hilberg and Faith Connors will be joining the 4th grade team. We will have 5 sections of 3rd grade and Abby O'Keefe is happy to complete that team. Courtney Ryan will be teaching our 5th section of 1st grade. Many thanks to the staff members who volunteered to serve on the interview teams to bring on these amazing new teachers.
We wish Annan Walker and Kim Robson well as they take leave the coming year to be with their growing families. Hot off the press, congratulations to Annan Walker who has a new baby girl.
Center Chirps;
- Hang on to your golden tickets. You will need them for pick up again next year. We will send more home during the first week of school.
- Please consider joining us for one of our read alouds this summer. Please see the schedule below.
This will be the last official update until August. Again, we hope to see you at some of our read alouds this summer. Our first and most popular, is this coming Tuesday at 2 PM at Sully's. Have a fabulous summer.
Warm Regards,
Dianna and Donna
Summer Center Gatherings
Tuesday, June 25, 2:00 PM - Read Aloud at Sully’s Ice Cream Stand, Located at:
55 Graniteville Rd, Chelmsford, MA 01824
Tuesday, July 2nd, 7 PM Virtual ReadAloud Bedtime Stories, please see link below:
Center Bedtime Stories & Rain link
Read Aloud
Tuesday, July 23rd, 5:30 PM - Read Aloud at the Chelmsford Town Common, please bring a blanket to sit on!
Thursday, August 15th, 9:00-10:00 AM- Kindergarten Play Date at Center School Playground
Thursday, August 15th, 10:00 AM - Tour of Center School
(for incoming or new families)
Wednesday, August 21st, 4:00 PM - Tour of Center School
(for incoming or new families)
Thursday, August 22nd, 8:30 AM- Read Aloud at Center School
Crazy Hat and Hair Spirit Day
- Tuesday, June 25, 2PM Read Aloud at Sully's Ice Cream Stand
- Tuesday, July 2nd, 7 PM Virtual Read Aloud
- Tuesday, July 23, 5:30 Read Aloud at the Chelmsford Town Common
- Thursday, August 15, 9 AM K playdate at Center School Playground
- Thursday, August 15, 10 AM Center Tour for incoming K and new families
- Wednesday, August 21, 4 PM Center Tour for incoming K and new families
- Thursday, August 22, 8:30 AM Read Aloud at Center School Playground
- Tuesday, August 27 , First day of school for grades 1-4
- Tuesday, August 27 , 1-hr K orientation
- Wednesday, August 28, First day of school for K
- Friday, August 30, No school