CVHS February Newsletter
February 3, 2025
We value learning, connection, and growth.
New Semester
The new semester began on January 28. It was a day that began without missing assignments or excessive absences. It introduced new classes and new teachers. It was a fresh start. We encourage everyone to make the most of this opportunity and the great possibilities that it holds. For students, do your best. For parents, help to ensure that your students are doing their best. Check on grades and attendance and address small concerns before they become big concerns. Reach out for help when needed.
Scheduling for 2025-2026
This is scheduling month. Please plan to talk to your student about scheduling, look at our course book and scheduling forms when they are presented, and plan to attend our parent meetings:
- Monday, February 10 - Rising Freshmen - Class of '29
- Tuesday, February 11 - Rising Sophomores - Class of '28
- Wednesday, February 12 - Rising Juniors - Class of '27
In addition, please join us for Curriculum Fair 2025
- Wednesday, February 12, 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the main building cafeteria
- All grade levels are encouraged to attend.
Safety and Security
All students are expected to exit the building by 2:20 unless they are participating in a supervised school activity at that time. This expectation is important for everyone's safety and security. Please help us by ensuring that your student has a ride home at 2:20.
Parent School Improvement Survey
Each year, as a part of our cycle of continuous improvement, we survey our students, parents, and staff. The parent survey is below. We would greatly appreciate you sharing your thoughts about how we are doing. Thank you!
What's Happening in February?
February 2 - Athletic Boosters Fashion Show
February 3-7 - Counselor Appreciation Week
February 4 - Red Cross Blood Drive - CVHS Media Center - 1 - 7 PM
February 10-12 - Parent Meetings and Curriculum Night - See information above for details
February 12 - College Signing Day
February 13 - Winter Band Concert
February 17-21 - Mid Winter Break
February 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Virtual) - 5:30 - 8:00 PM
February 27 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (In Person) - 5:30 - 8:00 PM
February 28 - Half Day of School - 10:28 Dismissal
Black History Month
We take the opportunity of Black History Month to recognize the historical struggles and contributions of black people in the United States.
We celebrate the contributions of Frederick Douglass, Phillis Wheatley, Matthew Henson, Jesse Owens, Bessie Coleman, Alice Coachman, Jane Bolin, Henrietta Lacks, Shirley Chisolm, Langston Hughes, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Maya Angelou, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, John Lewis, and many others, and also recognize HBCUs, The Jazz Age and the Harlem Renaissance, the Tuskegee Airmen, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Little Rock Nine, the 1963 March on Washington, and all of the people, actions, and events that helped to shape our shared history.
Looking forward to another great month at CVHS!
Todd Distelrath