Renner Middle School eNews
December 18, 2020
December 18 - Early Dismissal at 12:40 pm & Last Day of Fall Semester
December 21 - January 4 - Winter Break
January 5, 2021 - Students Return to Campus - Spring Semester Classes Begin
A Message From Mrs. Engelking
I am truly thankful for your children, for you, and for our amazing staff at Renner Middle School. Thank you for trusting us with your child's education - whether that be remote or F2F.
We look forward to a new calendar year and a new Spring semester as we continue to learn together.
Have a restful and relaxing Winter Break, and we wish everyone a safe and healthy New Year.
Be well,
Mrs. Engelking
School@Home - Changes to Learning Schedule
F2F - Possible Changes to Advisory & Lunch
Mustang Parents-
As we move into the Spring semester of the 2020-2021 school year, we will be making some adjustments to our advisory classes for many students and to our learning schedule with regards to synchronous and asynchronous learning for our School@Home students. These changes to the learning schedule will primarily impact our School@Home learners since our Face-To-Face students are present on campus with teachers each day; however, there will be changes for both Face-To-Face & School@Home students in some advisory classes and lunches that will impact many students.
Please be sure to check your schedule online on Monday, January 4 before we begin classes on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. There is no school for students on Monday, January 4 - classes resume on Tuesday, January 5, 2021.
For more information and to view lunch assignments and the learning schedule, please read the following letter and check out the links within:
Parent Letter - English: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Cf-kdzD4ZyD8jinibfkxGKN3kZz4fj6SS4xDE8PPRI/edit?usp=sharing
Please remember that today is an early release day for all students at 12:40. Buses will run at that time, and all carpool students need to be picked up by 1:00 pm today.
Thank you for your continued support during this unusual school year.
Jill Engelking, Principal
Renner Middle School
Will Tuesday, January 5, 2021 be your first day on campus? Check out this information and the videos linked below!
- Linked below are videos for each grade level. These videos include the carpool pattern for parents, what students should do when they arrive, our protocols for breakfast & lunch, and a tour of the building which points out teacher classrooms, restrooms, the nurse's clinic, and other important areas of the building.
- Carpool arrival time - ideally 8:15 or after - 1st period starts at 8:25. Students should not arrive on campus before 7:50 am.
- QR codes are everywhere, but my child doesn't have a cell phone? No worries! Staff is ready to assist!
- Please print your schedule or take a picture so your child knows their room numbers.
- Renner floor plan map (with room numbers) is linked & pictured below.
- Renner Traffic Map is linked & pictured below.
- Our daily learning schedule has been adjusted to accommodate 4 lunches as we welcome students back to campus. This WILL impact our School@Home learners, too.
- UPDATED LEARNING SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 10, & 11 linked here & pictured below. Wednesday is all asynchronous, and we have made other adjustments since I sent out the link on Wednesday. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1moZ96JRM8AJUWZZIG5iLXMrUgQDxNiApGx7CC8Mklec/edit?usp=sharing
- For the Bell Schedule that corresponds with the learning schedule periods, please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n8XrfDc1O5GzZYFsvRu8yaZbYVa7kUy1Z21rVeqv1sk/edit?usp=sharing
- Learning Schedule for September 14 and beyond (bell schedule will remain the same): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nWiOF9QHUD_K0fMwG-kEDQLyvyGpsjQlkwWDV-caqWg/edit?usp=sharing
Items to Bring Daily:
- Backpack
- Class schedule
- Chromebook
- Chromebook charger
- Earbuds/headphones that can connect to Chromebook (if student has them)
- Cell Phone (if student has one - QR codes will be utilized throughout the building for contact free passes, creating lunch seating charts, etc.)
- Refillable water bottle labeled with student name (water fountains unavailable for students without a water bottle)
Will Tuesday, January 5, 2021 be your first day on campus? Check out these videos!
6th Grade Video
Parents - Carpool flow start of video
6th grade front entrance no breakfast 6:41
Bus rider breakfast/ instrument drop off 9:29
Bus rider entrance 11:31
Tour 6th grade hallways 14:04
Elective tour 22:24
Lunch 27:35
7th Grade Video
Parents - Carpool flow start of video
Bus Drop Off - 2:55
Breakfast - 4:53
7th Grade Tour - 7:18
Elective Tour - 11:43
Lunch - 14:36
7th Grade Morning Arrival - 19:00
8th Grade Video
Parents - Carpool flow start of video
Bus drop off - 2:55
Breakfast & before school - 4:528th Grade Tour - 7:21
Lunch - 9:43
Renner Building Map with Room Numbers
Renner Carpool Map
Congratulations Ms. Bright!
The Plano Education Foundation Prize Patrol visited Renner this week to award Ms. Bright her PISD Education Foundation grant! We are so proud of Ms. Bright for her creative and student-centered idea to help English Language Learners acquire math vocabulary.
Congratulations, Athulya - and thank you for representing Renner so well!
Yearbook Pictures!
Formal Yearbook Photos:
If your child still needs to take his/her yearbook photo, please use this link to sign up for an individual photo session at Legacy.
Link to sign up: https://legacystudios.com/renner-ms/
Photo Submissions Requested:
Candids of sports/activities: What do you like to do outside of school time? Skateboard? Shoot hoops at the park? Travel with family? Play board games? Submit your photos to the yearbook, and you might be featured on one of the pages. Remember, no filters and make sure to include yourself in the photo! Link to upload: https://images.jostens.com/415464672
Candids of desks/work spaces: Show us what your at-home desk or work space looks like! Are there comfy chairs and pillows, maybe a blanket or a furry pet? Submit your photos to the yearbook, and you might be featured on one of the pages. Remember, no filters and make sure to include yourself in the photo! Link to upload: https://images.jostens.com/415464672
Candids of in-between classes: What do you like to do between classes? Take walks, eat a snack, take a cat-nap? Submit your photos to the yearbook, and you might be featured on one of the pages. Remember, no filters and make sure to include yourself in the photo! Link to upload: https://images.jostens.com/415464672
Renner PACE Testing Information
I am the PACE testing coordinator at Renner Middle School. PACE is the Plano ISD gifted and talented program. If you are interested in having your child tested for the PACE program, please complete the enrollment form located in the link below. The link will take you to the PISD website that explains the gifted program. Please read the descriptions of what the program entails and what type of qualifications are required. The application will need to be completed by January 15th. The testing will be held at school sometime in February 2021. Once the exact date and time are set, I will let you know all the testing details. Anyone that qualifies will be placed into the PACE program in the 2021-22 school year. Please let me know if you have any questions.
https://www.pisd.edu/giftededucation (click on the Referral Information: Secondary link)
Cindy Segler
Congratulations Renner Science Fair Winners!
For Science Fair, campuses are allowed to give out multiple 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards, so you will see multiple projects for those prize categories with one overall Grand Prize Winner! Students receiving Grand Prize, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd are moving on to the District and Regional Fairs!! Our Honorable Mention projects do not move on to the next level, but were projects we wanted to recognize!
For a complete list of Science Fair winners, click here:
Thank you all for giving the judges the difficult task of assessing so many great projects!!
Jennifer Beall
Renner Science Fair Coordinator
Congratulations Renner Speech & Debate!
Congratulations to the Renner Theatre and Speech teams who competed at the Shepton tournament Saturday, December 5 where SHILOH WILSON, Renner 8th grader, won FIRST PLACE FOR THE SECOND TIME in Humorous Interpretation. Lola Daniel, Roshan Shivnani, Adam Tahirkheli and Rehan Buvvaji all reached the finals in their events and the Debate Team of Adam Tahirkheli and Rohan Subramanium were in the top 5 teams at the tournament. GREAT JOB TEAM!!!
2020-2021 PTA Reflections Results
Congratulations to all the Renner Mustangs who participated in this year's PTA Reflections program. We had wonderful interpretations of why "I Matter Because...." with 23 entries across four different art categories! Join us in congratulating the following students who received special recognition for their interpretation of the theme, creativity and artistic mastery:
Veda Kumar (6)- Award of Excellence
Artina Belivan (6) - Award of Excellence
James Keogh (8) - Award of Merit
Arshiya Bajaj (6) - Award of Merit
Ruhi Narayan (7) - Honorable Mention
Visual Arts
Suhani Goyal (8)- Award of Excellence
Michael Ahn (7) - Award of Excellence
Vijay Shivnani (6) - Award of Merit
Arissa Fritz-Koonrugsa (7) - Honorable Mention
Noielle Eckert (6) - Honorable Mention
Tanvi Nerurkar (8)- Award of Excellence
Vedar Kumar (6) - Award of Merit
Nayan Parikh (7) - Honorable Mention
Music Composition
Kelly Morefield (6) - Award of Excellence
Students receiving the Award of Excellence will move on to district-level judging. Best of luck, Mustangs! Special thanks to the parent volunteers who served as Reflections judges. We appreciate your talent, passion and time!
Attention 8th Graders Interested in Healthcare!
We need your help
Mustang Parents-
With regards to following COVID-19 protocols, we have been running into the following situations here at Renner that we need your help with:
IF your Renner student tests positive, the student cannot come to school. Please notify Mrs. Engelking & Nurse Brandi immediately regarding the positive test.
IF a family member in your household tests positive, your PISD students must immediately quarantine at home. Please notify Mrs. Engelking & Nurse Brandi immediately regarding the need to quarantine.
IF a family member in your household is awaiting test results, your PISD students must stay home until a negative result is received. Please notify your child’s teachers that your student will be learning from home until a negative result is received. If the family member tests positive, please notify Mrs. Engelking & Nurse Brandi immediately.
IF your PISD student is awaiting their own test results, the student (and all other PISD students in the household) must stay home until a negative result is received. Please notify your child’s teachers that your student will be learning from home until a negative result is received. Please notify Mrs. Engelking & Nurse Brandi immediately regarding a positive test.
IF your student comes into close contact with someone outside of your household who has tested positive, the student must quarantine at home for 14 days. Please notify your child’s teachers, Mrs. Engelking, & Nurse Brandi regarding the need to quarantine.
With our co-seated instruction, students who test positive or must quarantine can learn from home without interruption to instruction; we must follow these protocols in order to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Brandi Shrier (School Nurse): brandi.shrier@pisd.edu
Jill Engelking (Principal): jill.engelking@pisd.edu
Thank you so much,
Jill Engelking, Principal
Nosotros necesitamos tu ayuda
Padres de Renner-
Con respecto al seguimiento de los protocolos COVID-19, nos hemos encontrado con las siguientes situaciones aquí en Renner con las que necesitamos su ayuda:
Si su estudiante de Renner da positivo, el estudiante no puede venir a la escuela. Por favor notifique a la Sra. Engelking y la Enfermera Brandi inmediatamente sobre la prueba positiva.
Si un miembro de la familia en su hogar da positivo, sus estudiantes de PISD deben ponerse en cuarentena inmediatamente en casa. Notifique de inmediato a la Sra. Engelking y la enfermera Brandi sobre la necesidad de poner en cuarentena.
Si un miembro de la familia de su hogar está esperando los resultados de la prueba, sus estudiantes de PISD deben quedarse en casa hasta que se reciba un resultado negativo. Notifique a los maestros de su hijo que su hijo aprenderá desde casa hasta que se reciba un resultado negativo. Si el miembro de la familia da positivo, notifique a la Sra. Engelking y la Enfermera Brandi de inmediato.
Si su estudiante de PISD está esperando sus propios resultados de prueba, el estudiante (y todos los demás estudiantes de PISD en el hogar) deben quedarse en casa hasta que se reciba un resultado negativo. Notifique a los maestros de su hijo que su hijo aprenderá desde casa hasta que se reciba un resultado negativo. Por favor notifique a la Sra. Engelking y la Enfermera Brandi de inmediato con respecto a una prueba positiva.
Si su estudiante entra en contacto cercano con alguien fuera de su hogar que ha dado positivo, el estudiante debe estar en cuarentena en casa por 14 días. Notifique a los maestros de su hijo, la Sra. Engelking y la Enfermera Brandi sobre la necesidad de la cuarentena.
Con nuestra instrucción compartida, los estudiantes que dan positivo o deben estar en cuarentena pueden aprender desde casa sin interrumpir la instrucción; debemos seguir estas reglas para ayudar a detener la propagación de COVID-19.
Brandi Shrier (enfermera de la escuela): brandi.shrier@pisd.edu
Jill Engelking (Directora): jill.engelking@pisd.edu
Muchas gracias,
Jill Engelking, Directora
An Important Message for Parents & Guardians
Parents, please remember that we are following guidelines to minimize contact at this time. In the interest of following those guidelines, we ask that you please only bring items your student has forgotten that are necessary for them to have during the school day. These items include:
- Forgotten lunches from home (please remember that cafeteria lunches are offered at no cost through December)
- Medication
- Water bottles
- We are NOT accepting fast food lunches for students.
- The only drink allowed in classrooms is water. If a student would like to drink something other than water in the morning before class, they may go to the cafeteria.
- If you are picking your student up from school for an appointment, please call (469) 752-5805 to let us know the approximate time you will arrive to get your student. This will allow us to call your student from class and make sure they are ready when you get here. Also, please have your driver’s license ready to show our staff.
- We also ask that you please wear a mask when you stop by school to drop items off for your student, pick them up from the nurse’s office or for an appointment.
Donate to World Wear Project
Student Clubs & Organizations
Renner's Social-Emotional Learning Calendar for 2nd 9 Weeks
Renner Middle School 2020-2021 Athletic Event Information
Please read the following information carefully if you or your student(s) plan to attend athletic events. Remember that rides home for student spectators should be arranged in advance and should be timely in their arrival to pick up students when the game is over.
- Tickets will be sold on a week-by-week basis
- Ticket sales will open up to the General Public on Monday at 8:00am for all games occurring for the current week
- Tickets are required for school-age children kindergarten through 12th grade
- Ticket prices: Adult-$4, Student $2
- A maximum of 2 tickets can be purchased per transaction
- All ticket sales will be online
○ If available, tickets can be purchased on a mobile device by using the QR code at the gate
- You will purchase your tickets on the home team event site
- There will be no passes accepted at the gate
Tickets can be purchased at https://www.pisd.edu/Page/23044
- All spectators must wear a face covering in order to enter.
- All spectators must complete the COVID-10 self-screening
The PISD bag policy will be in place.
- Social distancing is expected in all areas of the stadium including the student section
- Congregating in the concourse area or walkways will not be allowed.
- At the conclusion of the B-Team game, spectators and participants will be asked to exit out of the designated doors. The A-Team spectators will then be released to enter the gym.
- Tickets are available online only
- Rides should be arranged in advance for transportation home in a timely manner
Game Schedules
Follow Us on Social Media
Free Meals for all Plano ISD Students
Due to a waiver issued from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), all Plano ISD students (whether enrolled in face-to-face instruction or School@Home) will receive free breakfast and lunch meals through December 31, 2020, or while USDA funds last.
Weekly meal bundles for PISD School@Home learners may be picked up each Tuesday from 9:30 am to 10:30 am or 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm at Clark HS, Shepton HS or Williams HS. Bundles consist of 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches. Anyone picking up meals for students without the student present, must bring appropriate documentation in the form of a school issued ID, report card, parent portal attendance summary form, or birth certificate. More info: https://www.pisd.edu/grabandgo
Comidas Gratis Para Todos Los Estudiantes de Plano ISD
Los paquetes de comida semanal para los estudiantes de PISD School@Home pueden ser recogidos cada martes de 9:30-10:30 AM o de 4:45-6 PM en Clark HS, Shepton HS o Williams HS. Los paquetes, consisten de 5 desayunos y 5 almuerzos. Cualquier persona que recoja las comidas para los estudiantes sin que el estudiante esté presente, debe traer la documentación apropiada en forma de una identificación emitida por la escuela, tarjeta de informe, formulario de resumen de asistencia del portal de padres, o certificado de nacimiento. Más información: https://www.pisd.edu/grabandgo
Update Emergency Contacts
Please login to the Parent Portal (https://parentviewer.pisd.edu/Login.aspx) to review and update emergency contacts. This is vital (this year more than ever before) as it will be important to be able to contact parents in a timely manner in the event of an emergency. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.
Family Hot Spot Internet Access
If your family is experiencing difficulty with home internet access, please contact our Campus Technology Assistant, Jonathan Loveday, at jonathan.loveday@pisd.edu.
Renner PTA Website: https://rennerpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
Plano Public Libraries are Open!
Plano Public Library is currently open!
- Explore our New Year, New You virtual learning initiative for all ages
- Take a virtual field trip around the world with one of our librarians to see Machu Picchu, Grand Canyon, Van Gogh Museum and more
- Visit our YouTube Channel for STEAM activities and Art workshops
- Borrow a STEAM Kit or Book Bundle
- Check out an eBook
Library cards are free for residents of Plano and the following reciprocal cities: Allen, Frisco, Garland, McKinney, Richardson, The Colony, and Wylie. Signing up for a library card online is a great step towards lifelong learning at the library. Contact the library via phone or email for more information. We look forward to working with you and assisting your students and families.
Tom Muehlenbeck Rec Center Update
Masks are required to be worn at all times in the facility except when participating in certain activities where 6 ft social distance can be safely maintained.
Activities or spaces NOT available currently.
1. Lobby furniture has been removed. No waiting or congregating in the lobby is allowed.
2. No Game room activities are available.
3. No basketball court activities, or access to the basketball court is available.
4. No Leisure swimming is available.
5. No day passes are available to enter the facility, only members may gain entry. Memberships are available.
Activities that ARE available to youth members.
1. Lap Swimming. 1 person per lane, continuously moving. Masks must be worn to and from the pool.
2. Walking/Running track. Children under 11 must be supervised by an adult. Mask Required at all times.
3. Open play table tennis or badminton. If they bring their own equipment, and obey all open play rules. Open play schedule here: https://www.plano.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16510/Weekly-Recreational-Activities
Additional details about our status and changes can be found here: https://www.plano.gov/Facilities/Facility/Details/14
Renner Middle School
Website: www.pisd.edu/renner
Location: 5701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093
Phone: 469-752-5800