FHS Counseling Department
January 2025
Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Evening Presentations and Other Events
Listed below are the programs that have been scheduled for the 2024-2025 school year. All presentations will be held in person at Fairport High School. Please mark your calendars.
9th Grade Parent Night Tuesday, January 7, 2025 7:00 pm in the FHS Auditorium
Sophomore Parent Night Thursday, January 9, 2025 7:00 pm in the FHS Auditorium
Junior Parent Night Thursday, January 23, 2025 7:00 pm in Room 512
Senior To-Do List
- Decisions are coming in! Let Mrs. Kenny and Mrs. Smith in the GLIB know the results of your applications (accepted, waitlisted, denied).
- Check your college portals for application status updates or missing materials.
- If you are interested in a Historically Black College/University (HBCU), check out this website for college profiles and admissions information.
- 1st Quarter and Mid-Year Grade Requests from Colleges - 1st quarter and mid-year grades are NOT sent automatically. If you receive a request from a college that you applied to, you must submit a Special Request Form ("Blue Sheet") available in the GLIB.
- Check out the FHS Counseling Department website for scholarship opportunities. Check back frequently as scholarships are added throughout the year.
- Return your Pink Diploma Name sheet to Mrs. Kenny in the Guidance Library
Please note that our current seniors will continue to use NAVIANCE, not the new SchooLinks platform.
Career Exploration Center
Thinking about entering the workforce or exploring career opportunities? Check out the FHS Career Exploration Center! The FHS Career Exploration Center is located across the hall from the main entrance of the Library. For more information, contact Mrs. Hoodak at sandra.hoodak@fairport.org.
Urban League of Rochester Black Scholars - College Prep Workshop
Black Scholars invites you to an upcoming College Prep Workshop Series, hosted by the Urban League of Rochester! This series is designed to provide students and families with valuable resources, tips, and guidance to prepare for the college application process.
Workshop Highlights:
- Navigating college applications
- Financial aid insights
- Tips for successful college visits and interviews
- And much more!
Remaining Dates:
- Saturday, January 11th, 2024 10 AM - 1 PM
For more details, please refer to the attached flyer. If you’re interested in attending, please register using the link below:
New York State STEM Scholarship
The New York State STEM Incentive Program application will open December 1, 2024, for students attending a SUNY or CUNY college. To be eligible, students must:
Be in the top 10% of your NYS high school graduating class
Must apply in your high school senior year
Attend a SUNY or CUNY college immediately following high school graduation
Pursue a degree in an approved STEM program of study
Enrolled in full-time study (at least 12 credits per term)
Live in NYS and work in an approved STEM occupation for five years
Advantage Federal Credit Union - Fairport High School Scholarship
The 2025 Fairport HS Scholarship is now open! One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a FHS Senior who is a current member (or join today) of the Advantage Federal Credit Union. Use the link below for more information and to apply! Deadline is April 26, 2025.
Fairport High School Scholarship Opportunities
The following scholarships are for Fairport Students Only. Use the links below for applications and instructions. Don't pass up on these great opportunities!
- Dollars For Scholars - Deadline is 2/6/25
- Fairport PTSA Scholarship - Deadline is 2/28/25
- Fairport Educators Association (FEA) Scholarship - Deadline is 2/26/25
Financial Aid Resources
Free Application for Federal Student Aid - FAFSA
The 2025–26 FAFSA® form is now available for the award year that runs from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026. Tips to filling out the FASFA form and the FAFSA application can be found using the link below.
SUNY FAFSA Completion Workshops
This is a hands-on workshop, so be ready to complete your FAFSA during the program! Please use the link below for more information and to register.
Sallie Mae
Need FAFSA® help? the Sallie Mae guide walks you through the FAFSA® to help you complete every section correctly—so you can score the MOST financial aid you can for college. Use the link below to get started.
NYS Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC)
New York State residents can apply for Federal and NYS student financial aid to help pay for college. The link below will guide you through the process of both Federal and NYS applications.
The Senator José Peralta New York State DREAM Act gives undocumented and other students access to New York State‐administered student financial aid to support their higher education costs. Students eligible to apply for financial aid through the NYS Dream Act must also complete an application for each program they are interested in obtaining aid from.
NYS Excelsior Scholarship Program
Students from families earning $125,000 or less can attend a state-operated SUNY or CUNY college tuition-free.
CSS Profile
Some private colleges, universities and scholarship programs use the CSS Profile as part of their financial aid process. A list of these schools can be found in the link below.
Junior To-Do List
- Log into your new SchooLinks account and do some college searches.
- Make a preliminary list of colleges you are interested in and add them to your SchooLinks account under "Colleges" and then under "Favorites/List". Counselors will use this list to nominate you for college specific scholarships as they become available.
- Work on your resume under the "Careers" tab and then "My Profile/Resume" in SchooLinks. Your resume can also be found by clicking your name in the upper right corner which will bring you to your "Profile". Your resume will also be used to nominate you for scholarships.
- Visit colleges - Make arrangements through the college admissions offices for guided tours and classroom visits, if possible or sign up for an online information session.
- Register to take the SAT or ACT. The testing calendar can be found using the link below.
Junior Scheduling
SchooLinks Presentations
On January 23rd, Counselors will be going into social studies classes to give a presentation on the new SchooLinks platform. This will be a general overview of SchooLinks and all it has to offer our students.
SAT/ACT Prep Resources
Khan Academy - Khan Academy partners with the College Board offering free online personalized practice programs. Use the link below to get started.
The Fairport Central School District is pleased to announce its adoption of SchooLinks, the most modern college and career readiness solution on the market, for our students in grades 9–11. SchooLinks will help our students increase engagement in their future planning, create personalized plans, navigate the college search and application process and more. More information was shared through Parent Square.
Students can login to SchooLinks via ClassLink, then select the “SchooLinks” logo or use the link below to get started with SchooLinks.
Use the link below for a quick guide to some of SchooLinks most valuable features.
Sophomore Scheduling
Sophomore scheduling will occur January 21st - January 24th and February 3rd - February 7th. Sophomores will be meeting individually with their counselor to select courses for the 2025-2026 school year. To prepare for the meeting, please review the 2025-26 course guide below. The 2025-26 course guide is also posted on Parent Square under the Resource Hub, and on the Fairport High School Counseling Department website.
The Fairport Central School District is pleased to announce its adoption of SchooLinks, the most modern college and career readiness solution on the market, for our students in grades 9–11. SchooLinks will help our students increase engagement in their future planning, create personalized plans, navigate the college search and application process and more. More information was shared through Parent Square.
Students can login to SchooLinks via ClassLink, then select the “SchooLinks” logo or use the link below to get started with SchooLinks.
Use the link below for a quick guide to some of SchooLinks most valuable features.
EMCC Application Process
Fairport Central School District is proud of our partnership with Monroe 1 BOCES and associated EMCC programs. We believe the job-related skills students learn while enrolled in this highly sought after program are invaluable to their future success in our ever growing global economy.
***The second EMCC visitation program is scheduled for Friday, February 7th. Permission slips are available in the Counseling Office.***
After attending one of the two visitation programs (December 13th or February 7th), you will need to complete the application process. It is important to do the following:
- return the completed application to Counseling Office no later than February 14, 2025
- notify your counselor of which program you would like to register for
See the link below for the EMCC Application and Parent Letter.
New Visions Medical Careers Program Visitation Day
On Thursday, February 6th, FHS will be transporting 11th Grade Students only to the New Visions Medical Careers Program Visitation Day. Students will be visiting both RGH and St. Ann's and meeting current students. Interested students should see their Counselor.
AP Exams
If your child is taking an AP course, they will have an opportunity to take the corresponding AP exam(s). With qualifying AP exam scores, students are able to earn credit, advanced placement, or both at the majority of colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.
The College Board requires students to order their AP exams in the fall. More information on how to register for the AP exams was sent via Parent Square.
Registration for these exams is still being accepted, but are subject to a $40 late fee in addition to the registration fee.
Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring is a club that connects students seeking academic support with qualified peer tutors.
Adviser - Mrs. Francine Newtown - Lead Counselor at FHS
Want to be a Peer Tutor?
Join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 2:15 in Classroom B.
Looking to be connected with a Peer Tutor?
If throughout the school year you find yourself struggling with a course and would like to work with a peer tutor, the first step will be to connect with your counselor.
Counselor and House Assignment Chart
Please use the link below for 2024-2025 Counselor and House Assignments.