What's the Buzz?
Upcoming Dates
Remember to utilize our SMS Google Calendar subscription (click here to view), or view the “Events” page on the SMS website.
Sept. 27: 9am School Mass led by St. Vincent de Paul Faith Family (Mr. Dolan)
Sept. 30: HSA Bills Dress Down Day (bring $2 or purchase pass)
Oct. 2: Sr. Sheila Memorial Marathon
Oct. 3: After school Instrumental lessons begin
Oct. 4: Blessing of the “stuffed” animals
Oct. 4: 9am School Mass led by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Faith Family (Mrs. Whipple)
Oct. 5: St. Mary’s Parish Oktoberfest! Click here for more info.
Oct. 7: HSA Bills Dress Down Day (bring $2 or purchase pass)
Oct. 8: HSA Meeting, all are welcome! 7 pm, Cafeteria
Oct. 10: 9am School Mass led by St. Sebastian Faith Family (Mr. Reeds)
Oct. 11: NO SCHOOL, Superintendent's Conference Day
Oct. 12: HSA Family Tailgate Party
Oct. 14: NO SCHOOL, Columbus Day & Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Oct. 18: 9am School Mass led by St. Thomas Aquinas Faith Family (Mrs. Baker)
Oct. 21: HSA Bills Dress Down Day (bring $2 or purchase pass)
Oct. 22: 8th Grade Mass at the Cathedral
Oct. 23: School Picture Day
Oct. 25: 9am School Mass led by St. Scholastica Faith Family (Mrs. Laderer)
Oct. 25: 6pm Trunk or Treat
Oct. 28: HSA Bills Dress Down Day (bring $2 or purchase pass)
Oct. 28: SMS Pumpkin Carving Party at Spoth's
Nov. 8: HERO BOX Dress Down Day for Veterans
News from the Cafe
Lunch Room Volunteers
If you are interested in helping out in the lunchroom and are VIRTUS trained please sign up below using the buttons. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Mangione at attendance@st.maryschoolswormville.org.
Welcome to SMS
Mrs. Janet Larson has joined our SMS family as our Academic Intervention teacher. We are so excited to welcome her and her expertise. She can be reached at jlarson@stmaryschoolswormville.org.
Mrs. Ruthie Robbins will be filling in beginning next week for Mr. Crouch. She comes to us with many years of teaching under her belt and is particularly passionate about teaching students to write. Once she begins she can be reached at rrobbins@stmaryschoolswormville.org.
Williamsville Students will be dismissed 15 Mins. Earlier on 10/4/24:
Next Friday, October 4, 2024 has been designated as the annual test of the Emergency Go Home Procedures for Williamsville Central Schools. SMS students who receive transportation service from Williamsville will be dismissed 15 minutes earlier than usual. Students who normally remain at school for after school child care or other after school activities will remain in school as usual. Please note, students riding the Williamsville busses home on this day will arrive home approximately 15 minutes ahead of schedule, please plan accordingly.
A Note on FACTS Incidental Charges (Lunch orders, Sports Fees, HSA Contributions):
Regarding incidental charges in FACTS (these are non-tuition charges such as lunch orders, sports fees, HSA contributions, etc.), you will need to either make one-time payments in FACTS by the deadline noted, or you can set up for these to be paid automatically in your FACTS account. Even if you have tuition payments setup for auto-pay, this does not automatically apply to incidental expenses. To avoid late fees, please go into your FACTS account to set this up. Thank you!
Don’t throw out those old shoes, save them for the upcoming 8th Grade Fundraiser!
Our 8th grade class is hosting a shoe collection in October. Please gather all your old shoes and keep an eye out for more information on when to send them in. They will be collecting new and used shoes, sneakers, and cleats (including hiking boots, rain boots, water shoes, and sandals). They will not accept single shoes, ice skates, roller skates, wet or moldy shoes, or shoes with holes or tears. The company that we are collecting for, Funds2Orgs, works to support individuals who create micro-businesses in developing countries to combat the effects of systemic poverty and a lack of education and economic opportunity. More information will be available soon!
Montessori & Kindergarten students, bring in your favorite stuffed animal for a blessing on Fri. Oct. 4!
Father Art is excited to continue this tradition at St. Mary's! On October 4th our Montessori and Kindergarten students are invited to bring a stuffed animal to school. In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Father Art will give a special blessing to these precious stuffed pets in the classroom after 9 am school Mass. He will be coming to Grade 1-8 classes as well for students who bring a photo of their animal and say a blessing over their pets as well.
Support the SMS Drama Club!
Sponsorships will be available to purchase online soon for the SMS Drama Club! Sign up your family or business for year long patronage and receive exposure in both our Fall Play & Spring Musical programs. PLUS, receive online exposure as a “Spotlight” sponsor! Multiple sponsorship levels are available, choose the package that best fits your family or business’s needs. Your generous, tax-deductible gift will help purchase costumes for our students & help refurbish sets! Click here to view the 2024-5 Sponsorship Flyer.
A Message from Fr. Joe
As some of you may know, I spent an extra year at seminary after ordination studying spirituality. Also, starting last October, I embarked on an Ignatian (Jesuit) retreat that lasted through the end of May. Very early on in that retreat I felt a call to delve further into the Eastern Spirituality of our Church. As God’s call continued to grow in my heart, I began to explore the options that would allow me to follow where He is leading me. Through much discernment in prayer and spiritual direction, I have requested a leave to discern this call further. Bishop Mike has granted that leave. That leave is scheduled to begin October 1st. As a result, I will no longer be assigned to this family. I want to thank each of you, including Fr. Tom, Fr. Walt, and Fr. Art, for embracing me and supporting me and journeying with me for the last year plus. We are each on a unique adventure, but all traveling together as God’s Church, in God’s Church, toward our final destination which is unity with Him. Please know of my prayers and gratitude, and please pray for me. We are all in this together, and we need one another to get to heaven. I hope our paths cross again soon.
God’s blessings,
Fr. Joe Franz
Stay up to date with all the exciting things the HSA has planned for this Fall!
Volunteers STILL Needed for Sister Sheila Marathon on Oct. 2nd!
This is one of HSA’s biggest fundraisers of the year, we hope that each family will participate in the Marathon to the best of their ability. Click here for more information. Please note, the pledge sheets that came home stated you need a separate permission/pledge sheet for each student. This is not necessary, just write the name & grade of all your students on the line.
The signed pledge sheet and ALL pledge money is due back TOMORROW - Fri. Sept. 27, 2024
If each student raises at least $30 we will achieve our goal!
Each class that raises 100% or more of its total class goal will receive a dress-down day!
VOLUNTEERS & donations are greatly needed for this event, SIGN UP HERE. Please note: many of our students really enjoy having a banana after the marathon, even if we receive a donation of one box we can cut them in half, please consider signing up to purchase some & bring in!
Tailgate with us on Sat. Oct. 12th!
The St. Mary’s HSA & the UB Bulls invite SMS families to “Kids Day” on Sat. Oct. 12th. Discounted tickets in section 306 are available for the Bulls vs. Toledo Football game (kick-off time TBA), and pre-game entertainment will include a Reptile Show, Inflatables, “Dress Like a Bull”, Photo Ops, Yard Games & more! Purchase discounted tickets to the game, enjoy the pre-game entertainment, & hang out at the HSA tailgate party! (Location TBA) Tents and tables will be provided, please BYO snacks & beverages. Questions on tickets? Please call Steph Bielec: 716-645-6759. Click here to purchase tickets.
THE COUNTDOWN IS ON for our Meat Raffle on Nov. 2!
37 Days & Counting…Save the date for the most fun you’ve ever had at a Meat Raffle! 11/2/24, 6-10 PM. In addition to the Meat Raffle there will be a 50/50 Split, & Basket and gift card raffles. Bring singles & all your friends! “Chuck Roast” returns as your zany, fun-loving host. Ticket price includes open bar of unlimited soda, draft beer & wine. Pesci’s pizza & craft beer will be available for purchase, snacks welcome. First spin at 7 pm. No outside alcohol permitted, this event is strictly 21 & older.Tickets will be available soon for online purchase and will be $15 Pre-Sale, $100 for a table of 8 (Pre-Sale Ends Oct. 23rd), $20 at the door. All proceeds support St. Mary School Swormville, funds raised are restricted to St. Mary School Swormville HSA. Click here to see photos of the great time we had last year!
- The Back to School Spirit Wear Sale has closed, thank you to those who purchased items! Stay tuned to the “Buzz” for your item(s) expected delivery date. -
Community Opportunities
Annual Pet Blessing - to celebrate The Feast of St. Francis will be held at St. Mary's on Friday, October 4th at 6:00PM on the front steps of the school, facing Transit Road. All furry, feathered and scaly pets are welcome! Please bring pets on a leash or in a pet carrier.
A Statement on Proposal 1 from our NYS Catholic Bishops
Please take a moment to read this statement from Most Rev. Michael W. Fisher, Bishop of Buffalo, and our other NYS Bishops on Prop. 1 - a proposed amendment to the NYS Constitution that is broadly written and could have dangerous consequences if enacted. For more information about Proposal 1, please visit https://www.protectkidsny.com/.
To read the Catholic Bishops of the United States document Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, please visit https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/faithful-citizenship/forming-consciences-for-faithful-citizenship-title.
WNY Catholic High School Open Houses
A number of our local Catholic high schools are holding Open Houses & offering shadow day experiences this Fall. Click the links below for more information.
Bishop Timon - St. Jude High School
Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart