PARENT EDITION | August, 2022

WPUSD eNews: April 2024
In lieu of a fun video of me, I wanted to share the recent video Placer County Office of Education (PCOE) produced for their video series Yours in Education. They highlight our Student Senate Program, and in it you'll hear the impact its had on some of our students. Enjoy!😊
Important Upcoming Dates
April 26 - Non ADA Day, NO SCHOOL, District Office open 10am-2pm
May 27 - Memorial Day, Schools & Offices CLOSED
WPUSD Board of Trustees
Get to Know Your Board Members: Member George Dykstra
What made you want to become a school board member and why?
In sixth grade, I was fortunate to have one of those exceptional teachers who light a fire in you. He fanned our patriotism, telling us to always be good, and giving citizens. Corny as it seems, that's why I'm here.
Of the newly adopted board objectives, which one resonates most with you/which one are you most passionate about and why?
Academic Excellence. Academically, WPUSD can be the best District in the County. With hard work and a Big Dream - we'll do it.
What does life outside of being a board member look like for you? How do you spend your free time?
I'm blessed to be living near my three grandchildren. I'm always bouncing from soccer to barrel racing to Taekwondo. And I love reading, sports, and film noir.
Name a personal goal that you would like to see accomplished during your time as a board member.
Again, Academic Excellence. I look forward to mentioning to people I'm from Western Placer Unified School District and hearing them say, "Oh, that's the District with the great test scores. It's why everyone wants to buy a house in Lincoln. And doesn't Western Placer have that prize-winning Debate Team?"
Board Meeting Highlights & Upcoming Meetings
Board Meeting Highlights
- March 19 Highlights
- The Board held their Spotlight on Excellence meeting at First Street Elementary. They heard a presentation from Principal, Lyndsay Reynolds on their academic growth and modeled a team building exercise students would participate in during a 'Morning Meeting'.
- Mike Adell, Director of Facilities gave an update on the construction proposals for the Phoenix High School addition project, which will begin this summer.
- The Board heard an update on the current budget.
- April 2 Highlights
- The TBHS American Sign Language (ASL) program signed the Pledge of Allegiance to begin the meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
- April 16, 2024 - Foskett Ranch Elementary Cafeteria, 6:30pm
2023-2024 School Board Objectives
The School Board exhibited thoughtful consideration and collaborative efforts in adopting their school board objectives that reflect the best interests of WPUSD schools, students, staff and community. The graphic below represents these objectives.
Kerry Callahan, Superintendent
In This Section
🤝Youth Master Plan Update NEW!
🌞2024 Summer Program Info NEW!
🩸TBHS Bio-Med Blood Drive NEW!
🧰Storm Repairs NEW!
🐑Grazing at TBHS NEW!
🔔ParentSquare Update NEW!
📝New Student Registration Dates
🚌We're Hiring NEW!
As many of you know, we embarked on a Youth Master Plan for the entire City of Lincoln. The goal is to create integrated systems and services, not only within our schools, but throughout the community to best serve and develop youth.
We are near the ending stages of the process, and here's what we accomplished so far:
- Brought together various agencies and organizations that serve youth in different capacities to build relationships and connections (such as City of Lincoln Parks and Rec, Faith Based Organizations, Lincoln Public Library, Lincoln Police Department, Placer County Probation, Coalition for Auburn Lincoln Youth (CALY), The Foundry, and many more)
- Dove into determining the real needs of youth in Lincoln, hearing from them directly, through listening circles, workshops and surveys
- Collected data based on the findings
- Developed a vision of what we want for the youth in Lincoln
- Based on that vision, we've created manageable outcomes we can soon begin working toward
- We are currently awaiting a few more steps to ultimately have a finalized plan that we can refer back to for many years to come
This will be an ongoing plan that will require regular meetings and updates to ensure it remains relevant and current. We are excited for this process to come to fruition, and we thank our community partners who have dedicated their valuable time to seeing it through.
Click the image below for details about this year's Summer Academy, including locations, dates and more.
Did you know that donating blood not only helps others but also has some surprising benefits for the donor? One fun fact is that donating blood can actually help your body burn up to 650 calories! Yep, you read that right - giving blood can give your metabolism a little boost while you're helping save lives. So, it's a win-win for both you and those in need! 💉🩸
Click the image below to make an appointment.
Like many of our homes, the recent storms had a pretty significant impact on our campuses, totaling approximately $150,000 in damages. Over the last several weeks, the M&O crew has been hard at work repairing damages caused by downed trees and heavy winds. Thankfully, all of the damages have since been repaired!
Our annual grazing efforts have begun! We partner with local legends, Integrazers, to mitigate overgrowth on our properties in areas where the terrain is too rocky and uneven for mechanical applications. These fuzzy lawn mowers will soon be hard at work over on our OLE Property in the Twelve Bridges Area!
New student registration will remain open throughout the rest of this school year and through the summer. All of the priority registration windows are now closed, but we will continue to accept both registration and transfer forms. Those who have registered for TK will receive their placement notification in the coming months.
Key Registration Dates
- January 8, 2024 at 8:00am - 2024-25 new student registration goes live
- January 19, 2024 - Intra-District Transfer accepted online (NOTE DATE CHANGE FROM 1/18)
- February 1, 2024 – Inter-District Transfers accepted online through Informed K12
- February 9, 2024 - Lottery selection for Dual Language Immersion Program @ Creekside Oaks Elementary for grades K-4.
- February 15, 2024 @ 4pm - Priority deadline for High Schools only to submit Intra-District Transfer request (for transfers within WPUSD schools)
- February 20, 2024 @ 4pm – Priority registration deadline for all grades (TK - 12). Complete registration must be submitted online.
- February 22, 2024 - March 1, 2024 - Dual Language Immersion program parent notification and confirmation of placement
- Late March / Early April 2024 - TK class and school assignment notification
- June 9, 2024 - Intra-District Transfer Request Deadline for Grades K – 8
- July 31, 2024 - Second window to submit a Intra-District transfer request opens (High Schools only)
- Summer 2024 – Online registration submission will continue to be accepted through the summer and paperwork can be handed into the District Office while schools are closed.
Interested in Working for WPUSD?
WPUSD is hiring! Check out our current job openings at https://www.edjoin.org/wpusd. Positions for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR (2024-2025) are now posted! Be sure to share the Edjoin link with those who may be looking for employment!
Some of our current available positions:
- Teaching positions (2024-2025) - Various Grades/Sites
- Food Service Assistant - Multiple Sites
- Paraprofessional - Multiple Sites
- Instructional Aide - Multiple Sites
- Bus Driver
- Campus Supervisor
- Substitutes
- Many More!
In This Section
🚨Update Your Emergency Contact Information
🏡Complete the Household Income Form
Review/Update Your Emergency Contact Information 2023-2024
At the end of last school year, your child's school sent out notifications to update/verify your emergency contact information using your PowerSchool Parent Portal. As a reminder, this needs to be completed by every returning family. Families who recently registered their child for school (new to WPUSD) do NOT need to complete this process.
For instructions on how to access your PowerSchool Parent Portal account click HERE.
Please Complete a 2023-24 Household Income Form to Help Your School Maximize Its Funding!
A portion of every school's funding is determined by the needs of its students. Extra funding is usually distributed to schools based on submitted free/reduced meal applications but this year the state is providing schools with the option of using the Household Income Form. This form can easily be completed online and will provide your school with extra funding. Please note that for the 2023-2024 school year all students are eligible for FREE meals, so extra funding will be distributed differently and the Household Income Form is the best source to increase your school’s funding.
- additional support staff for schools, like Instructional Aides, Intervention Support Providers, and after school tutors
- more resources for classrooms and teachers
- additional health and wellness services
- fee waivers for college applications
- fee waivers for college admissions exams (i.e. SAT/ACT/AP)
It’s a quick process and only needs to be completed once for each household. By taking the time to fill out this form, you are taking part in a process that might provide thousands of dollars in funds to the school your student attends. You can also access this form when you are updating your Emergency Contact Information and Waiver Forms in your Parent Portal account.
If you need assistance in completing this form please contact your child's school office or the District Office (916) 645-6350 and we can help!
Click on the form below to complete:
WPUSD 2023-24 Household Income Form (English)
WPUSD 2023-24 Household Income Form (Spanish)
Here's where you can find quick links to frequently searched items.
Western Placer Unified School District
Website: www.wpusd.org
Location: 600 6th Street, Suite 400, Lincoln, CA, USA
Phone: 916-645-6350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WPUSD/
Twitter: @WPUSD
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