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The Olive Branch 12.9.22
What's Up At The Nest...
In this Branch
Total Read Time - Always less than 5 minutes!
Principal's Message
Dental Exam Reminder
ABC 25 Fundraiser - Nothing Bundt Cakes
Science Club - Winter Session
Important Dates
Principal's Message
We can't believe we made it to December 9th before our first wintery weather mix morning drop off! Thank you for your patience this morning, all students were safely inside by 9:10 am. On days like today it is important to remember our procedures to help all families get through the car drop off line as quickly and safely as possible.
- Pull Forward - If you are the first car pull all the way down the straight away to the exit curve before stopping, please do not leave large spaces between cars
- Adults - Remain in the Vehicle. Children should be able to hop out with their belongings relatively quickly. If your child needs assistance or an extra kiss and hug, we ask families to please park in our lot or the Orchard Church Parking lot across Olive Street.
- Do not allow your child to exit the vehicle before the cross walk/adult holding the stop sign unless specifically directed to do so.
- Don't worry about tardies. On days like today, Ms. Davis or Mrs. Pemberton ask all teachers to hold attendance until students are inside safely and all cars have been through the drop off lane.
Have a warm weekend!
Erin, Julia, and the OMS Staff
Dental Exam Reminder
Students in kindergarten and 2nd grade are required to turn in a dental exam form by May 15, 2023. The dental exam form can be found on the district website. You can scan/email the form to rrose@sd25.org, hand the form in directly to OMS, or have the dentist fax the form to 847-394-6935. Thank you!
ABC 25 Fundraiser
We don't know about you, but we LOVE Nothing Bundt Cakes here at the nest! Please consider supporting the ABC 25 Foundation by purchasing a Nothing Bundt Cake for the holidays and presenting this flyer upon purchase and they will DONATE 20% of the your order to ABC 25. Click on the image of the flyer to enlarge!
Science Club - Winter Session!
Science Club is back with three sessions, meeting on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, January 10 through March 1. We’re offering hands-on science adventures for students in grades two through five; first grade students may participate if an older sibling is enrolled in Science Club AND an adult can volunteer to help every day that the first grade student attends. We meet from 3:35 until 4:45 PM in the LMC.
Session 1: Carbon (two weeks)
Carbon is in the news these days for its contribution to climate change. Learn about this vital element that is also the cornerstone of life on earth through games and experiments.
Session 2: Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils (two weeks)
Explore the world of geology through hands-on activities with genuine rock, mineral, and fossil samples.
Session 3: Springs & Pendulums, Crossbows & Catapults (four weeks)
Investigate Hooke’s Law and periodic motion, then use what we’ve discovered to explore some ancient and medieval technology.
Want to join in the fun? Complete and return this registration form as soon as possible. Sessions can fill up very quickly. The number of students per session is dependent on the number of adult volunteers. To ensure that we’re able to provide a safe and enjoyable activity at least two adults will be present each day. Any days that do not have at least one adult volunteer will be cancelled. Please consider signing up to help on one or more days as your schedule allows.
Questions? Please contact Cynthia House at chouse@sd25.org.
Important Dates
Dec. 13th - School Board Meeting
Dec. 22nd - Last Day of School
Dec. 23rd - No School
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal edavis@sd25.org
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal jpemberton@sd25.org
Website: https://www.sd25.org/Olive
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive