Highlights & Insights

February 7, 2025 (Volume 2, Edition 4)
Larson's Legislative Update
Immigration and Customs Enforcement at Schools
by Naomi Cromwell
Director of Policy & Legal Services
The National School Boards Association (NSBA) today released guidance on the recent change in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy of honoring "sensitive locations" when conducting enforcement activities. Under the DHS directive announced in January, schools will no longer be off-limits for immigration enforcement operations.
The NSBA 2025 Immigration Guide addresses the holding in Plyler v. Doe as it relates to the education of undocumented children, and includes NSBA's recommendations on the best ways for schools to handle visits from ICE agents, requests by immigration enforcement for student records, sanctuary districts, and it provides a list of NSBA's recommendations of best practices for dealing with ICE enforcement in schools.
The Immigration Guide includes much of the information that was provided in the January 31, 2025, edition of ASBSD's Highlights & Insights; it also contains additional considerations and information for school districts.
Click here to access the NSBA 2025 Immigration Guide.
ASBSD will be reviewing its Sample Policies for any updates needed in light of this guidance, and in light of the recent passage in the South Dakota Legislature of SB 7 ("An act to prohibit the adoption or implementation of certain policies relating to immigration enforcement").
S.D. Stand Up with Public Education Event planned
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 10:00 AM
South Dakota State Capitol, East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD, USA
2025 School Board Recognition Week in February
Recognize the dedicated individuals in your communities who devote their time and energy to serving on your locally elected school board during the 2025 South Dakota School Board Recognition Week.
“South Dakota school board members work tirelessly for their students, staff and communities and we’re asking everyone to take time later this month to acknowledge them for their efforts,” ASBSD Executive Director Heath Larson said.
South Dakota School Board Recognition Week is set for February 17-21, which may take place after some districts are scheduled to hold their monthly meeting, but we encourage your district to recognize school board members at your February school board meeting.
“South Dakota School Board Recognition Week is an opportunity to say thank you to your board members for their commitment to your public school,” Larson said.
ASBSD has provided a certificate recognizing each school board collectively for South Dakota School Board Recognition Week, but additional documents helping your district celebrate the week can be downloaded from ASBSD’s Documents page under the “Event Documents” header.
If you have any questions, please contact Director of Communications Tyler Pickner at tpickner@asbsd.org.
Thank you for your support in making South Dakota School Board Recognition Week a success.
ASBSD Negotiations/Collective Bargaining Webinars
Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025, 12:00 PM
SDSSA now accepting superintendent award nominations
We have outstanding educational leaders in South Dakota.
Please join the South Dakota School Superintendent Association in celebrating our public school superintendents by submitting nominations for the following awards:
Outstanding Superintendent of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board honors an “Outstanding Superintendent of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent who has made significant contributions to Leadership for Learning, Communication, Professionalism, and Community Involvement.
Download the nomination form here.
Community Leader of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted a “Community Leader” Award to honor a superintendent who has made an investment in his/her community above and beyond the scope of the school district’s responsibilities.
Download the nomination form here.
Innovator of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted an “Innovator of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent who has exhibited exemplary leadership ability in creating new programs or concepts that have a positive impact on staff development, recruitment, or retention, or creating new programming that directly impacts student learning, student achievement, or student educational experiences.
Download the nomination form here.
Rookie of the Year
The SDSSA Executive Board has instituted a “Rookie of the Year” Award to honor a superintendent in their first three years in the profession who has exhibited exemplary leadership ability in making a difference in their school district through new programs or concepts that have a positive impact on the dynamics of the district.
Download the nomination form here.
Distinguished Service Award
The SDSSA Executive Committee has instituted a Distinguished Service Award to honor retired or retiring superintendents who have exhibited exemplary leadership ability and have enhanced the school's superintendency in South Dakota.
Download the nomination form here.
All individuals nominated for Outstanding Superintendent will be automatically nominated for Community Leader and Innovator of the Year. Individuals may submit specific nominations for Innovator and Community Leader of the Year.
Please complete the components associated with the nomination. All nominations should include the basic data and overview sheet.
Nominations are due by March 28.
State of South Dakota Warning on Fake School District Websites
The State of South Dakota wants to make you aware of a cybersecurity threat involving fraudulent websites designed to mimic legitimate South Dakota K-12 school district websites.
Attackers are using k12sd[.]us (e.g., hoven[.]k12sd[.]us, pierre[.]k12sd[.]us), which closely resembles the legitimate k12.sd.us website (pierre.k12.sd.us).
The fake sites may be used in future phishing attacks, targeting individuals with emails or links that direct them to fraudulent sites.
What You Can Do:
- Be Vigilant – Always check website URLs carefully before clicking. The correct format is k12.sd.us (e.g., pierre.k12.sd.us).
- Do Not Engage – If you receive unexpected emails about school districts, avoid clicking on links or opening attachments.
- Report Suspicious Activity – If you suspect a phishing attempt or encounter a suspicious site, report it immediately to your IT Support.
ASBSD/COSA All School Law Webinars Package
Monday, Jun 30, 2025, 05:00 PM
2025 ASBSD Board of Director’s elections
The 2025 election cycle for the ASBSD Board of Directors has begun and school board members from your district can run for election in the region and enrollment category in which your district is in.
Those region and enrollment categories include:
- Southeast region with enrollment 700-1,399
- Beresford, Canton, Dakota Valley, Dell Rapids, Flandreau, Lennox, Madison Central, Tri-Valley, Vermillion, Wagner Community, West Central
- Western region with enrollment 265 & Under
- Bison, Edgemont, Elk Mountain, Faith, Harding County, Lemmon, Newell, Oelrichs
Eligible board members interested in running for a four-year term on the Board of Directors must download and complete the Announcement of Candidacy form, which you can download by CLICKING HERE, and return it to ASBSD by Thursday, February 20, 2025.
Send completed forms to ASBSD Executive Secretary Katie Mitchell-Boe by email to katie@asbsd.org, by fax to 605-773-2501 or by mail to ASBSD at P.O. Box 1059, Pierre SD, 57501.
Only one school board member per district may sit on the ASBSD Board of Directors.
If you have questions, please contact Director of Communications Tyler Pickner at tpickner@asbsd.org or at 605-773-8382.
2025 Cracker Barrel list
Legislative Cracker Barrels in your area offer access to your local legislators, as well as the chance to hear their answers on a variety of legislative topics.
Below you will find a list of dates and locations of legislative cracker barrels being held throughout South Dakota that have been posted thus far.
Please send any dates and locations of legislative cracker barrels in your area that are not listed below to Tyler at tpickner@asbsd.org and we will add them to the list, which is still being and will be updated throughout session.
In the Kessler’s Champions Club in the Barnett Center on the NSU campus from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Saturday, February 22
In the City/County Government Center beginning at 9 a.m.
- Saturday, February 22
In the Deadwood Gulch Resort in the Creek Side Convention Center beginning at 10 a.m.
- Saturday, March 1
In the Gettysburg Mini Mall beginning at 2:30 p.m.
- To be Determined
At City Hall from 9 to 10 a.m.
- Saturday, February 22
- Saturday, March 8
At the Grant County 4-H Fairground from 1 to 3 p.m.
- Saturday, February 15
Piedmont Valley American Legion Post from 2 to 4:30 p.m.
- Saturday, February 15
Rapid City:
In the Event Center at the Western Dakota Tech Event Center from 9 to 11 a.m.
- Saturday, February 15
- Saturday, March 8
At the C&NW Historic Railroad Depot beginning at 1 p.m.
- Monday, February 17
At the Selby Community Center beginning at 10:30 a.m.
- Saturday, February 8
Sioux Falls:
At HUB Auditorium on the Southeast Technical College campus beginning at 10 a.m.
- Saturday, February 22
At the Erskine Building from 9 to 11 a.m.
- Saturday, March 1
At City Hall from 9 to 11 a.m.
- Saturday, February 15
- Saturday, March 1
At the Codington County Extension Complex beginning at 8 a.m.
- Saturday, February 15
In the City Commission Room at the CMTEA building beginning at 10 a.m.
- Saturday, February 22
- Saturday, March 15