Robert Hunter Report
February 9, 2025
Robert Hunter Elementary School
Mrs. Jessica Braynor, Principal
Mrs. Lindsay Shirvanian, Vice Principal
Website: https://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/Domain/381
Location: 8 Dayton Road Flemington, NJ 08822
Phone: (908) 284-7620
Dear Robert Hunter Families,
What an exciting week we had at school! All students participated in Global Play Day and enjoyed some extra time to connect with their classmates by playing with games and toys. Our third graders had a fantastic time participating in the Ellis Island Day simulation, where they got a hands-on experience of what immigrants went through when arriving in the United States. It was an engaging way for them to learn about history! Meanwhile, our fourth graders enjoyed a fun and educational field trip to the Da Vinci Science Center, where they explored amazing exhibits and hands-on activities. Thank you to our PTO for supporting memorable field trips for our students!
As a reminder, there will be no school on February 14th due to a staff professional development day and no school on February 17th due to President’s Day, so please plan accordingly. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to more great learning adventures ahead!
Warm regards,
Jessica Braynor and Lindsay Shirvanian
Pictures of the Week
Global School Play Day
3rd Grade Ellis Island Day
4th Grade Field Trip
Harlem Wizards - RH Team!
Useful Links for Families
The Week Ahead
Monday, Feb. 10, Day 2
Building with STEM Toys Club
Busy Builders Club
Tuesday, Feb. 11, Day 3
Wednesday, Feb. 12, Day 4
Wednesday Project Enrich
Creative Buildings and Contraptions Club
Thursday, Feb. 13, Day 5
Thursday Project Enrich
Greatness Kids Club
Family Olympics Pre-Registration Due
Board of Education Meeting 7pm J.P. Case
Friday, Feb. 14
No School for Students- Staff Professional Development Day
No Chess Club
Save the Date:
Feb. 17- School closed for President's Day
Feb. 21 - Family Olympics
Feb. 23 - Movie Day
Feb. 26 - Budget Town Hall Meeting
Career/Skills Day
We are excited to announce that we are in the process of planning Career & Skills Day! This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about different professions and skills from real-world experts like you. We are asking parents to volunteer to share their careers and/or special skills with our students, helping to spark curiosity and inspire the next generation. Your involvement in Career & Skills Day will help our students understand the diverse opportunities ahead of them and encourage them to dream big! Please fill out the interest form here if you are interested in participating!
After-School Enrichment Clubs
Please note that Busy Builders Club and Creative Buildings and Contraptions Club start this week.
Pick-up for all enrichment clubs is 4:45.
If you have any questions about club enrollment, please contact roberthunterpto@gmail.com
Author Visit
Robert Hunter School is thrilled to announce that on April 2, author and illustrator, Peter Catalanotto will be visiting Robert Hunter! Students will be enjoying his books in library class prior to his visit. In addition to his presentations, Peter will also autograph copies of his books for students. Please use the link here to explore available titles and make purchases, if you so choose. The deadline for orders is March 5.
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day parties are held in PreK-2 classrooms, and Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged in all grade levels. Your child’s teacher will provide any information needed.
If you have any Valentine’s Day card packages that you would like to donate to families in need, please drop them off in the main office. Thank you!
Kindergarten Registration
Calling all Kindergarten students! Kindergarten registration is coming up soon!
To register, children must be five years old by October 1, 2025. All registration information can be found on the FRSD website, and the online registration portal will open on February 10.
Completed forms and paperwork can be dropped off at Robert Hunter from February 18-21. We will have in-person registration on February 18 from 9:30-3:00 if you need extra assistance. We will also have a Spanish translator available on February 18.
When dropping off forms, please choose an appointment time for your child’s kindergarten screening. Kindergarten Orientation is already scheduled for August 20, 2025, so save the date!
If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please reach out to Wendy Chambers in the main office.
2025-2026 School Budget
Please visit Dr. McGann's website with information and updates on the 2025-2026 budget. There will be another Town Hall with Dr. McGann on February 26, 2025.
Family Olympics - Feb. 21
Join us for our annual Family Olympics Night! A fun-filled evening for all ages!
We invite you to participate in our Family Olympics event. Click the link below to fill out the registration form and be part of this exciting night! While early registration is encouraged, participants can also register on-site—just be mindful that doors will close promptly at 6:00 PM.
We can't wait to enjoy this special evening with everyone! If you have any questions, please reach out to Noelle Mazzaferro, Lauren Edelsberg, or Megan Migliore.
Preschool Lottery Open
The preschool lottery is now open and will close on Feb. 21. Click here for the form. You may email preschoolexpansion@frsd.us or call the preschool office line on the district website with any questions.
Robbie's Recognition
We encourage families to take some time to recognize our fantastic staff members throughout the school year. You can use the Google form here to submit a Robbie’s Recognition for a staff member, and we will read aloud your recognition to our staff. You can either add your name or recognize a staff member anonymously.
From the PTO:
It was great seeing many of you at the Harlem Wizards game on Friday! It was a SLAM DUNK night!! Big thanks to Ms. Migliore, Ms. Martinez, Ms. Del Duca, and Ms. Whalen for representing Robert Hunter on the court!! Special thanks to all of the volunteers for making the night a success! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event! We hope you had fun!!
Staff appreciation fund drive - Ends February 14th
Our Staff Appreciation Fund Drive is ongoing!! Help support all of the amazing appreciation activities we have planned for our incredible RH staff in May. In past years, we have planned chair massages, breakfast/lunches, grab and go snacks and other surprises to show our thanks for all our RH team do everyday!
Any donation is appreciated-you can contribute now through Feburary 14th via Venmo @roberthunterpto or Membership Toolkit HERE
PTO Board Positions Available
We are currently looking for passionate and committed parents to fill the following board positions:
- President
- Vice Presidents
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Event Coordinators
These positions are a great opportunity to contribute to the school community, meet fellow parents, and help shape the direction of the PTO’s initiatives.
No experience is necessary – just a willingness to volunteer your time and energy to make a positive difference. If you’re interested or would like to learn more, please send us an email at roberthunterpto@gmail.com or attend our next PTO meeting in March. We’d love to have you join us!
Robbie Raccoon's Adventure Camp - Register by May 30th
Teachers and support staff invite young adventurers to join them at Robert Hunter this summer. Register RH students entering first to fourth grade for 1 to 6 weeks of summer enrichment at https://roberthunterelem.membershiptoolkit.com/
Family Olympics - February 21st
Robert Hunter staff members are hard at work preparing for Family Olympics!! Please sign up to contibute to the concession stand HERE.
Day at the Movies - February 23
Hillsborough cinemas will be hosting a private screening of Dog Man for Robert Hunter friends and family on February 23rd at 11am. Order tickets while supplies last at https://roberthunterelem.membershiptoolkit.com/. Please contact Megan Pacyna at RobertHunterPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
PTO Meeting - March 11
Please join us in the cafeteria for our next PTO meeting on March 11th at 6:30pm. The meeting will be focused on assembling and wrapping baskets for the upcoming basket auction. We hope you can join us! All attendants will be entered into a raffle to win an after school club session or free admission to the upcoming rollerskating night in Frenchtown on March 23rd.
Spaghetti Dinner - March 21
Our 3rd Annual Spaghetti dinner night will be held in the cafeteria of Robert Hunter on Friday, March 21st.
Fourth graders will have the unique opportunity to seat guests, take orders and serve family and friends! Stay tuned for more details from the 4th grade events committee!
Robbie's Skate Night - March 23
Save the date for our annual skate night at Frenchtown roller rink on Sunday, March 23rd at 4:30pm. Additional details will be published in an event flyer soon.
Basket Auction - April 11
Save the Date for one of our most important fundraisers of the year! Our Annual PTO Basket Auction is Friday, April 11th!
Get Involved by:
1) Donating to your Homeroom class basket. (Homeroom parents will be reaching out soon!)
2). Donate a basket from your business or family. Sign up here:
3) Share our PTO Basket Auction Wishlist Link with family and friends: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1HZ5CA52XUCDC...
Please submit all donations by March 7th and contact Sherri Biniaros if you are interested in helping or have any questions at sbiniaros@gmail.com.
Order Robert Hunter spiritwear this week and shipping is free. Login to purchase at https://roberthunterspiritwear.com/
Order your yearbook and custom pages. Login at https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=10160407073332
Please reach out to the yearbook committee at Roberthunteryb@gmail.com with any questions.