Maynard Public Schools
January 7, 2025
Superintendent's Message
Green Meadow Elementary School - Airborne and Surface Mold Sampling Results
Good Morning Maynard Community,
The progress continues at Green Meadow Elementary School, the mold tests were performed on Monday, January 6, 2025. According to the consultant from UEC, the results show a low level of some mold as detected in the surface samples. Low to average levels of various types of mold were also detected in the airborne samples.
The average levels are mostly related to the current humid conditions at the school due to the leak. Levels will significantly drop once the wet/damaged sheetrock is dry.
The Airborne and Surface mold sampling results are viewable via these links:
As you know Green Meadow Elementary School is an old building in the process of being replaced. Many U.S. homes and public buildings built before the 1980s, such as schools and office buildings, contain asbestos. As it was used as part of the building materials. Currently, the asbestos at Green Meadow is inside the walls, under the tiles in some areas and building materails and not in the air.
Later this week, the abatement work will begin after school hours. The scope of work related to the water/heating leak includes removing asbestos-containing joint compound and sheetrock at select locations.
All asbestos abatement activities will be performed by an experienced, Massachusetts-licensed contractor under the complete supervision of Massachusetts-licensed project monitors in accordance with DEP/DLS regulations.
The project will be performed by isolating the ACM abatement work areas from non-ACM abatement work areas by erecting enclosures covered with two layers of polyethylene sheeting inside the ACM abatement work area and installing negative air machines to put the ACM abatement work area under negative pressure.
Continuous air sampling will be performed by the monitor during and after any asbestos abatement activity to establish airborne ambient levels inside and outside the ACM abatement work area and ensure that airborne fibers are within EPA limits.
After the ACM abatement work is completed, visual inspections and clearance air samples will be performed at each work area. The project monitor will analyze the samples to ensure acceptable conditions.
I will be sharing the updated test results once the abatement work has been completed.
We will continue to keep staff and students safe by following the recommendations of the experts.
Brian Haas
You and your family may be eligible for Fuel Assistance!
You and your family may be eligible for Fuel Assistance! Massachusetts has a home energy assistance program (HEAP) to help eligible households pay a portion of winter heating bills. If you are found eligible, not only will part of your heating bills be paid, but you will get lower rates from your energy suppliers. This program is entirely free, and there are no application costs.
On January 12, 12:00-4:00, Maynard resident Jennifer Rifkin Tyler will be at the High School to assist families with the application process. While drop-ins are welcome, it may be beneficial to set up an appointment. If you are interested in making an appointment or learning more about the program, please contact Jennifer at jennifer.rifkin@gmail.com. All appointments and email inquiries will be entirely confidential.
You can also learn more about HEAP at:
MPS Project: Green Meadow
Our webpage now has information about our building project. If you go to the main page of our website at https://www.maynard.k12.ma.us/ you will see MPS PROJECT - The Green Meadow Building Project.
Updated radon information (12/9/24) - https://secure.smore.com/n/0bmr4g
Maynard Public School and Community Events
Friends of Maynard Basketball - see the flyer
- Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth - Parenting Solutions Library
Click the link below for more information on events.