November 11, 2024
Attendance in school and participation in class are an integral part of academic achievement and the teaching-learning process. Regular attendance develops patterns of behavior essential to professional and personal success in life. Regular attendance by every student is mandatory: the State of North Carolina (G.S. 115C-378) requires that every child in the State between the ages of seven (or younger if enrolled) and 16 years attend school. Parents or legal guardians have the responsibility for ensuring that students attend and remain at school daily. Any parent, guardian, or other person violating the provisions of the Compulsory Attendance Law is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor.
In grades 9-12, a student who misses more than 10 days in a semester, shall not be awarded course credit except by determination of the teacher and principal upon careful review of the student’s records. Make up work may be assigned by the student’s teacher as deemed appropriate. All make up work shall be completed within a reasonable amount of time as determined by the child’s teacher.
Students can have a maximum of10 absences in each course.
On the 11th absence, students may lose course credit.
There are only 2 ways students may earn course credit if they have more than ten absences:
1. Make-Up Time
2. A Hardship Waiver
In order to help students who have exceeded the allotted absences, NHS will offer make-up time sessions.
How will it work?
- Students must make up one hour for every absence over 10 in a class.
- Students may make up a maximum of 10 absences in each class.
- So, the TOTAL absences a student may have is 20 in a class to be eligible for make-up time.
- Students will be assigned work to complete during make-up time.
- All make-up time must be completed in the designated times on the schedule.
- No additional sessions will be allowed.
- Students must make-up time in the designated location each day. They may not choose to make up time in a different classroom.
- Students may not make-up time with any teacher or staff member designated for make-up time that day.
1. Apply for makeup time by submitting the form below.
2. When the form is turned in, attend makeup time as shown on the schedule below.
Important notes:
- Make-up time and Hardship waivers are for COURSE CREDIT ONLY. It DOES NOT count for athletic eligibility.
- Please refer to the Onslow County Athletic Handbook or Athletic Director for details on athletic eligibility.
- Suspensions and quarantines do not have to be made up.
- No waiver applications or hardship requests will be accepted after January 13.
- Students must have their own transportation and be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of make-up time sessions. Students who are left past 15 minutes may be dropped from the program.
- Students removed from make-up time sessions for rules infractions are not eligible to attend any further sessions.
- This program is for make-up hours only. Students must still have earned a passing grade to receive course credit.
- If there is a hardship that has caused a student to have more than 10 absences in a class, a parent/guardian can apply for consideration for a waiver. All hardship requests will be reviewed by staff.
- If a hardship waiver is granted, no makeup time will be required.
- Please pick up a hardship request form in the main office and return it as soon as possible.
- Incomplete hardship forms will not be reviewed.