Newsletter 1/24/2025

Our mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to the well-being and education of every student and a relevant resource for our North Creek families and community.
January 24, 2025
Upcoming Events
January 27- Grading Day (No-School).
January 28- Start of 2nd Semester
January 29-One Pill Can Kill Presentation, see details below.
January 30 -PTSA General Membership Meeting via Zoom . Register here!
PTSA Food Pantry
If your family is in need of food support for the rest of this school year, please sign up below.
The PTSA Food Pantry bags will be delivered by our food pantry volunteers.
Wednesday, February 5- regular weekly bag
Formulario de solicitud de alimentos de NC/Skyview- Enero-Junio 2025
Skyview/North Creek PTSA Food Drive at QFC - February 23!
Skyview PTSA & North Creek PTSA are hosting a Food Drive benefiting their joint food pantry (serving both schools). The food drive is scheduled for Sunday, February 23, 10am-3pm.
MONITOR COLLECTION STATIONS: We need volunteers to monitor the tables outside the entrances to QFC. Volunteers will hand out flyers with a shopping list and kindly ask community members if they want to help. Sign up here.
DONATE FOOD: Save the date for the food drive, swing by QFC, and contribute if you can!
Reflections Update
Drum roll please..
Congratulations to all of our artists who shared their idea and concept for this year reflection theme "Accepting imperfections". We had a total of 10 submissions from our school. We also have one entry from NCHS that qualified to the State. The state qualifiers will be judged at State level for advancing to Nationals.
Congratulations Divyata Bhattarai (10th grade) for advancing to WA state reflections in the Visual Arts Category.
"One Pill Can Kill" Presentation sponsored by Skyview MS PTSA
One Pill Can Kill. Presentation and Q&A to share critical information that could save a life.
7-8:30 pm: We encourage ALL parent, caregivers, teachers, etc to attend this education event, presented by Marcus Pickett, Community Outreach Specialist from the Seattle DEA. He is going to share information about fentanyl and how it gets into the hands of kids - and how to talk to your kids about it to help prevent devastating situations. He is staying after the presentation to host a Q&A session, so feel free to come with questions!
More details here:https://skyviewmsptsa.org/Article/View/Save-the-Date-ONE-PILL-CAN-KILL-Parent-Education
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Open House for Parents and Students
Join NSD CTE on Thursday, February 6th, at Bothell High School for an evening of program exploration, course planning, and career inspiration with our Career and Technical Education program informational booths. Learn from instructors and current students about our Career and Technical Education courses and student leadership offerings!
Check out NCHS website for more details, https://northcreek.nsd.org
We need your help!
We have a few volunteer opportunties coming up. We are looking for a few folks that could help with the following...
-Nominating Committee
-Awards Committee
-Financial Review Committee
If you are a PTSA member and looking to volunteer a few hours or just want more information contact Barby Taheri at president@northcreekptsa.com
Class of 2025 Section
This section is where we will share important class of 2025 information each newsletter.
Question? Email NCHS PTSA President, Barby Taheri, president@northcreekptsa.com
We serve the students of North Creek High School in the Northshore School District.
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This is a great resource to stay informed about upcoming events for North Creek High School. You do NOT need to be a PTSA member to be a part of this mailing list.