The Collaboration Corner
Collaborative for the Common Good Newsletter -September 2021
Let's Give em Pumpkin to Talk About!
Chartwells + CCG + Heart for Monroe = Powerful Partnerships
Wingate Eats does more than serve the students, faculty, and staff of Wingate University delicious food, they strive to create positive change in the food system through meaningful food experiences that promote wellbeing for both people and planet. To guide them in their journey, they have implemented RISE, their new sustainability platform. RISE focuses on the Reduction of waste, Inspiring change, Sourcing responsibly, and Engaging the Wingate University community. Through the RISE platform, Wingate Eats has formed a partnership with Heart for Monroe to reduce Food Waste on campus by donating surplus food. To date, they have donated over 2,000 pounds of food, and are just getting started! On September 24th, they are asking student organizations to help us feed our community by donating canned goods and non-perishable items to Hearts for Monroe. The student organization that donates the most canned goods will receive a Carved and Crafted catering event for their organization. For more details on how your organization can donate contact the Wingate Eats Marketing Manager at s.gibson@wingate.edu (see picture below right).
Introducing the new Economic Information Center!
Help us Brighten our Bulldogs' Spirits!
Jeopardy Night with SNCAE and the CCG
Donate a school supply in order to participate in a night of Jeopardy with the Student North Carolina Association of Educators (SNCAE)!
Join us in Hayes 209 on September 23rd from 7-8 pm. School supplies will be collected in partnership with The Collaborative for the Common Good and Chalk it Up to Love East, an organization that distributes school supplies to Title I schools in Union County.
Lab of Difference Making: Innovation in Education
Join us every week at the Doghouse!
Good Gatherings in the Garden
As we say goodbye to the heat and hello to cooler autumn days, our garden is making room for new additions! Our Vista Neely harvested over 140 pounds of produce during August (donated to our local Wingate pre-school) and once the growing season was finished the amazing WU Lacrosse Team joined us during the United Way Day of Caring to help remove all of the old plants from the raised beds and production garden.
The fun isn't over yet though! The gardens may look empty now, but be sure to walk by and check out the seedlings just starting to pop up - special thanks to the WU Physical Therapy students who helped fertilize and plant new seeds. Stay tuned next month to hear more about the rainbow carrots, turnips, lettuce, kale, edible flowers, and other cool things cropping up in the Community Garden!
140 pounds of produce from our garden donated this month!
Thank you to the WU Lacrosse Team for volunteering during the United Way Day of Caring
Harvesting produce with our Awesome HungerCorps Vista Neely
A Map of Where Our Garden Produce Goes
Getting Ready for our Agricultural Immersion Days!
Hanging out with "Smarty Plants" from East Union Middle
The CCG is partnering with local farms, community partners, and Union County Public Schools to host "Agricultural Immersion Days" this fall! During these day camps, 8th graders will spend a Saturday learning about food systems and agriculture in Union County. Each day will begin at 10 and end at 3 with lunch provided.
This September, campers from East Union Middle will be participating in "Smarty Plants", a day focused on learning more about our campus community garden (and the science behind it) as well as featuring lunchtime with our Wingate athletes and a nature hike to the campus lake!
We are still hiring student workers! Come join the CCG team!
Community Partner Spotlight
Union County Heritage Festival
What is the Heritage Festival? ... it is a day packed full of storytelling, garden talks, K9 demonstrations, great blue grass music, cooking demos and so much more! And if running is more your idea of fun -- they have a Wild Turkey 5k trail run with all proceeds going to the Carolina Waterfowl Rescue. Join in the fun or volunteer to help.
Donate to our Local Title 1 School Teachers
Title 1 teachers in our area often have to pay out of pocket for school supplies. Chalk it up to Love East (a student-run partner organization with the CCG) strives to alleviate the financial burden on local teachers through school supply drives.
Want to support our cause? It's easy! School supply donation bins are available in the Austin Auditorium lobby as well as in Burris Hall (outside 104D).
Questions? Email Isabelle Walle at is.walle557@wingate.edu to learn more about how to get involved!
Do You Have a Story to Tell?
Sign up using the form below:
Learn More about the CCG!
Email: ccg@wingate.edu
Website: https://www.wingate.edu/around-campus/common-good
Location: Austin Auditorium, Wingate, NC, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCGWingate
Twitter: @CCGWingate