Principal's Weekly Update
October 12th, 2024
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):
We had two really big events at Madison this week-- our Talent Show and a Pep Rally-- so we have two "big photos" at the bottom-- I couldn't choose to feature one and not the other. Actually-- as I'm typing this I realize that we had a third huge highlight this week-- our Scholastic Book Fair. You can see a smaller picture of some students checking out some of the titles which were available for purchase. In our insert photo you see teachers Amanda Pires and Ben Anderson preparing to compete against students in what I'll call a "creative cart race"-- competitors had to "row" their cart by means of plungers-- this should give you enough of a sense of the zany events on the Pep Rally program.
Fall Parent/ Teacher Conferences
The upcoming Fall conferences will be held on Thursday, October 24th and Thursday, November 14th. The scheduling of appointments is now open! Click here for an information letter about conferences and click here for instructions on using School Appointments.
The Fun- a-Thon is fast approaching– it will be held this Friday, 10/18. Please see the PTA Fun-a-Thon PowerPoint for information on this fundraiser, which will help to support many of our activities this year. All students are being asked to register (by homeroom) with Schoolfundr and to share links with relatives, friends, parent coworkers, and neighbors. Every student that registers and receives at least 1 donation is eligible for prizes. Grand prizes (Beats earpods, $50 Amazon card, Owala Water Bottle) go to students that raise the highest number of donations.
Our PTA will meet this Wednesday, 10/16 at 7:30pm. As a reminder, you can join us in person in the Learning Commons, or tune in via Zoom: Link.
Meeting ID: 863 2971 7632. Passcode: 629072
Community News: Hillcrest Referendum Frequently Asked Questions
On September 25, the community came together for a forum on the "New" Hillcrest building. During the presentation we agreed to create a document that answers questions that we received at the forum and in other communications. Please use the link below to review the FAQ Document. This FAQ Document provides quite a bit of information about the project and the upcoming referendum.
The Trumbull High School Athletic Department has asked us to remind our families that any middle school student who is attending the home football games at THS must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to enter the game.
Pink Pledge
Madison Middle School is supporting the PINK PLEDGE again this year, on Friday, October 18th, in support of patients receiving care through the Norma Pfriem Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital. Students are encourage to wear pink on that day and bring a $1 donation to the Main Office or donate HERE.
Clubs & Activities:
Crochet Club will meet next Wednesday,10/16. After next week, we will be meeting weekly on Mondays.
As part of TeenTober– on Wednesday, 10/16 students can create some Spooky Anime Art with Miss Mata in the Learning Commons .
S.A.V.E Club will meet on Wednesday, 10/16 in Room 103. New members welcome! Questions? See Ms. Mancini or Mrs. Durand.
The next Sports Club activity is Soccer. Signups are underway in all PE classes. The permission slip deadline is Friday, 10/18.
In addition to our PTA meeting on Wednesday and our Fun-a-Thon on Friday, there is another big annual event on this week's calendar-- our 8th Grade Career Night, for students and parents on Thursday, 10/17. The event begins at 6:45. Students will have the opportunity to hear presentations from people who work in a diverse range of fields. Myself and several of the Madison staff were able to celebrate our own profession by attending the "Bored Teachers Comedy Tour" last night at the Palace Theater in Waterbury. Don't let the title fool you--- there is never anything boring about teaching, and as you can imagine, the program features actual teachers sharing real life teaching tales that are really funny. If you ever want to be part of a raucous audience, go see the show, especially on a Friday night, as an audience of teachers files in fresh off another week's adventures.
Have a great weekend !!
Take care,