SMS Newsletter
Summer 2023
The Sacajawea community is committed to
ensure high levels of learning for all students.
We are a compassionate community that honors grit
and celebrates growth in order to face the future
with a level head and a critical eye.
Principal's Corner
Thank you, families, for the continued support you have provided your students and our staff throughout this year. We saw tremendous growth in our students–physically, cognitively, socially, emotionally–in all areas of their adolescent development. The middle school years are amazing, as you know, and the growth we are able to support and witness over three years is incredible. Their success is directly related to the involvement, encouragement, and accountability you provide at home in connection with their learning here at school. Thank you!
This summer, encourage your kids to read, to bike/hike/swim/skate/get outdoors, and then read some more. Enjoy your time with them. We will miss them all.
Next year, Ashley Henigman and Holly Walker will be leading our staff at Sac on behalf of your kids’ continued growth. They will be an amazing team based on their love of children, commitment to helping kids learn, and dedication to making our school community the highest quality possible. They are surrounded by a staff who share those same ideals.
And I will be elsewhere. Thank you for your partnership through the years and for entrusting me with guiding Sacajawea forward. It has been immensely rewarding.
Gordon Grissom
Sac's New Principal!
Counseling Connection
Who will our school counselors be in 2023-2024?
Leah Kreitinger- Assigned teams: All 8th-grade teams, will work with 6th grade teams
Meghan Powell- Assigned teams: All 7th-grade teams, will work with 6th grade teams
Currently Hiring - SAFE-TI Program counselor
Natasha Fraker- School counselor, Natasha is at SMS two mornings a week
Important Dates:
August 23rd-25th: K-12 PIR Days. Teachers will return to the building. Expect communication about packet pickup during this week.
August 28th: First day of school for grades 1-12
September 4th: No School - Labor Day Weekend
*Communication regarding schedule pick-up will occur the week or two before school begins. Please be aware that sometimes schedules are visible in PowerSchool during the summer, but they are not final until officially released on schedule pick-up day. The week before school starts, counselors and administrators will be at SMS for schedule pick-up day.
Students will receive their schedules, along with team assignments, and have
the opportunity to tour the school.
Parents of 6th graders will have guided tours and time to ask questions.
Ashley Mares-Jones, our amazing Parent Liaison, will also host a Thriving 6th Graders
parenting group during this time.
How will counselors provide lessons next year?
Good question! We are not sure yet! We will be working over the summer to find ways to incorporate our Whole Child Character Building lessons into the new 90-minute block periods. Our hope is to continue to have a weekly lesson; though, without advisory periods, we are needing to get creative! Stay tuned!
What can you do over the summer to help your student?
Create structure/schedules. Continue to set routines for students - after all, we are creatures of habit!
Limit screen time. Set boundaries and ask your student to follow those guidelines, most especially at bedtime.
Provide opportunities to connect. Whether it’s a camp, a walk to the park, or some time outside with family/friends, plan some time for students to feel connected with their peers.
Give students a purpose. This could look like a summer job, chores around the house, or simply a checklist to accomplish.
Encourage time for rest/relaxation and self-care. Students spent the year learning about and building a toolbox with ways to self-regulate. From taking a walk to exercising to talking with friends, reading, or deep breathing, help students continue to build their toolbox over the summer.
Have a great summer, Falcons! We’ll see you in the fall!
Nursing Station
Medical appointments often take place over the summer. It is a good opportunity to get any necessary medical forms for school completed and off your To-Do List. If your student has asthma, a severe allergy, needs medication at school, or any health condition we should know about, these forms can be found on the Bozeman School District website:
Once they are completed by you and/or your doctor, please return them by
one of the following ways:
Fax: (406)522-6474 Attn: Nurse
US mail: Sacajawea Middle School Attn: Nurse
3525 S 3rd Ave, Bozeman, MT 59715
Existing Health Forms are required to be updated yearly. Please contact Jeana Gaskill, School Nurse. If you have any questions or concerns, I am happy to help. Thank you!!
Going to be 7th Grade Students
Prior to attending school all 7th grade students must provide documentation of the Tdap booster (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccination or a completed religious exemption. Documentation may be shared through email with our registrar (, faxed to the school (406-522-6474), or dropped off at the main office.
**The Gallatin County Health Department will be having a walk-in clinics**
Click on the link for more info:
Para Familias de Habla Hispana
Hola Familias de Sacajawea Middle School,
Mi nombre es Mayra Domínguez Lindberg y soy la Enlace de Padres de Thrive apoyando a las familias de Bozeman con hijos en las escuelas públicas. Les quiero recordar que todas las Enlaces de Padres del distrito de Bozeman no estarán disponible durante el verano. Les agradezco por conectarse conmigo y espero seguir apoyándolos el próximo año escolar.
Aquí les comparto la más reciente revista digital con
información sobre eventos este verano:
Este enlace es de recursos para temas importantes cómo la tecnología, las guarderías, la asistencia escolar, y la crianza de los hijos en dos hogares:
Finalmente, recuerden que la página web del distrito escolar también
tiene información valuable y recursos:
Mayra Domínguez Lindberg
Parent Liaison | Enlace de Padres
t: 406-219-0002 | f: 406-922-4254 |
407 S Ferguson, Bozeman, MT 59718
Haz click aquí para obtener más información
Middle School Athletics
interested in playing sports this fall at SMS!
Registration for football, volleyball, and mixed tennis will open on August 1st, 2023. All registration will be completed online. You must have a current sports physical to participate in 7th/8th grade activities. To be current, your physical must be completed after May 1st, 2023.
Please be on the lookout for informational emails coming out this summer with important updates regarding registration. Schedule information will be available at schedule pick-up in August.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Bozeman Middle School Athletic Director, Danny Waldo, at
8th Graders to Costa Rica 2024
The school board just approved a 9-day trip to Costa Rica for next year's 8th graders! This trip is coordinated by EF Tours and led by Kelly Hayden (8th grade math and science teacher). This trip will also provide the opportunity for new perspectives, to develop a sense of independence, and to build skills for the future through this experience.
There are still a few spots available for the 2024 Adventures to Costa Rica trip.
The trip dates are June 14th-22nd, 2024. Visit this page here: to enroll.
Questions? Email:
------ Expand Your World ------ Host an Exchange Student
The Rotary Youth Exchange program is a high school exchange program
sponsored by Rotary International that provides an opportunity for students from around the world to come to the United States, and for local American students to spend a year
abroad on an international exchange.
** We still need additional Host Families to complete the 2023-2024 school year **
Rotary's Incoming Exchange Students for 2023-2024 will be a high school girl from Spain and a high school boy from Italy.
Host family criteria:
• A safe and secure home for the student
• Room, board, and transportation for the student
• Financial ability to provide room and board (no other expenditures are expected of the family)
• Willingness to learn about the student and their culture
• Desire to provide a wonderful, life-changing experience for both the student and your family
The student will attend a high school in your area and will participate with your family in the same way as your own child. Help the student improve English, learn US customs, and meet
and make friends through school and other local activities.
Need more information? Contact:
John S. Patterson
Bozeman Rotary Club
(406) 581-9767
Summer Kids Lunch Program
Summer should be a stress-free time for parents and kids. Let HRDC’s Summer Meal Program help. The Summer Meals Program is available all summer long, Monday-Friday at various times around the lunch hour! Lunches are free to ALL kids and teens 18 and under.
This year we will be serving at the following locations:
- Beall Park 11:30 - 12:30 Mon-Fri - We mostly serve YMCA campers, but do have some families come out too.
- Hyalite Elementary 12:00 - 1:00 Mon-Fri - We mostly serve YMCA campers, but do have some families come out too.
- MSU Fam/Grad housing- 12:00 - 1:00 Mon-Fri
- Story Mill Park - 12:00 - 1:00 Mon-Fri
- Walton Homestead Park- 12:00 - 1:00 Mon-Fri
Text “food” or “comida” to 304 304 for
a site near you or visit
Inexpensive Summer Activities for Middle Schoolers
Hoping to keep your kid active this summer without breaking the bank?
- Check out FREE passes to area attractions including the Museum of the Rockies and Montana Science Center here: Passes go fast—so book in advance, if possible. Dates must be specified.
- Many local organizations offer volunteer opportunities for middle schoolers. From shelving books at the Public Library to cuddling cats at Heart of the Valley—opportunities abound. Connect directly with each organization.
- Did you know that many local summer camps have scholarships available? The comprehensive summer guide is here: Reach out to the camp itself to explore scholarship opportunities—scholarships go fast!
- Avoid the Summer Slump— The local public Library has an incredible teen summer reading program here
GSGV Girls' Summer Camp
Just a friendly reminder about our Girls' Stories, Girls' Voices Summer Camp through Thrive this summer. The summer camp is for girls that will be entering grades 6th-8th. We do different activities each day from movement, like yoga, to mindfulness, STEM activities,
and a lot of creativity, self-discovery, and discussion.
We do have scholarships available as well, so we can work with families that may need one. They can register on our website at (the info is housed under the
Parent Place page), or here is the direct link to registration.
Summer Social Emotional Group for Middle School girls
World Language Initiative Summer Camps
Upcoming Dates and Events
- 8th: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, students out at 12:45 pm - Enjoy your summer!
- 9th: PIR Day, NO SCHOOL
- 1st: Registration for football, volleyball, and mixed tennis opens
23rd - 25th: PIR Days - Teachers return to SMS
HRDC's Healthy KidsPack
What is Healthy KidsPack?
A partnership between your school and the HRDC that provides free,
nutritious bags of snacks and simple meals to students to take home for the weekends.
Bags contain healthy, kid-friendly items that are easy to prepare. Items cycle each
week and include many local products.
How does the program work and why should I sign up?
Every Friday afternoon, your child will receive a KidsPack bag from
school in their backpack or locker. Participation is discreet and
confidential. With Healthy KidsPack, you can stretch
your family’s budget and save time and energy on meal prep!
Who can sign up?
Healthy KidsPack is for everyone! Any family with children in
grades K-12 can sign up.
Signing up is easy! Click on the corresponding button below to print out a sign-up form.
Fill out the bottom portion and return to the SMS front office.
You can unenroll at any time.
Box Tops for Education
Did you know Sacajawea Middle School is part of the Box Tops for Education program?
It has changed to a mostly digital program. Traditional clip out Box Tops are being phased out but you can still send them to school (make sure it doesn’t say scan) to be turned in to the library.
The new process is so much easier!
1. Get the free, new and improved Box Tops mobile app on your phone.
2. Buy your groceries and ask for the receipt.
3. Take pictures of your receipt with the app within 14 days of purchase.
4. It will find any qualifying products and give 10 cents for each one to the school!
The money adds up and is used to enhance the book selection at our library.
It’s costs you nothing but 30 seconds of your time and you can help ALL the students at your child’s school. Encourage your friends and relatives to do the same.
On the Box Tops for Education website, you can find coupons and special deals.
Thank you so much for giving back to others!
Your PAC Team & SMS Library
Sacajawea Middle School
Location: 3525 South 3rd Avenue, Bozeman, MT, USA
Phone: (406) 522-6400