Henry Hawk News
Week of May 11, 2020
Principal's Message
We would like to wish all of our Henry moms a very Happy Mother's Day. We appreciate all the hard work you put into your families and our Henry community.
Thank you also to all of the families who have shared their appreciation for our teachers last week for Teacher Appreciation Week.
Have a great week and remember, "Everything is Possible, Nothing is Unimaginable".
-Stay Well
Principal Gutierrez
Henry Office Hours
Animal Day
Book Day
Come take a yoga class with Ms. Nunn Day
3rd Quarter Virtual Awards
We will conduct a virtual recognition on Thursday, May 14th. Recognition will be given for Attendance, A/B Honor Roll, and Principal Honor Roll.
Grades PreK-4th at 2:00 pm
Join by phone
+1 650-781-0925 PIN: 285 841 090#
Grades 5th-8th at 2:30 pm
Join by phone
+1 424-625-5686 PIN: 885 927 676#
April Hawk of the Month
April Hawk of the Month will be held this Friday May 15 at 1:30 pm. Invitations will be shared by teachers this week to the Hawk of the Month.
LSC Meeting
Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US)+1 262-682-3317
PIN: 753 733 922#
CPS 4th Quarter Grading
Updates on grading, graduation and requirements and promotion policy:
Food Distribution
Henry School will continue being a food distribution site for our community.
Please see the list of other sites across the city in the link below.
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Main Door #2 on St. Louis Ave.
If you are unable to pick up food from your child's school, you can fill out the home delivery form here. Please note one form submission equals one delivery.
Remote Learning (Technology Support)
CPS Parent Tech Support Hotline
Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Support is available in English and Spanish.
Get Internet access
Your student may need Internet access to participate in remote learning classroom activities. For help on choosing an Internet service provider or using your mobile device as a hotspot, read Getting Connected to the Internet.
Chromebook Waitlist
Currently we have a Chromebook waitlist for students still in need of technology at home. Please call the office Monday through Friday between 9:00 am - 1:00 pm to get on the waitlist if you currently do not have a Chromebook for your child and are in need of one.
Patrick Henry School
Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Reynolds, and Mrs. Abraham
Website: patrickhenryes.cps.edu
Location: 4250 N St Louis Ave, Chicago, IL, USA
Phone: 773-534-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PatrickHenryHawks/
Twitter: @PatrickHenrySc1