VPMS Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Steinkamp - October 2024
Character Word of the Month: Perseverance
It's also this time to talk about Perseverance...So what does this look like?
What is Perseverance?
Perseverance is sticking with things. It means being hardworking and finishing what is started, despite barriers and obstacles that arise. The pleasure received from completing tasks and projects is very important to those who are high in perseverance. Sometimes he or she must dig deep and muster the will to overcome thoughts of giving up. Perseverance involves organizing oneself to support activities (e.g., scheduling breaks and sticking to them, rewarding in small ways along the way), but when all else fails, this strength helps the person to barrel through until the project is done. This helps build further confidence for future successes and goal accomplishment. Perseverance involves the voluntary continuation of a goal-directed action despite the presence of challenges, difficulties, and discouragement. There are two vectors of perseverance. It requires both effort for a task and duration to keep the task up.
CHADS - Mental Health and Social Media
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024, 06:30 PM
1 Main Street, Valley Park, MO, USA
Peer Mediation at VPMS
Since 2005, VPMS has implemented our Peer Mediation program with great success in helping students resolve their problems peacefully and without punitive consequences. Over the
years, this program continues to help students come up with their own solutions to problems
while teaching the skills essential to real life problem solving.
Please encourage your child to use our Peer Mediators to help settle disagreements with
friends or classmates. Not only is this a great way to practice responsibility for our feelings and
behaviors—it’s something we all benefit from!
How do you manage it all?
Managing Educational Technology - Confident Parents Confident Kids
Technology is a wonderful thing - until you are overwhelmed! Parents have the unique experience of being able to monitor their child's school life, but what happens when it's too much?
The link below leads to an article that may help all parents with tips on how to narrow in on what's important and how to lessen your anxiety when it becomes too much of a good thing!
Action For Happiness - Optimistic October
Q & A: My oldest child just started middle school. Now that she has different teachers for each subject, how can I partner with all of them?
To put faces with names, try attending an upcoming event to meet them, such as an open house, curriculum night or conferences coming up in October. You could also introduce yourself by writing a short message and copying and pasting it into an email for each teacher.
Either way, let them know you want to help your tween succeed, and ask what you can do to support her at home. Also, ask the teachers how they want to be approached (email, phone call, note).
Finally, find out if they want your child to come to them directly before you contact them. A middle school teacher may prefer that a student take the first step if she needs help or has a question.
Where in the World is Mrs Steinkamp?
This month, I will be visiting 7th grade classrooms to talk cyberbullying and evaluate the consequences of the choices we make online.
IF you or your child feel like there is a concern with any type of bullying behavior or concerns about character in general, please use our form so we (Mrs. Syron and Mrs. Steinkamp) can follow up!
Contact Mrs. Steinkamp
Email: esteinkamp@vpschools.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/vp.k12.mo.us/vpmscounseling/home
Location: 1 Main Street, Valley Park, MO, USA
Phone: 636-923-3509
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valleyparkmiddleschool
Twitter: @elsteinkamp