MES Weekly Scoop
It's A Great Day to Be A Bulldog! Bulldogs Don't Quit!
Principal's Note
Welcome Back, MES Students & Families!
We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer break! As we embark on a new school year, we are excited to welcome our students and families back to our learning community. Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you with us.
This year promises to be full of growth, learning, and new opportunities for your children. Our dedicated team of teachers and staff have been preparing over the last several weeks to creative a learning environment that supports both academic achievement, personal development, and accountability.
We are committed to working closely with you to ensure your child(ren) have a successful year. Communication between home and school is vital, so please don't hesitate to reach out to your child(ren)'s teachers or myself.
As the new principal of Marysville Elementary School, I am delighted to have this opportunity to make this year one of collaboration, learning, and fun. Together, we can support our students in reaching their full potential.
Here's to a fantastic year ahead!
Mrs. Janine Doebele
Marysville Elementary Principal
Staff Highlights
We are so thankful for our dedicated staff to prepare our building for a new year. There is a lot of work throughout the summer that takes an entire team to accomplish. Whether it be cleaning carpets, waxing floors, disinfecting all surfaces, just know their hard work does not go unnoticed.
Our teachers and staff have spent many hours over the last few weeks completing training for new curriculum or programs, learning about organizational culture in education, mental health/first aid training, crisis training, our CHAMPS building-wide expectations, and learning about new policies and procedures as we start the new year. It was jammed backed, but just like our students, our teachers and staff learn all of these valuable tools to continue to promote positive learning environments for our students.
Donnie Ballman, Shantielle Waddell, and Glenn Gorham-Custodial staff at MES. We also had a summer crew that helped over the summer make our school super clean!
Mr. Schroeder, Superintendent, address the staff with a welcome back and emphasizing our focus on our district's vision.
Moriah Dobrovolny providing mental health/first aid training to staff.
Officer Escalante providing training to staff during crisis situations as they want to be proactive to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
Lindsay McKanna from Greenbush is providing an overview of our CHAMPS behavior management training to our entire staff.
Thank you, Marysville Chamber & Main Street-ONE MARYSVILLE
Our staff was gifted a delicious breakfast provided by a complete spread of treats and foods around Marysville. Thank you Marysville Chamber & Main Street, ONE MARYSVILLE for your hospitability.
MES Back to School Night!
Come find out who your child's teacher will be! We can not wait to share the excitement with you!
If you are unable to attend Back to School Night from 5:00-6:30 PM, please call the office at 785-562-3641 on Tuesday to find out your child's teacher prior to the 1st day of school.
Important Policy Updates
24/25 MES Parent Handbook
Please review the revised 24/25 MES Parent Handbook
1) School Start/End Times have changed
- School Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:15 PM
- Morning Preschool Hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Arrival time 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM)
- Afternoon Preschool Hours: 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM (Arrival time 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM)
2) Student Personal Technology
The usage of personal cell phones and other electronic devices (tablets, handheld games, kindles, smart watches, etc.) are not permitted on school property (classrooms, hallways, gym, blacktop, playground, bus line, route buses, etc). If devices are carried to school by students, the devices must be silenced and not visible (in backpacks) prior to entering and exiting the school property. If this expectation is not met, the phone or other personal electronic device may be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. After the first offense, parents will be contacted to retrieve the device. Any subsequent offenses will result in an office referral and a parent meeting with the principal. The ultimate decision will be finalized by the building administrator(s). If a student needs to contact a parent during the school day, they should let their teacher or the office know. If a parent needs to contact their child during the day, they should call the office and a message will be given to the student. Watches and cell phones should not be used as recording devices for any purpose.
New Staff Introductions
We'd like to welcome our new teachers and staff to the MES Family! We will continue adding more next week!
Check out the new surfacing on our playground!
Preschool starts on Monday, August 26th, 2024
- Morning Preschool Hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Arrival time 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM
- Afternoon Preschool Hours: 12:15 PM - 3:15 PM (Arrival time 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM)
Breakfast and Lunch Menu for August
Bulldog Skill of the Week
Introducing Yourself
We follow the three R's in our building.
Be Ready
Be Responsible
Be Respectful
AND Be Safe
Our Bulldog Skill of the Week to kick-off the new year will focus on the importance of the 3 R's.
Introducing Yourself is a way to meet new people and allow people to get to know you a little better!
SAY, “MY NAME IS ____________.