NPHS Weekly Counseling Update
January 29, 2025
On Thursday, January 16th, we held class meetings with Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors to speak about registration for the 25-26 school year. Below is a recap of our meeting and we will continue with the registration process January 30th!
- Students were given enrollment sheets to write down the classes that they would like to take next year. The back of the sheet includes available courses for each grade level to choose form.
- Students were asked to speak with their teachers about what would be the next logical course for them to enroll in within their core classes and have teachers sign the form.
- During the Presentation we shared with students our NPHS: Course Flow slideshow which helps layout the progression of classes through their high school career.
- For further information and course descriptions, please access the Wentzville School District Course Guide HERE
- The deadline for having the Student Registration Sheets and classes inputted into FOCUS is JANUARY 31st!!!
As part of the registration process, we also shared the Pathways Slideshow .
When students are completing their courses they can also refer to Pathway Concentration Summary. This will allow students to review what classes are required to be a Pathway Completer and be recognized at their graduation ceremony.
Wentzville School District Special Programming
The Wentzville School District has several opportunities for programs for students to participate in during the school year. Please go through the PROGRAMMING SLIDESHOW
for more details about each program. There are links to apply to the programs on each slide along with specific deadline dates. Many of those dates are after the course selection sheets are due. Therefore we ask that students complete their course requests as if they will be at North Point all day. If accepted to a program we will meet with you to adjust your schedule for next year as needed.
We're thrilled to announce the upcoming CEA (Career Explorations Alliance) Career Weeks. Sign-ups begin on January 30th, 2025.
WSD is offering valuable Career Exploration Job Shadowing opportunities for 9th-12th grade students this Spring. Applications are due by February 14th, 2025
Click HERE to sign up!!!
9th and 10 Grade
- Continue to work on your GPA (need 2.5 unweighted GPA)
- Continue to work on your attendance (need 95%)
- Talk to Mrs. Pardo about tutoring, as many freshmen and sophomore do not start their hours until Junior year.
- You can do Job Shadowing, please see Mrs. Pardo for more information if interested in this opportunity.
- Students must attend a one-time training before beginning their hours.
- Two trainings a month are offered, one during the school day and one after school. The next training dates are: Wednesday, February 19th at 2:25 p.m.after school in the Student Center and then Thursday, February 20th during the first part of WIN Time in the Student Center.
11th and 12th Grade
- A+ Students can participate in Job Shadowing to earn hours
The other opportunities offered after attending Tutor Training:
- Chautauqua Application
- Special Opportunities, link available when there are opportunities (Evening & Sat events)
- Elementary Classroom tutoring (Instructions on A+ Contact List)
College/Universities and Military Visits!!
Visits will begin within the next two weeks!!! Visits by college and universities will be at designated time so please continue to check my weekly newsletter for signing up. The military branches will come visit students during lunch periods. This is a GREAT WAY to speak directly with representatives and learn first hand all they have to offer!!!!
Upcoming Visits: Sign up HERE.
University of Alabama, Monday, February 3rd at 11:50 a.m.
Missouri Valley College, Wednesday, February 5th at 1:40 p.m.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Tuesday, February 11th at 9:10 a.m.
Missouri University of Science & Technology, Wednesday, February 12th at 1:40 p.m.
NPHS Spring Spectacular Market 03/01/25 Parent & Student Volunteers Needed
NPHS Grad Night in partnership with the Grizzly Way Booster Club is hosting the 3rd Annual NPHS Spring Spectacular Market on Saturday, March 1st from 9-3PM at North Point High School with all money raised supporting the Class of 2025. We are in need of both parent and student volunteers for set-up on Friday, February 28th as well as on the day of the event, Saturday, March 1st. We are also in need of a few food donations for the volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please sign-up using the link below.
NPHS Spring Spectacular Market PARENT Volunteer Sign-Up
NPHS Spring Spectacular Market STUDENT Volunteer Sign-Up
Grad Night Planning Meeting
Join us at the next NPHS Grad Night Meeting this Monday, March 10th at 6PM at the NPHS Library. Hope to see you there!NPHS Senior Spirit Wear Online Store OPEN
The NPHS Class of 2025 Senior Spirit Wear Online Store will remain open through the end of January!! Choose from a wide variety of items, designs, and color options!! A percentage of all sales will benefit the Class of 2025!!
Order using the following link: https://shop.stlouisembroidery.com/north_point_seniors_2025/shop/home
Anyone who placed orders should be on the lookout for an email from stlouisembroidery@my-orders.design notifying you that your order has been completed and is ready for pickup at: ST LOUIS EMBROIDERY 121 AVALON INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY WENTZVILLE, MO 63385
Class of 2025 Grad Night Communication & Volunteer Sign-Ups
If you are interested in receiving communication or updates via email from NPHS Grad Night or would like to volunteer and help plan Grad Night 2025 as well as fundraising events, please fill-out the following survey: NPHS Grad Night Communications & Volunteer Survey
Follow NPHS Grad Night:
Twitter: North Point High School Grad Night
Facebook: North Point High School Grad Night
GroupMe: NPHS Grad Night 2025
Email nphsgradnight@gmail.com with any questions!
NPHS Student Center Team
(A-G) Mrs. VanRonzelen - kristinavanronzelen@wsdr4.org
(H-O) Mr. Laughman- konradlaughman@wsdr4.org
(P-Z) Mrs. Haley - meridithhaley@wsdr4.org
College/Career/A+ Program: Mrs. Pardo - melissapardo@wsdr.org
Educational Support Counselor: Heather Hanvy - heatherhanvy@wsdr4.org
Registrar: Mrs. Shumaker - kellieshumaker@wsdr4.org
Secretary: Mrs. Ritchey - jodyritchey@wsdr4.org