Gladiator News
October 10, 2024
Mission Statement
The mission of St. Jerome School is to empower each child's unique intellectual, moral, social, and physical development through a safe and nurturing environment. Through a cooperative partnership with families and the community, our school provides a quality education emphasizing faith formation, academic excellence, and service based on Catholic values.
Calendar of Events
October 11-- NO SCHOOL
October 14-- NO SCHOOL
October 16-- 8th grade shadow visit to VASJ
October 17-- 1:30 dismissal
October 21-- Picture Day! Pizza money orders due
October 23-- 8th grade shadow day to Lake Catholic
October 26-- Trunk or Treat at St. Jerome, 5:30-6:30
A Note From The Principals
Dear St. Jerome Families:
The 1st quarter has flown by, and our children are hard at work! As we progress through the school year, please remember to log in to Gradelink weekly to check your child's grades.
Important Reminder: All progress reports and report cards will be digital this year. No paper copies will be sent home.
If you do not have your Gradelink login information, please contact Mrs. Byrne at LByrne@stjeromecleveland.org for assistance. Thank you for staying engaged in your child's progress!
As the cooler months are approaching, students should no longer wear walking shorts as part of their uniform. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the season:
- Pants: Navy or khaki pants are required.
- Shirts: White, light blue, or green polo shirts.
- Sweatshirts: If your child is chilly, they are permitted to wear a St. Jerome crew neck sweatshirt, navy, green, or grey cardigan sweater.
- Please note: hoodies are not allowed.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students comfortable and in uniform!
Mrs. Lyndsey Byrne and Mrs. Katie Coan, Co-Principals
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parents: Conferences are mandatory and will be held the week of November 4, 2024. Please select your child's grade from the sign-up below. Our special teachers will also be available in the library from 3-7pm on November 7th if any parents would like to meet with them. If you have more than one child, please sign up for conferences for each child. Thank you!
Gym Uniform
We will no longer be selling the St. Jerome Gym Uniform at school. Moving forward, all gym uniforms and spirit wear will be available for purchase all on one site and ship to your home.
Gym Shirt Option 3, Long Sleeve
Save The Date!
Important Reminders
- Students arriving by car are not permitted in the building until 7:00 a.m.
- Make sure your child is ready to leave your car before you stop. If you need to take some time with him or her, park in the parking lot and walk your child over to the school. No child is permitted to walk across the parking lot on his/her own.
- Remember when children are exiting your car, all should exit on the passenger side for safety reasons.
- If there will be a change in your child's dismissal procedure, please either call the office or reach out to your child's teacher by 2pm.
- Please try and limit picking your children up early. Many children are getting picked up before dismissal. Not only are the children missing out on crucial instruction time, it is also a distraction to the other children in the classroom.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. As always, your child's safety is our top priority.
St. Jerome After School Care
A friendly reminder that if you would like your child to attend after school care, you must complete the proper paperwork along with the $50 registration fee per family.
Any child not picked up by 2:50pm, will be receiving a charge on their account. As well as anyone who is not picked up by 5:30pm, there will be a $5/minute charge after 5:30pm.
Invoices were sent home on 10/8. Please submit payments to Mrs. Hayes, thank you!
Pizza Lunch!
Our October Pizza Lunch will be on Friday, October 25th. All orders are due no later than Monday, October 21st.
Please fill out a sheet for each child and submit your money to your child's classroom teacher. No orders will be accepted without the attached paper.