September Updates
September 25, 2024
Wales families,
First and foremost, THANK YOU! We appreciate all of your support! September is bringing some warm weather. We try to get students outside each and every day, please make sure your student is dressed weather appropriately and has a water bottle. Thank you again for your ongoing support.
Mrs. Mahota
Important Dates
9/18- Open House 6-7pm
9/26- HALF DAY for all students no afterschool program
10/11- Picture Day
12/11- Evening Parent Conferences
12/12- Early Release Parent Conferences
Drop off Procedures
Each morning students are welcomed into the building at 8:40 am. If you are dropping your student off, please have them remain in your vehicle until the doors open. This ensures that students are not left unattended and are crossing the roadway safely.
Extended Day Program
Final call for the extended day program. We are still taking registrations for the program but currently do not have enough students to run the morning or afternoon programs. If you are in need of a new contract, please let the office know.
Please ensure your child comes to school with a note if there will be a change in your pick up protocol. We ask that the office be notified no later than 2:45 if a change needs to be made. Thank you for your help with this!
Reminders from the nurses office
With the start of the new year we just remind families of the following protocols:
-Students must be 24 hours fever free without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.
-Students must be 24 hours vomit free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
If your student requires medication that needs to be taken during the school day, please complete a medication consent form.
Please ensure that you have registered for PowerSchool and completed the emergency contacts portion. If you need login information, please contact the office.
Consumer Notification
Please see the attachments.