North Feb. 21

Three Things to Know
Read Across America Week
Monday, March 3: “Cat in the Hat Day” - Wear a hat
Tuesday, March 4: “Fox in Socks” - Wear crazy socks
Wednesday, March 5: “Wacky Wednesday” - Wear Mismatched clothes
Thursday, March 6: “ Oh, the Places You’ll Go” - Wear a jersey or college shirt or dress up as your future profession
Friday, March 7: “If I Ran the Zoo” - Bring a stuffed animal for the day
Yearbook Sales
Preserve the memories of this school year with our 2024-2025 Midview North & West Elementary Yearbook! Yearbooks are available for purchase now through March 14. To place your order, visit and enter the password 1001215767.
Even More Targeted Support for ELA & Math
Starting next week children may be switching classes during their ELA and/or math "WIN" (What I Need) time. This instructional time happens at the same time some students work with academic tutors. Each grade-level teacher team will continue to review data and create groups for children with like needs to provide instructional support or enrichment. Please feel free to message your child's teacher should you have any questions.
Events & Reminders
March 19 | 2nd Grade Concert at MHS | 6-7 p.m.
Our second graders have been hard at work preparing for their upcoming concert! We look forward to seeing you there!
March 20 | Early Release Day & End of the 3rd Quarter
Please note that North students will be dismissed two hours earlier than usual, at 1:15 p.m.
March 21 | Professional Development Day
Midview Local Schools will be closed.
March 24-28 | Spring Break
Midview Local Schools will be closed.
We Need Your Feedback!
It is an exciting time for Midview Local Schools! Our strategic planning process is officially underway, and we want YOUR input. We are committed to creating a plan that reflects the values and aspirations of the entire Midview family. Please consider sharing your thoughts by completing our online survey or attending an in-person focus group. Learn more and get involved here:
Featured Stories
Middie Chef Competition
This year, three of our students were selected to participate in the Middie Chef Competition. We are so proud of all of our students that submitted their recipes. Liana, Allyson, and Braelyn made their recipes with our Midview Kitchen Staff for our judges to taste.
Kindergarten Rocked 100 Days!!
States of Matter
Mrs. Whitesel's class learned about the different states of matter; solid, liquid and gas. The class enjoyed experiencing the different types of matter with a hands-on science experiment. Mrs. Whitesel challenged her students to blow up a balloon by combining a solid (baking soda) and liquid (vinegar) to create gas!
President's Day
Message from the Clinic
Extra Clothing
This week, please make sure your student brings at least one extra set of clothing to school. Accidents happen—whether due to wet weather, spills, or bathroom mishaps—and having a change of their own clothes ensures your child remains comfortable throughout the day. At this point in the school year, our supply of donated clothing has been fully utilized, so we appreciate your help in making sure each student has what they need. Thank you for your support!
Message from Mrs. Hamm, School Counselor
Word of the Month
Our February word of the month is Teamwork. Classrooms are learning and practicing what it means to work together with others, cooperatively and kindly.
Safety Videos
In accordance with Ohio’s Senate Bill 288, school district are required to provide developmentally appropriate instruction on child sexual abuse prevention. This instruction is also a required part of the district's health curriculum for students in grades K through 3. In January, we shared information about this instruction, including the videos used in these lessons, with parents and guardians.
Beginning the week of February 10th, Mrs. Hamm began presenting the videos to our classes. Many students in first and second grade remembered the videos from last year, and reinforcing these message will continue to benefit them. For kindergarteners, this material is new, so we are taking a slower, more gradual approach. Students are learning how to protect themselves with safety rules presented in the videos. Feel free to ask your child what they remember from these lessons!
Staff Spotlights
Steve Hayhurst, Physical Education Teacher
Years in the district: 23 years
What excites me most about my job: The amazing students, staff, and community. This is a great place to be a Middie. I love interacting with my students daily, and sometimes (physically) pushing them to try their hardest, even when they think they can't.
What has working at Midview Local Schools taught YOU? People will come and go, but having the title 'Once a Middie, always a Middie' is a great permanent feeling. I'm blessed to be part of such great community and school district.
A few of my favorite things include: Sushi, garlic mashed potatoes, and good hike/adventure.
What is most important to me in my role: Making sure my student (and staff/community) know that I care about each of them, and I'm always right here if they ever need help, or just someone to talk to.
Shawn Bristow, Physical Education Teacher
Years in the district: 20 years
Reason(s) I chose to pursue my position at Midview Local Schools: Exercise, physical activity, and fitness are so important that I wanted to P.E. I always loved working out and playing sports.
Some of my hobbies/interests outside of my career: Working out, coaching and watching wrestling.
I am not a big fan of: Long lines, and traffic jams.
Working at Midview Local Schools has taught ME: Patience, integrity, flexibility, and compassion.