Dos Rios Elementary Newsletter
October, 2024
Everyone Matters, Everyone Learns
Upcoming Dates
October 2-School Pictures
October 8-PTO Meeting, 4:15pm, Dos Rios Library
October 7-11-Scholastic Book Fair
October 10-Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-8pm
October 11-NO SCHOOL/ End of 1st Qtr/Parent Teacher Conferences, 8-4pm
October 14-NO SCHOOL
October 15-Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-8pm
October 16--Kinder Field Trip to Moon Farm
October 24- Coffee Talk with Principal Cain, 8:30-9:30am
October 31- Wolf Pup Rally/ Halloween Festivities
November 1-Fall Fundraiser Pick Up 7:45am-2pm
November 1- NO SCHOOL
November 7- PTO Fall Carnival, 5:00-6:30pm
Fall Fundraiser
Book Fair and Parent Teacher Conferences
Join us for Parent Teacher Conferences and the Scholastic Book Fair. We are excited to share all the growth and learning of our students.
Parent Teacher Conferences
October 10 from 4-8pm
October 11 from 8-4pm
October 15 from 4-8 pm
Scholastic Book Fair
October 7-11 in the library
Before school 8:30-9:00am
After school 4:00-4:30pm
During Parent Teacher Conferences on October 10, 15, from 4:00-7:30
October 11th 9-3:30
Halloween Festivities
We are excited to have our Dos Rios Halloween parade on Thursday, October 31 at 3:00pm.
Your child will be able to wear his/her costume to school all day.
A classroom activity will take place after the parade. Approved parents/guardians are welcome to come to parties and/or the parade. Please be sure you check in at the office before entering the school for any part of the Halloween festivities.
We are also asking parents and students to ensure costumes are appropriate for school. We encourage students to dress as their favorite storybook characters and other positive role models. Student and parent costumes will:
Have no blood, gore, or scary/gruesome visuals
Not include weapons of any kind or props that could be considered a weapon
Will be subject to administration’s approval
Student Costumes: Be easy to get on and off for bathroom use-Especially for our younger students.
The parade will begin at 3:00pm. Please look for more information in your child's Thursday folder. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or the Dos Rios office at 254-7910.
Student Safety Reminder
Please ensure your student is not on campus before 8:30am each day. We DO NOT have supervision before 8:30am.
Student Absences
If your student will be absent, please notify the main office by 9:00am each day. This ensures student safety and helps us accurately maintain attendance records. 970-254-7910
Family Center
Reach out to our Dos Rios Family Center today for essential support-clothing, coats, food, housing, healthcare and more. Together, we fuel learning by fulfilling needs. Call Ashley Elliott at 254-7910.
October is Bully Prevention Month
In counseling, Ms. Shepard will be focused on bully prevention lessons.
Parents, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy. When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it is not acceptable.
Coffee Talk with Principal Cain
Join us on October 24th from 8:30-9:30 at Dos Rios, for time to ask questions and talk with Mrs. Cain.
Dos Rios PTO
We would like to invite all Dos Rios parents, grandparents and guardians to join the Dos Rios PTO. Shape your child's school experience, make lasting connections, and be a part of positive change. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the school at (970)254-7910 and ask for Ashley Elliott or attend the next PTO meeting on October 8th.