Walker Elementary
Solar Eclipse Monday, April 8, 2024
Check Out Procedures on Monday - No Check Outs During the Eclipse
Please note that check-outs must be completed at the front office either before 1pm or after the Eclipse, specifically from 2:10 to 2:30. No exceptions will be made.
Glasses & Safety During Viewing
Looking directly at the sun without solar glasses is dangerous. The partial eclipse allows the pupils to dilate allowing damaging light to enter the eye unimpeded. To directly observe the sun safely and easily, we will use the eclipse glasses which are made of colored paperboard with mylar lenses that allow only about 0.0003% of the sun’s light to pass through. The glasses the district purchased from Explore Scientific or donated from AR STEM Coalition have been tested and meet all ISO federal regulations. All students will be trained during an assembly on Monday how to properly use the glasses to ensure all students are safe during viewing the eclipse. There will be a zero tolerance for anyone attempting to remove glasses or not follow the safety procedures.
Eclipse Glasses MUST be Worn
About Walker Elementary
Email: lryan@sdale.org
Website: http://walker.sdale.org/
Location: 1701 S 40th St, Springdale, AR 72762, USA
Phone: (479)750-8874
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