Framingham High School
News and Notes - Volume 1, Issue 13
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Message From The Principal
Please see updates for this week.
#WeAreFHS #YouBelong #OurCityOurTime
Schedule For The Week
Monday, November 27th - Day 6 (DABEG)
Tuesday, November 28th - Day 7 (CBEFG)
Wednesday, November 29th - Day 1 (ABCDE)
Thursday, November 30th - Day 2 (CADGF)
Friday, December 1st - Day 3 (BAEFG)
We are continuining to have challenges at arrival. Whether a parent or someone else is dropping off their student in the morning, everyone needs to abide by the following protocols. Students should be ready to disembark from their vehicles when they reach the middle lane - please do not wait until they are first in line.
We will keep reminding families of the following critical pieces of our arrival procedure until things improve:
1. Do not make a sharp left out of the middle lane to cut through parking spaces. There were several times this week where adult drivers almost clipped other cars or people. Please be patient and wait in the middle lane.
2. Do not drop off in the third lane heading towards A street. This completely blocks the flow of traffic and backs everything up.
3. Do not park into a parking space to drop off your student. This is a relatively new development when our police detail was present. Pulling out of a spot also blocks the flow of traffic.
3. Do not come down Lowther and Benito Circle to drop your student off only to make a quick U-Turn. This is causing additional traffic at the back of the school as well as going into spaces were our buses need to pull through.
The protocols we have developed and implemented are for the safety of both adult and student drivers as well as students getting out of cars.
PTBO Corner
The Holiday Marketplace is this SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2nd! Please come out and support our community!
Holiday Marketplace Volunteers Needed!
The FHS Holiday Marketplace will take place on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023. It is our largest fundraiser of the year. We expect over 80 vendors and student groups to fill the FHS gymnasium and hallways, promoting their unique crafts, goods, and Flyers gear. Carve some time out of your busy schedule to swing by and check it out!
We need volunteers the night-before and day-of the event. Sign up here:
Follow the event on Instagram @ FHS_Holiday_Marketplace and FaceBook @ FHS Holiday Marketplace
Booster Room Volunteer Signup:
The Booster Room, located in the lobby of the FHS gymnasium, is open after school for students to purchase snacks, drinks, and merch (cash, only). We rely on parent volunteers in order for the Booster Room to be open. If you are available during the hours of 1 - 2:45 PM, please sign up here: Please note in the signup genius comment section, if this is your first time. Volunteers will be trained; no prior experience is necessary.
See what we’re up to:
Next meeting: Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024. Topics: course selection, midterm exams
Follow us on Instagram: @FHSPTBO_GoFlyers
Like us on Facebook @Framingham High School Parent Teacher Booster Organization
Contact us:
Massachusetts State Seal of Biliteracy
Framingham Public Schools will participate in the SEAL of BILITERACY initiative in Massachusetts for the 2023-2024 academic year. The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given in recognition of students who have attained proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in two or more languages by high school graduation. It promotes biliteracy as an asset and rewards students’ hard work in becoming bilingual and biliterate. The Seal of Biliteracy will take the form of a seal on the diploma of the graduating senior and is a statement of nationally recognized biliteracy for future employers and for college admissions. Please click the links below to learn more about this opportunity and to register.
Class of 2025 Fundraiser
The Class of 2025 is selling Flyers pajama pants this winter season! They will be $35 from now until December 1st and $40 after that date, so make sure you get them at a discounted price while you can! Here is the order form:
Thank you for supporting the Class of 2025 with our fundraising efforts!
Yearbook Update
Update from the Sports Desk
Congratulations to our Varsity Football Team who were victorious on Thanksgiving Day!
Winter tryouts begin on Monday, November 26th! Good luck to all of our student athletes this season! We will start updating our weekly home game schedule next week!
From The Stage Manager's Office ...
FHS Drama Company
By L. Frank Baum
With Music and Lyrics by Harold Arlen and E. Y. Harburg.
Background Music by Herbert Stothart
Dance and Vocal Arrangements by Peter Howard / Orchestration by Larry Wilcox
Adapted by John Kane for the Royal Shakespeare Company
Based upon the Classic Motion Picture owned by Turner Entertainment Co. and distributed in all media by Warner Bros.
Directed and Produced by Chris Brindley
We're off to see the Wizard! There truly is no place like home as the greatest family musical of all time lands on the stage at FHS this winter. You will be swept away by our celebration of the iconic 1939 MGM film. The entire family will be captivated as they travel down the Yellow Brick Road and beyond with Dorothy, Toto and their friends the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow in this lavish production, featuring magical special effects, dazzling choreography and the classic songs you love.
Produced through special arrangements with Concord Theatricals.
Journey to Oz this January!
Friday, January 12 - 7:30pm
Limited Availability
Saturday January 13 - 7:30pm
Sunday, January 14 - 2:00pm
Limited Availability
*$10 Child/Student Tickets for Side Seating
Thursday, January 18 - 7:30pm
Friday, January 19 - 7:30pm
Saturday, January 20 - 2:00pm
Limited Availability
*$10 Child/Student Tickets for Side Seating
Saturday, January 20 - 7:30pm
Order Tickets online at
College Planning Sesions
We are about to embark on our College and Career Planning sessions for our seniors and juniors. Please see the information below about the various sessions we will be conducting this Fall. Translation in Spanish and Portuguese will be available at all sessions!
Student ID Protocols
Students are doing an awesome job bringing their student IDs to school. As a reminder we are asking all students to WEAR their IDs while in the building -- whether that be on a lanyard around their necks or on a waistband holder on their pants. Students CANNOT attach them to their backpacks nor can they place them in their phone cases so that they flash them when asked.
The vast majority of students have their IDs on them but they must be visible at all times. We understand that this is a culture shift, but it is important for the safety and security of everyone in our community.
School Hours and Attendance
As a reminder, parents and guardians will receive both an automated email and text message if your student is marked absent in a class. This will occur even if your student has an excused absence. This will allow us to more effectively and efficiently communicate with families about their student's class attendance.
Please review the formal attendance policy below. We encourage you to pay specific attention to the class attendance policy as it relates to skipping class and receiving the grade “failure due to attendance.”
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, November 30th - Jumpstart to Junior Planning at 6:30pm
Wednesday, December 6th - PM Collaboration - Dismissal at 1pm
Thursday, December 7th - Early Release - Dismissal at 10:45
Friday, December 15th - Progress Report for Quarter 2 are posted
Monday, December 25th - Monday, January 1st - NO SCHOOL - WINTER RECESS
Tuesday, January 16th - Friday, January 19th - MIDTERM EXAMS
Monday, January 22nd - Term 3 Starts
Friday, January 26th - Term 2 Report Cards are posted to ASPEN