Creek Crew Newsletter
Wilson's Creek Intermediate - 6th Grade
Dear Parents,
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It has been enjoyable to hear the stories from the students about their break. There are some notable dates approaching as we arrive to the end of second quarter. The deadline for all missing work to be turned in is December 18th. The end of quarter celebration will take place on December 20th, and students will need to have their work done to participate. If your student would benefit from going to homework club next week, it is available Monday-Wednesday after school until 3:30. Let us know if you would like us to sign your child up for a specific date. Please continue reading for announcements from student council and other school information.
Ms. Hammon and Mrs. Box
Student Council News
What we are leaning:
Social Studies
Students will be participating in the middle-of-the-year Galileo testing for the next two weeks. Specific dates will be on the Daily Agenda. Our unit covering Egypt will be completed and the new unit focusing on India will be introduced. A study of how different cultures celebrate the holidays will be analyzed to complete the first semester.
The students are in the middle of their unit on climate. They will be learning about different climate zones, what factors affect climate, and analyzing data and graphs to better understand a location's climate.
Student Gallery
Important Dates
- Dec 13th: Choir Concert
- Dec 16th: Orchestra Concert
- Dec 18th: All work is due
- Dec 20th: End of Quarter Celebration
- Dec 23 - Jan. 3rd: Winter Break
Contact Information
Mrs. Box: lbox@spsmail.org
Ms. Hammon: alhammon@spsmail.org