Madonna Catholic School News
November 23, 2024
Dear Madonna Families,
We are happy to be reunited with our students after what we hope was a restful fall break for all. Since we were last together at school it is quite noticeable that that the days are slowly growing shorter. As the evenings arrive earlier, we notice how the world around us is preparing for a quieter, cozier time of year. This gentle fading of daylight invites us to pause and reflect. Soon, we will enter the Advent season—a time of waiting, wonder, and hope.
All of our Madonna families are encouraged to join our staff on Thursday, November 28 at 6:00pm where you can build an advent wreath to take home. See the info below on how to RSVP. As well, please save the date for our upcoming Advent Concert taking place at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Parish on Friday, December 13. More information will be shared about this special evening as we get closer to the date.
Just as a candle’s flame glows warmly in the dark, Advent reminds us of the light we carry and share with others. Together, as families and a school community, let’s embrace this season of anticipation, cherishing the beauty of these moments as we prepare our hearts for Christmas.
Madonna Catholic School Admin Team
Mrs Cathy Hinger, Principal
Mrs Fiona Wimmer, Assistant Principal
What's Ahead!
November 28 - Advent Wreath Build @ 6:00pm
December 13 - Advent Concert @ OLPH Parish
December 20 - Last day of classes before Christmas break begins
January 15 - Parent Council Meeting @ 7:00pm
Bend the Rules November 22 - Support Lurana Shelter
Bend the Rules Day is a fundraiser event for Lurana Shelter. Students and staff were invited to "bend" rules for $1/rule. As of Friday afternoon close to $450 has been raised!!!! Thank you so much for your generous support. Families should know we will also be collecting for Lurana at our Advent Mass on December 13.
Meet the Staff - Mrs. Selinger
We are returning to our feature of introducing staff to our new families...this week we are featuring Mrs. Selinger, our Monday - Wednesday kindergarten teacher. When Mrs. Selinger is not teaching you may see her with a book, happily falling into a story. This is her second year at Madonna and her seventh year in EICS. She counts her blessings as she gets to teach her son this year in kindergarten and she is able to walk to work if she wants the extra steps! She and her husband (also a teacher) are raising two wonderful young men and they enjoy being outside and camping with friends.
Kindergarten field trip to Strathcona County Library and Gallery 501
3M Created Some Metis Inspired Dot Art
Learning with Emma in 4O
Ms Gauthier's grade four classroom was busy on the first day back after fall break creating neurons with Emma our Strathcona County Mental Health instructor.
Tips from Emma our Mental Health instructor ... Did you know?
Have You Heard of the 90 Second Rule?
The brain can process and let go of a difficult emotion in 90 seconds...if we let it. We need to let the emotion pass through and not bottle it up.
Tips to try: When you feel a strong emotion (anger, frustration, worry, etc.), sit with that emotion and allow it to run through your body and feel it release. Try to take a deep breath, take a break or use art to process that emotion before it begins to take over your body.
This month, students are learning about Canada's food guide and how eating the right foods leads to better health. Here is a summary of the key learning...see the attached link below to learn more about eating healthy for life!
Do You Know?
Do you know of a workplace, a community centre, business or other space that would be willing to help promote our amazing school to other families? Do you have a place in yoru neighborhodd that could support us in putting up a poster advertising our school programs? Please email Mrs. Wimmer to let her know or write it in your child's agenda. We would be thrilled to share the good word about our school community and partner with you!
You can reach Mrs. Wimmer @ fiona.wimmer@eics.ab.ca
MCS School Council News
Do you have a truck and can help?
Our Madonna School Council is looking to offer a special fundraiser this fall and would like the help of any parent(s) who have pick up trucks and/or trailers. Please reach out to Council Chair Kerstin Adamson @ adamsonker@gmail.com if you can help.
Parents are needed each week when hot lunch is offered in our school. Typically parents help from 11:20-12:45pm in the school kitchen where they sort, distribute and help pack up the weekly food order. Without your support the hot lunch program is not possible.
OLPH Parish News
Community News
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.