Southside Parent Connection
November 2024 🦃
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Welcome to another exciting edition of the Southside Parent Connection! 🎉 We are thrilled to share all the wonderful happenings in our classroom and school community.
🎊 We met our Boosterthon goal, and to celebrate, students who participated in the Dance Fit Challenge transformed our brave Mrs. Hays and Dr. Weber into Ice Cream Sundaes! 🍦 The Kindergarteners had a blast at Connor's Amazing Acres, and we all enjoyed viewing all the costumes during our Book Character Parade. It was a month filled with fun and learning!
Looking ahead, our 2nd graders are gearing up for an exciting field trip to the Omni Nature Center! 🌳 We’ll be focusing on the important trait of gratitude, which is a wonderful way to appreciate the world around us. Plus, we’ll be honoring our Veterans alongside the other Island schools during the Veteran's Day parade on November 8th. Let’s show our support and gratitude for those who have served! 🇺🇸
As we move forward, please remember to encourage your child to reflect on what they are grateful for. It’s a great way to foster positivity! Also, mark your calendars for the Veteran's Day parade—it's a special event for our community!
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our classroom activities! Together, we’re making wonderful memories and learning experiences for our students. Have a fantastic week ahead! 🌟
Curriculum Spotlights
Saxon Letter Identification/Sounds: S, F, I, R, K
Reading: Perspectives in Literature/Why do people tell stories? Describe main characters, setting and important events.
Writing: Opinion and using concepts of print correctly when writing. Begin with a capital letter; use finger spaces in between words; and use the correct punctation at the end.
Social Studies: The First Thanksgiving/ Timelines
Science: Matter/Shape of Materials can be changed and pumpkins.
Math: Count, order, compare, add, and subtract numbers 0-10.
1st Grade Focus
October Attendance
1st Grade
2nd Grade
Resiliency Trait of the Month
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PBIS on the Bus
Students can earn Bus of the Week for consistently demonstrating Community Expectations as a group on the bus. Administration and bus drivers will communicate regarding bus behavior and designate a Bus of the Week according to specific criteria. Buses that submit ZERO bus referrals and consistently follow our Community Expectations for behavior on the bus will be rewarded with the Bus of the Week magnet. The Bus of the Week will also be announced on morning announcements and SES’ social media page. Students may turn in “Bus Bucks” to the front office to be entered into a daily drawing for a reward.
Criteria for earning Bus Bucks are:
- Keep body and objects to yourself
- Stay seated at all times
- Maintain a low voice level
- Have friendly conversation
Bus Expectations
Be Responsible
- Know your bus stop
- Take your backpack with you
Be Respectful
- Keep a low voice level
- Keep the bus clean
- Keep hands & feet to yourself
- Stay seated until your bus stop
- Keep your seatbelt on
- Have friendly conversation
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Applying for Free/Reduced Lunch is super simple! Qualifying families receive benefits as mentioned in the flyer below and it can provide our school with funding for personnel, like additional paraprofessionals, to support student learning! Be sure to apply today, even if you think you will not qualify or don't feel you need to use it! Application Link
Join us for pizza and activities for students while parents receive information and resources from our physical therapist Dr. Kimball!
Help support our PTO! Invite your friends and family! When at the cashier, let them know you are with Southside.