Summer Update
July 5, 2024
Hello Excelsior Famliies!
We hope you are all having an amazing summer and have been staying cool during this heat wave. We are excited to get back into the swing of things at the end of this month and wanted to put some important information about the 2024-2025 school year out so that your family can prepare for the coming school year. Please see the items below for more information and note that we will send out a few text reminders later this month as we approach specific dates (Aeries portal update, walk-thru registration, etc.).
Ms. Jamie Keith
EMS Principal
- July 15th - School Office Opens
- July 15th-29th - Aeries Parent Portal open for Data Confirmation (see information below)
- July 25th - EMS New Parent Night (5:30 - 6:15 pm in the Theater)
- July 29th - Walk-Thru Registration (10 am to 5 pm in the Gym, see information below)
- July 30th - First Day of School
- August 6th - Back to School Night 5:30-7:00pm
- August 14th - Picture Make-up Day
Aeries Portal Data Confirmation - July 15th through 29th
Aeries Portal Data Confirmation must be completed before registration. Please log into your Aeries Parent Portal and follow the directions for Data Confirmation. You will be able to confirm your student’s residency, emergency contacts, acknowledge the Annual Notice of Rights and Student Handbook. You will need to print your student’s emergency card and bring it to registration. If you have forgotten your password, enter your email login, then click on “forgot password” and Aeries will send you an email with password information.
Click here to access the BUSD Aeries Parent Portal
"New to Middle School" Parent Night
Please join us on Thursday, July 25th, in the theater from 5:30 - 6:15 pm for our New Parent Night! Our target audience are parents who have not had a student attend EMS before. We will speak on topics including our expectations of students at Excelsior Middle School as well as how parents and families can best support their middle school student. We will also touch on topics which typically impact our middle schoolers such as friendship issues, puberty, and technology.
Back to School Walk-Thru Registration - July 29th
Our registration will be from 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. on Monday, July 29th in the Gym. Please make every effort to attend this event with your child as they will pick up their schedule and take their school picture for the yearbook and their student ID card. If you are unable to make it, you will have to register your student on the first day of school.
- 10:00 – 11:00 – Last Name: A – F
- 11:00 – 12:00 – Last Name: G – M
- 12:00 – 1:00 – Last Name: N – R
- 1:00 – 2:00 – Lunch Break
- 2:00 – 3:00 – Last Name: S – Z
- 3:00 – 4:00 – Last Name: T – Z
- 4:00 – 5:00 – Late registration
School Pictures - The picture that will be taken at Registration will also be for their student ID cards that are to be worn everyday while on campus. These ID cards will have a barcode that is used in the cafeteria and library. The picture will also be included in the yearbook at the end of the school year. Please make sure your student attends registration.
Student Payment Information - Below is a list of the registration fees that will be collected at registration. You can pay by cash, check, or credit card.
- Yearbook (price increases to $48 on 8/28) - $42
- 8th Grade Promotion and End of Year Activities (8th grade only) - $125
- EMS PE Shorts or PE Shirt (all grades dress for PE) - $20 per item
- EMS PE Sweatshirt or PE Sweatpants (all grades dress for PE) - $25 per item
- Donations towards our EMS Library, Athletics, VPAC, and PTSA
Yearbook - This is a great time to purchase a yearbook, as the cost increases to $48.00 after August 28, 2024. The cut-off date for ordering is January 8th and no extra yearbooks are ordered.
8th Grade Specific Information: If your student is an 8th grader this year, there is a promotion donation that will be due no later than May 2nd. This donation includes: a 8th grade trip, including transportation and lunch, 8th grade luncheon, Awards, Dance and Promotion Ceremony.
Importance of Donations:
- Library Donations: We have had great success with our Library Donations in the past years at Excelsior. We will use the donated funds to pay for our Library clerk, purchase new books, and to obtain online resources for our students. Any donation is greatly appreciated to continue this valuable resource for students. Donations will be accepted at walk-thru and anytime through-out the school year.
- Athletics Donations: Funds donated to our Athletics program go towards team uniforms, equipment, and referee fees for our participation in the Delta Valley Middle School League (DVMSL).
- VPAC Donations: VPAC is a non-profit corporation formed by parents interested in helping to keep Arts in Education. Through various fundraising activities and public donations, our community has an outlet for students to learn the joy of performing and expressing themselves through art and music. Help keep the Arts in Education! Recent VPAC donations have gone to our school musical and theater prodcutions, competition fees for our instrumental and choral music programs, art supplies, and the murals on our campus.
- PTSA Donations: Our PTSA works hard to support both the students and teachers at Excelsior MIddle School. This year funding is going towards our new counseling center, field trips and/or educational experiences on campus for our students, our 8th grade activities, and staff appreciation (staff lounge refresh, teacher apprecation week, etc.). Our suggested donation is $100 through any donation will help us meet our goals!
Medical Information
All students entering the 7th grade must show proof of having had the TDap booster shot PRIOR to registration. This requirement will help protect your child and others in your school community from whooping cough. There is NO EXCEPTION. If you are an incoming 6th grader, it is never too early to turn in your TDap vaccination as it will be needed before 7th grade. Please bring it to the EMS office.
If your child is given an inhaler, medication, or is advised to take over the counter medication by their doctor, you will need to fill out a “medication to dispense” form. Please be aware that this form will need to be filled out by your health care provider before your child can use an inhaler or any other medication at school. This is in accordance to California Ed. Code 49423.
Community Service is a wonderful way to contribute to your community. Excelsior encourages each student to participate in a minimum of 1 hour per semester they are in attendance. Please don’t wait until the last minute as these hours are due as well by May 2nd. These forms can be found with your child’s TEAM teacher, but summer is a great time to work on these hours.
Don't forget to stop by and say hello at our table during Walk-Thru. We will also have our first PTSA meeting of the year on Wednesday, August 7th at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
Quarter One Sports
Our Quarter One sports at Excelsior Middle School are:
- Girls Softball
- Boys Volleyball
- Boys and Girls Wrestling
Please fill out the THIS FORM (click here) if your student is interested in participating in one of our Quarter One Sports. If you have multiple interested students, please fill out one form per child.
Our Athletic Director, Mr. Martins, will review this list and ensure that your information is given to the appropriate coaches.
Middle School games/meets/matches generally start at 4 pm and are held throughout the week. Parents drive their own students and, if they would like to carpool for the team, must have clearance through our District Volunteer Driver program. Information on this, as well as our athletic packet, can be found on our website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/o/ems/page/athletics-home
Excelsior Middle School
Email: jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7530
Twitter: @EMSFalcons