Paw Prints
Deer Valley Elementary School Newsletter

March 2025 Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Read Across America Week - March 3-7
Author Visit for K-3rd - March 4
Fine Arts Night and Open House - March 6
End of 3rd 9 Weeks - March 7
Spring and Class Pictures - March 13
Report Cards Available on Power School - March 14
Talent Show - March 14
Coffee Talk - March 19
Spring Break (No school) - March 24-28
ACAP Testing for 2nd & 3rd grade - April 2-3 and 7-8
ACAP Testing for 4th & 5th grade - April 9-10 and 14-16
E-Learning Day - April 21
Kindergarten Signing Day - May 1 (4-6pm)
Deer Valley Teacher Appreciation Week - April 28 - May 2
Field Day - May 2
Spring Book Fair - May 5-9
"Roll" Model breakfast - May 13
Great Shake - May 14-16
5th Grade Walk the Halls - May 19
Last Day of School - May 22
Upcoming Appreciation and Awareness Days
School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day - March 20
Crazy Socks for World Down Syndrome Day - March 21
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day - April 2
Blue Shirts for World Autism Awareness Day - April 2
School Librarian Appreciation Day - April 4
National Assistant Principal Principal Week - April 7-11
National Public School Volunteer Week - April 21-25
School Bus Drivers' Appreciation Day - April 22
National Administrative Professionals' Day - April 23
School Principals' Day - May 1
Deer Valley Teacher Appreciation Week - April 28 - May 2
School Lunch Hero Day - May 2
School Nurse Day - May 7
Speech Language Pathologist Day - May 18
Deer Valley Families,
Believe it or not, it is time to start thinking about the 2025-2026 school year. Please see the information below regarding Placement Guidelines.
Every year we try our best to evenly distribute students into classes. Many different methods have been tried, all of them with the intention of creating balanced homerooms. It was decided many years ago that we would no longer accept placement letters due to the fact that trying to respect all requests made our efforts to balance the classrooms ineffective. Therefore, I would like to remind you of the process that we used last year which we are going to employ again this year.
Current grade level teachers will work to create rolls without identifying the teacher for each class. Their focus will be on creating classes that are balanced in ability, behavior, and special needs. These rolls will then be turned over to the placement team who will assign a teacher to each of the classes.
Though we are not taking preference letters, I realize how easily biases can be created. If you or your child has had a difficult experience because of your (or your child's) perception of a teacher or another student, we need to know that. Every teacher has a tremendous number of fans and I have complete confidence in each of them, but I want you to feel comfortable as the 2025-2026 school year begins.
Parents/Guardians are asked to click on this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5z0OsHvrIZeFYC7tz2kkDuezLjtwWE9whffnr9vR1aOsRpg/viewform?usp=dialog to identify two things:
1. Any teacher* with whom they have had a difficult situation in the past and with whom their child should not be placed and/or;
2. The name(s) of one or two children with whom their child should not be placed.
* Please remember it is entirely possible that a teacher might be moved to a new grade level. Please list ANY teachers, regardless of the grade they currently teach, with whom your child should not be placed.
*Any requests for students to be placed with a specific teacher or student will not be considered.
Grade level teachers will be given the information concerning students to avoid placing together and will consider the information as they develop classes. The placement committee will be given the information concerning teacher/student placements to avoid. We will do everything we can to honor your requests.
It is my hope that not everyone feels the need to provide this information, however please know that this is your time to be heard if you have any strong feelings in these areas. The form will close on April 7, 2025. Any requests received thereafter will not be considered during the placement process. Grade level teams will begin creating classes soon after April 7. Class placement information will be sent out late summer 2025, and I will not consider moving any child at that point.
While I am not taking letters concerning the “type” of teacher your child needs, I would highly recommend you share this information with whichever teacher your child is currently assigned. All of our teachers are capable of being structured, encouraging, nurturing and challenging, but they will greatly benefit from knowing what you consider your child's greatest needs.
As always, there is a possibility that we will have at least one new teacher next year, and that teacher will be assigned a class as well. If your child ends up in the new teacher's classroom please know that we have an excellent mentoring program in place, and I will not hire anyone who does not have excellent references. I have great confidence in every teacher currently a part of our faculty, and I take great care and pride in hiring dynamic new teachers.
We will try to avoid placing a child in a first-year teacher’s room two years in a row. By Deer Valley definition, a first year teacher is one who has no experience at all – not someone new to Deer Valley. Also, we will do what we can to assure that if a student has a teacher this year who took an extended leave of absence, then he/she will not be placed with a teacher next year who we know is planning an extended leave.
Please make sure that you list your email when you make your request so that you can receive a confirmation that it has been received. If you do not receive confirmation within a week please complete the form again. Keep the confirmation email for your records. Several years ago, we had a situation in which a parent was sure they had made a request, but it could not be found, and they did not have the confirmation. If your child ends up in a classroom with a student or teacher identified in your request, and you do not have a confirmation of your email, I will not be able to move them after the fact. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
In partnership,
Nicole Stokes
Finley Award Winners
Congratulations to the 2025 Finley Character Award Winners! Among several other characteristics these students demonstrate exemplary character, quiet leadership and set a positive example for those around them. They will be celebrated this month during the HCS Finley Award Ceremony! We are so proud of you all!
Attendance Information
With any attendance or PowerSchool Parent Portal questions, please contact the registrar, Brandi Marcrum, at BMarcrum@hoover.k12.al.us
Open House & Fine Arts Night
We're excited to invite you to our Open House on March 6th, between 5:00 and 6:30 PM! Come and go as you please, visit classrooms to see your student's work, and experience the talent of our Fine Arts Department with performances and artwork displays throughout the building. Students and parents are invited to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!
Performance Schedule:
5:15 Fifth Grade Musicians
5:45 Deer Valley Singers
6:00 Fourth Grade Musicians
Spring Pictures
ACAP Testing
Music Notes
The annual Deer Valley Talent Show is March 14 at the Hoover High School's Performing Art Center. Students of DVES and younger siblings not yet in elementary school are free. Everyone else will need to purchase a $5 ticket at the door. If you purchased a Fast Pass ticket, you can bypass the line. All students must be accompanied by an adult. Further information can be found at the Talent Show's website below. This fundraiser supports classroom enhancements (books, games, instruments, etc.) for the Talent Show committee members.
Library News
Counselors Corner
Join us for the last Hoover Coffee Talk of the school year!
Cafeteria News
March is Nutrition Month and a special time to learn about all the yummy foods that help us grow strong and healthy! We can eat lots of colorful fruits and veggies, whole grains that give us energy, and lean proteins to build our muscles - so we can play hard and learn even better! Look for the Healthy Eating from Head to Toe poster in the Cafeteria.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration opens March 4! If your child will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025, then they are able to register for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year! To register and for more information, click the Hoover City Schools link below. Deer Valley will be hosting a Kindergarten Signing Day on May 1 - more information to come! Registration for returning students will be sent at a later date.
Pre-K Pre-Registration
Thank You Sponsors!
Huge THANK YOU to our corporate sponsors who helped support our successful and fun Family Weekend 2025!
Ashley Carson with The Vacation Wizards
Bradley Wilson with Long-Lewis Auto Hoover
Dermatology & Laser of Alabama
Jessica- Travel Consultant with ET Family Travel, LLC
The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill
Extra special THANK YOU to our in-kind donors! Your generosity is significantly appreciated!
Lost and Found
The Lost & Found is overflowing! To avoid donation, please have your student claim their items by Thursday, March 20th. Everything remaining will be donated on Friday, March 21st. You can also look for items in the lobby during our Open House & Fine Arts Night. We'd love to return these items to their owners!
Volunteer Opportunities
Friday, March 21 from noon - 1:30pm at Deer Valley Lost & Found
PTO Executive Board 2025-2026
Ever wanted to be more involved in your child's school life and make a real difference? Serving on the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) Executive Board is a fantastic way to achieve both! Here you'll gain valuable insights into the school's operations, connect with other parents and teachers, and have the chance to contribute your unique skills and ideas.
While the PTO offers many valuable ways to volunteer, it's important to remember that most roles require dedicated time during the school day. The time requirement includes a monthly meeting typically on the third Tuesday morning and the time needed to accomplish the goals of your committee or role. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else to serve on our PTO Executive Board for the 2025-2026 school year, please fill out the form below by March 12.
If you have any questions, please contact our president-elect, Dawn Azok, at dawn.azok@gmail.com.
Spring ARI Newsletter
We're excited to share the latest edition of the ARI (Alabama Reading Initiative) Family Newsletter with you! Inside, you'll find valuable family and community literacy resources to help support and engage student learning both before and after school, as well as during Spring Break.
This special edition also included our fun Family Spring Break Challenge! We invite you to submit a photo of your student engaging in one of the activities found in the ARI Family Spring Break Newsletter to arimedia@alsde.edu. The participation window is open from March 3rd to April 30th. Submissions will be featured weekly on the ARI social media platforms. Can your student “get caught reading?”
We encourage you to take the time to review these resources and share them with others in your community. Please let us know how we can assist you with your family and community literacy initiatives this school year. Together, we can achieve more!
5th Grade Information
Important Links
About DVES
Mission Statement: In partnership with families, the faculty and staff of DVES will empower and inspire children to become confident life-long learners who will positively impact the world.
Motto: Seeking to positively impact the world every day.
Vision: To be a school where every teacher wants to teach, every student wants to learn, and every parent wants to send their child.
Email: bmarcrum@hoover.k12.al.us
Location: 4990 Ross Bridge Parkway, Hoover, AL, USA
Phone: (205) 439-3300