News from Carl Sandburg
October 5, 2024
Message from Mrs. Johansen
Dear Wildcat Community,
We've been in school almost a month and our classroom and school routines are in place! I am so proud of how our students have adjusted to this school year!
I have included a few updates in this newsletter for families.
- Wildcat Way Google Classroom: Did you know that we have a Wildcat Way Google Classroom that every staff member and student review each day? This is where our morning announcements are posted and ALL important announcements about clubs/intramurals/school activities are included. I encourage all parents to sit down with your student to review this google classroom with your child. You'll find tons of information on there that your student may forget to tell you because their day is SO busy!
- Support from our Student Services Team: Our Outreach For Assistance Form is for you to fill out if your family is in need of assistance. Please feel free to reach out to our CSMS clinician team with any questions. Our students have access to a form to discreetly request assistance from a clinician while in school, as well.
Mental Health Awareness Parent Presentation: On Tuesday, October 15, 2024 all parents are invited to an informational presentation which will include a showing of a Mental Health Awareness video and Mental Health Presentation in English. Please see the flyer linked below for more information. A Spanish night is currently being scheduled and we will share that date as soon as possible.
Midterm Progress in 1st Quarter: We are at midterm for the 1st quarter. Have you checked your student's grades in Infinite Campus? I encourage all parents to set aside time to review Infinite Campus with your child and check out their grades! If you see that your child has missing assignments, please have them pull up their Google Classrooms so you can check out the work they need to complete. Over the past week, we've been looking closely at student grades and if they have missing assignments. Next week, we will set aside time for students to get caught up if they have missing assignments. The first quarter ends on November 8th. There is still time for students who are struggling to bring their grades up!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Erika Johansen
Sandburg Principal
Did you know? Regular school attendance boosts social skills and friendships.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
October 9th- D15 Board of ED Meeting 7:00 pm
- October 14th- Columbus Day/Teacher Plan Day (no student attendance)
- October 15th- Mental Health Awareness Presentation (see flyer above)
- October 15th- BPAC Presentation Fostering Independence: Encouraging Responsibility and Resilience Presentation at WCMS at 6:30 (see image below)
- October 16th- D211 Orchestra Festival, FHS (arrive 4:45pm, 7pm concert)
- October 17th- Autism Presentation at Marion Jordan at 5:30 pm
- October 18th- PTSA Fall Fest @ Sandburg 4:30-6 pm
- October 21st- Sandburg PTSA Virtual Meeting 6:00 pm
- October 24th- Breaking Barriers Presentation- featuring Dr. Carmen Ayala (see image below)
- October 25th- Marching band football game
- October 26th- 8:00 am PSAT testing at RMHS
- October 28th- 7pm RMHS Choral festival
Boys Basketball Season is almost here!
If your student would like to try out, please review this information and complete Steps 1 & 2 below. BOTH are due by 10/26/24 to be eligible for Boys Basketball tryouts.
STEP 1: Review the Information/Important Dates & Complete the BBB registration form linked at the top of the BBB information sheet.
STEP 2: Make sure your child has an updated physical on file in the SCHOOL OFFICE.
Physicals are considered current for 13 months prior to the start of the season. The physical will need to be dated 10/15/23 or later to be eligible for the boys basketball season. You can log on to Infinite Campus Family Portal to check the date of the physical currently on file.
Do not send physical forms to this email. School Nurse contact information is posted at the top of the information sheet.
Wrestling and Girls Volleyball- get those Physicals Ready!
Information & Registration for WRESTLING & GIRLS VOLLEYBALL will be sent out on December 5th. If you would like to try out for or join one of these sports, you will need a physical dated 12/1/23 or later - please plan ahead as you will need the physical on file in the school office right after Winter Break!
All Sports information is also posted on the CCSD15 Website
A Note from the Sandburg PTSA
Sandburg parents- we could use your help! Here is a sign-up genius that gives some ideas for how you can help support this event! Thank you!!!
Our next PTSA meeting will be a virtual meeting on Monday, October 21st. Please email Mrs. Johansen if you would like the google meeting link.
Autism Presentation at Marion Jordan- October 17th at 5:30 pm
"Neurodevelopment of Autism"
Attendees will develop an understanding of the neurodivergance in autistic indivduals' socialization, communication, language and behavior patterns. Furthermore, attendees will walk away with strategies and tools that support these individuals as they navigate the educational environment.
Online Registration (Google form with translations)
Upcoming BPAC Presentations
Taller 3: Fomentando la Independencia: Incentivando la Responsabilidad y la Resiliencia
Fecha: Martes 15 de octubre
Hora: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Lugar: Winston Campus, 900 E. Palatine Rd., Palatine, IL 60074
Enfoque: Este taller se centrará en estrategias para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar un sentido
de responsabilidad y resiliencia. Los temas incluirán fomentar la independencia a través de
tareas adecuadas para su edad, ayudar a los niños a enfrentar el fracaso y apoyarlos en la
toma de decisiones.
Taller 4
Parte 1: Navegando Desafíos: Disciplina y Resolución de Conflictos
Fecha: Jueves 17 de octubre
Hora: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Lugar: Willow Bend Elementary School, 4700 Barker Ave., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Enfoque: Esta sesión proporcionará a los padres herramientas y técnicas para una disciplina
efectiva y la resolución de conflictos. Cubrirá estrategias de disciplina positiva, establecimiento
de límites y resolución de conflictos, de manera que promueva el crecimiento y el aprendizaje.
Parte 2:Apoyando el Éxito Académico: Colaborando con las Escuelas y Fomentando el
Aprendizaje a lo Largo de la Vida
Enfoque: Esta sección del taller enfatizará el papel de los padres en apoyar el éxito académico
de sus hijos. Asimismo, explorará cómo construir una colaboración positiva con maestros y
escuelas, crear un entorno de aprendizaje propicio en casa, y fomentar el amor por el
aprendizaje que se extienda más allá del aula.
Nota: Habrá servicio de transporte, pero es necesario registrarse con anticipación.
Free/Reduced Meal and Fee Applications Below
Administrative and Office Team
Erika Johansen- Principal (
Miguel Hernandez- Assistant Principal (
Anthony DeFeo- Special Education Coordinator (
Anne Carter- Secretary (
Dianne Barajas- Clerical Secretary (
Trina Annerino- Nurse (
Previous Newsletters
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!
Erika Johansen
Location: 2600 Martin Lane, Rolling Meadows, IL, USA
Phone: 847-963-7800
Instagram: @sandburgwildcats
Twitter: @csmswildcats