Boerne ISD Board Report

Open Session
The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting in the BISD Board Room on Monday, May 13, 2024.
This month's Board meeting included:
Trustees Sworn In
- Board reorganization
- Board Member Reports
- Reports to the Board
- TASB Board Nomination
- TASB Advocacy Resolution
- Chief Human Resources Officer
- Commendations
- And more
- To view the entire agenda please click here.
Trustees Sworn In
Trustees Carlin Friar (Place 1), Dallas Pipes (Place 2), and Courtney Darter-Bruce (Place 3) were sworn in by 451st District Judge Kirsten Cohoon.
Friar, Pipes, and Darter-Bruce were elected to three-year terms.
This will be Friar's fourth term, while Pipes and Darter-Bruce will serve their first term.
Board Reorganizes Leadership
The Board conducted its annual reorganization and approved new leadership.
Garrett Wilson (President), Kristi Schmidt (Vice President), and Courtney Darter-Bruce (Secretary) were voted to serve in new capacities.
At the first regular meeting after each election and qualification of Board members, the Boerne ISD Board reorganizes by selecting these positions.
Trustees Honored
Dr. Craft presented outgoing Board President Carlin Friar, as well as outgoing Trustees Dr. Joe Tidwell and Jessica Davila with plaques to thank them for their leadership and strong support.
Friar is starting his fourth term on the Board, while Dr. Tidwell and Davila stepped down after several years of service.
Dr. Craft with Carlin Friar, Jessica Davlia, and Dr. Joe Tidwell
Board Member Reports
Communications Committee
- The district’s transportation marketing plan to recruit bus drivers kicked off on May 6.
- The district will send a newsletter with information related to the start of the 2024-25 school year to assist parents with being prepared for the new school year.
PTO Committee
- PTOs had a very successful staff appreciation week as they donated a combined total of over $50k to support staff.
- Two campus donation funds to the Viola Wilson PTO to assist them with start up costs.
Facilities Committee
- New campus furniture will be delivered to selected schools this summer and will replace old furniture.
- The district will roll out a new point of sale system this summer for parents to purchase breakfast and lunch items.
Finance Committee
- The 2024-25 budget is scheduled to be approved in June.
Reports to the Board
- Participants learned about the Board of Trustees role, district operations, as well as dynamic and engaging programs to support students.
- CLA members visited CTE classes, spoke with students in the entrepreneurship and Ag programs, ate lunch and read to students, as well as participated in a safety and security training.
- BISD received over 90 applications and selected 32 participants.
(More info in the graph below)
The Board heard a report on the Kindness Campaign from Student Support Services, which detailed:
- VRES and HES Kindness club activities and goals for the program.
- BISD hosted a district-wide Kindness Week in April
- Guest speakers discuss college readiness and offer words of encouragement.
(More info in the graph below)
The Board was presented with the BEF Annual Report, which discussed:
- BEF funds programs such as Teacher Innovation Grants, annual campus disbursements, and school supply teacher gift cards
- BEF raised over $380,000 during the 2023-24 school year and awarded over 100 innovation grants worth over $200,000
**Note- The Board approved the Memorandum of Understanding with the Boerne Education Foundation during the May meeting.
To view all three reports in their entirety, please click on the agenda.
CLA Info
Kindness Club Info
BEF Info
Mr. Sena Nominated to TASB Board of Directors
Trustee Rich Sena was nominated to serve as the TASB Board of Directors, Region 20, Position D seat.
Mr. Sena currently holds the seat and will be seeking reelection. The term of this position is for one year beginning at the close of the 2024 Annual TASA/TASB Convention and expiring after the 2025 Convention.
For more information please click here.
TASB Advocacy Agenda
The Board approved the proposed 2024-26 TASB Advocacy Agenda resolutions, which included:
- Create a teacher retention funding allotment to help recruit and retain quality teachers.
- Approve a substantial increase in the Basic Allotment for public school K-12 funding.
- increase financial support for school safety.
- To view the full resolution please click here.
Chief Human Resources Officer Named
The Boerne ISD has announced that Jill Rhodes Pruin has been named Chief Human Resources Officer.
Mrs. Rhodes Pruin joins Boerne ISD after spending nearly eight years in San Antonio ISD, most recently as Deputy Chief of Human Capital Management. In this role, she led all aspects of the department in collaboration with the Chief of Human Capital Management, including strategic staffing initiatives, career fairs and recruitment events, human capital budget initiatives, and more.
She has 21 years of education experience as a teacher, school administrator, and central office leader, and has served in several district, regional, and state leadership roles.
To read the full story please click here.
SRO Interlocal Agreement
The Board approved an Interlocal Agreement with the cities of Boerne and Fair Oaks Ranch, as well as Kendall County, to continue to assign each Boerne ISD campus with a designated School Resource Officer.
The district began assigning each campus a designated SRO in the 2022-23 school year.
2024-25 Professional Learning Plan
The Board approved the 2024-25 Professional Learning Plan. The plan includes information about BISD core philosophies, the definition of professional learning, and the rationale for all employees to be lifelong learners.
The plan details the professional learning requirements for district employees as aligned to district instructional initiatives and the district improvement plan.
To view the entire plan please visit the agenda.
Monthly Approvals
The Board also:
- Approved the monthly personnel report
- Approved the monthly purchasing report
- Approved the monthly financial report
- Approved minutes from prior meetings
Superintendent's Report
Dr. Craft read to several Pre-K classrooms and thanked the teachers for their hard-work and patience.
- CHS senior Nolan Haecker is the 1st Boerne ISD student in history who will receive an Associate's Degree while still enrolled in high school. Nolan will be receiving an Associates of Arts- Liberal Arts from Northwest Vista College and then graduate from CHS on the same day.
- CHS Spanish Teacher Maribel Lara took nearly 50 first generation students to tour Texas A&M University Corpus Christi and Texas A&M University Kingsville.
- The BHS and CHS class of 2024 received a reported total of over $11 million dollars in total scholarship money. CHS held their scholarship night last week, while BHS will host theirs Thursday.
Board Commendations
The Board commended Boerne ISD students and staff, as well as celebrated district-wide honors. Below are some of the honorees.
Boerne Greyhounds Track and Field Team
- Champion Chargers Track and Field Team
- Visual Arts Scholastic State (VASE) qualifiers
- Phoenix Guerra (CHS)- State Golf Qualifier
- Jack Osborne (CHS)- Region 20 Citizen’s Bee Champion
- Lauren Tippin (CHS)- Texas State Japanese Language Speech Champion
- Melanie Gohn (FES)- H-E-B Excellence in Education finalist
- Michael Joannou (VRES)- NAESP National Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year
- BISD- Best Communities for Music Education designation
- Boerne and Champion High School- U.S News and World Report rankings
- Curington, Fair Oaks Ranch, and Herff Elementary Schools- National Showcase Schools
To learn more about our May 2024 Commendations please click below for the presentation script.
Student Limelight Recipient
Boerne ISD has named the Student Limelight Recipient of the year!
Congratulations to Boerne Middle School North 8th-grader Mac Mroz.
We are proud of him!
BEF WOW Moment
This month's BEF WOW moment highlights students at Herff elementary.
Thank you to BEF for supporting every student, every teacher, and every classroom in Boerne ISD!
Next Board Meeting: Monday, June 17, 2024
Connect With Boerne ISD
Email: Communications@Boerne-ISD.net
Website: www.BoerneISD.net
Location: 235 Johns Road, Boerne, TX, USA
Phone: 830-357-2000
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BoerneISD
Twitter: @BoerneISD