Family Connections
Week 1 Topic: Internet Safety
Did You Know?
Internet Safety
Every child deserves a safe, stable and nurturing community which includes home and school environments. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - a time when communities focus on becoming more aware of the types and signs of child abuse and how to prevent it. Sadly, children can become vulnerable to abuse and exploitation while online without ever meeting their abusers. This is why addressing internet safety is very important to prevent child abuse and is critical during this time when schools are closed and using remote learning systems.
Watch this video regarding Smart Choices from the Barbara Sinatra's Children Center.
Explore other resources
Family Connection Activity
Complete these family activities to show what you and your family have committed to in regards to making smart choices online.
2. Discuss expectations around technology use in your home and have your children sign a “Family Technology Agreement.” You can use this example from Common Sense Media or this example from Child Lures Prevention. You can also come up with your own version that works for you and your family.
3: April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Show your support by displaying a blue ribbon in front of your home. If you don't have a ribbon, you can draw one or display a blue heart instead. Another idea to participate would be to have your child wear a blue ribbon on their shirt or in their hair. While engaging in this activity, make a commitment with your child to act with love, respect toward one another. You can use this heart template (spanish version) or make your own.
4. See below for more information about how to share your activity with us and enter to win a prize drawing.
PSUSD Staff Spotlight
Deanna Bretado-Chavez
"Because of the work that I do and as Co-chair of the District 4 HOPE Collaboration, child abuse prevention is especially important to me. I’ve been connecting with both biological and resource families throughout the years, and they all share the same concerns, frustrations and questions. It always comes down to parenting and patience. I try to understand their particular situation and I remind them that “Parenting isn’t easy, but our children need to call home a safe place.” No matter where they call home."