Newsletter Week 7, Term 3
St Michael's Catholic School Rotorua, Wednesday 7 September
Tēnā koutou kātoa e te whānau,
Thank you to whanau who shared their thoughts on the skills, values, and knowledge you find important for your children to gain while at St Michael's. The staff are looking forward to working with your ideas to develop a strategic plan moving into 2023. At tonight's staff meeting we will be focusing on the values that our community believes to be important. These values will help communicate our school's story – its mission, standards, and desired outcomes. Establishing a set of values will provide the foundation for building our Positive Behaviour for Learning plan. There will be further community consultation around our values and mission statement before they are officially introduced.
Class and sports photos will be taken this Friday. Your child will be given a code to access the photos online. If your child plays on a sports team, they will be required to bring their sports uniform to school on Friday.
On Friday 16 September the whole school will be taking part in the Rotorua Mini Marathon. A notice with all the details will come home this week.
Thank you to the small but dedicated PTA who planned a fantastic disco for our children last Friday. The children had a fabulous time and looked amazing all dressed up in their book character costumes. The PTA are looking for more members to help support their fundraising efforts. Their current big project is raising funds for a sealed bike track around our school. If you are interested in joining this enthusiastic group of parents, you are most welcome to get in touch with them at or just come along to the next meeting at school.
On Thursday 29 September we will celebrate the feast day of our school patron St Michael. Father Prakash will be at school to say Mass with our school community at 9:30 am. During this Mass we will formally welcome our new Kaumatua, Chris Hepi. I wish to extend an invitation to our school and parish community to share this special celebration with us. Morning tea will be served after the Mass in the school staffroom.
Whaea Kelly and our Kapa Haka Roopu are working hard towards the Rotorua Schools Ahurei and the Catholic Cultural Festival, both happening next term. All the senior children are expected to take part in Kapa Haka but it is open to the rest of the school if they wish to join in. If your child wishes to be part of the Kapa Haka Roopu, please get in touch with their teacher and they will make sure they attend on Thursday afternoons.
Have a blessed week enjoying the spring sunshine,
Ma te Atua koutou e manaaki,
Rachael McLanachan
Te tumuaki o te kura Hato Mikaere
Special Character
St Michael's Church Holy Mass Timetable
Holy Mass
Saturday Vigil 5pm
Sunday 8am
Tuesday 5:30pm
Thursday 9am
St Mary's Church Holy Mass Timetable
Holy Mass
Sunday 10am & 5pm
Monday 9am
Wednesday 12:05pm
Friday 9am
Saturday 9am
MIHA MAORI - First Saturday of the month, 5pm Vigil Mass at St Michael’s. All are welcome.
TOKELAUAN COMMUNITY - Third Saturday of the month, 5pm Vigil Mass at St Michael’s. All are welcome.
FILIPINO COMMUNITY - Third Friday of the month, 6pm at St Michael’s. All are welcome. INDIAN COMMUNITY - Fourth Friday of the month, 6pm at St Michael’s. All are welcome
Parish Priest: Fr. Thomas Thanniyanickal cmf
Email: Phone: 022 565 9017
Assistant Priest: Fr. Prakash Somu cmf
Secretary: Andrea Tuki
Office Hours: Monday: Closed - Tues. - Friday.: 8am - 2.30pm
Phone: (07) 348 0289 ext. 2
Face Book: Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop, Rotorua
Postal Address: 40-44 Seddon St, Glenholme, Rotorua 3010
A very warm welcome to the following new family. We hope you will enjoy your time with us at St Michael's School.
Thiseni Bokalagama Archari Vidanalage ( Eden 7)
Health and Safety
Children with colds or flu-like symptoms are not permitted to attend school. Any children displaying these symptoms will be sent home. They must then get a COVID test and return a negative test before returning to school.
Please remember that if someone in your household has tested positive, your child needs to isolate with you. Please do not send your child to school if there is a close contact at home with Covid. We thank you for all doing your part to keep our school community safe.
Sport News
Players of the day:
Miniball 5th September: Lucah Williams
Mini Hockey 27th August: Ethan King
Mini Hockey 3rd September: Abigail Horton
Senior Hockey 27th August: Michaella Benham
Senior Hockey 3rd September: Kaylee Brake
If you are attending your child/children's sporting events and have some good photos to share, please send to with a short description.
Board of Trustees
Next board meeting Date: Thursday 22nd of September
At each BOT meeting - twice a term - policies are reviewed. If you would like to communicate with the BOT, you are welcome to email our independent e-mail address; or alternatively, send letters to the school in an envelope marked "Board of Trustees."
Upcoming Events For Term 3
- Class & Team Photo Day - Friday 9th September
Rotorua Schools Mini-Marathon - Friday 16th September at the Rotorua Events Centre
Rotorua Schools Gymnastic Competition - Friday 16th September
BOT Meeting - Thursday 22nd September
- St. Michael's Cultural Evening & Showcase - Thursday 29th September 5pm
- St. Michael's Feast Day Mass and powhiri for Chris Hepi - Thursday 29th September @ 9:30am
- Last Day of Term 3- Friday 30th September
PTA News
Congratulations to Sarah McAlpine winner of the PTA firewood raffle.
PTA Honey- We have 1kg jars of honey available at the office for $15. Get in quick before they sell out!
If you wish to join our small but amazing group of helpful hands please email
PTA Committee
Book Character Day 2022
Book Character Awards - The Ark
Book Character Awards - Eden
Book Character Awards - Galilee
Friday Sausage Sizzle
All orders will be taken in the classroom at 9am.
School Lunches Available Monday & Wednesday
To order lunches for Monday or Wednesday, please go online using the link Lunch orders can be done in advance using Monday or Wednesday calendar days. On the day you want lunch the order must be done by the 8am cut off. No lunch orders can be taken from the school office.
Lucky Book Club Orders Issue 6
Booklets will have gone home. All orders must be handed into the school office or done online via the loop app or website by Thursday the 8th of September.
Yummy Stickers
Please being Yummy Stickers - (whatever you have collected). These need to be with us by Friday 23rd of September for processing. Funding goes to buying new sports equipment for our school.
Community News
Contact Us
Location: Lisa Crescent, Mangakakahi, Rotorua, New Zealand
Phone: 07 348 1362