Trojan Times Elementary Update
For the week of March 17th
Our Final Mindset of the year is The Time is Now-- The Time is Now Mindset teaches us that all our power exists in the moment. We cannot change the past, and the future has not happened; the only thing to do is take purposeful action in the present to create the life of our dreams.
Embrace Every Moment – Throughout the day do you find yourself being angry and feeling yucky or do you feel happy and joyful? Try to find the things in your life that make you happy and bring you joy! The more you smile in life the happier you will be!
Weekly Recap
Two Week Recap
In the classroom, teachers and students continue to work hard and everyone is doing great work! I continue to be impressed by the creativity and level of engagement that I'm seeing in the classrooms. I had the joy of spending some time in the Begindergarten and 4th grade classrooms this week. I was blown away by the enthusiasm and ability levels of the students in both rooms. The begindergarteners were working on letters, and CVC words. Their ability to recognize, process, and practice their letters, sounds, and words was impressive.
Mrs. Moke's fourth grade class was working on fractions and decimals. They did a fun activity with a brownie to help them visualize which was greater 1/100 or 1/10. The students were engaged and took the learning to a high level. It was fun to hear the students work together to figure out problems that Mrs. Moke threw their way. They did a great job working through the lesson!
On Wednesday and Thursday we did our preschool screening. It was fun to see all the three and four year olds in the building. The future Trojans brought a lot of excitement and enthusiasm to the building :)
Third Quarter report cards were sent home this week. It's hard to believe we only have eight weeks remaining in this school year.
One final note, I'm hopeful that we made a big stride in battling through the sickness/gunk that has been hovering over us for the last couple of weeks. The end of our week finished on a positive note and we're seeing our attendance improve and continue to trend in a positive direction.
Learning from the Highway Patrol
Mitchell Music Festival
Classroom Action
What's Coming Up?
At Parkston Elementary, we are RESPONSIBLE; we are RESPECTFUL, and we are READY!!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Daily Data
The Daily Data is provided by Mr. Kinneberg and will provide daily details about things that are happening within the school district.
If you haven't already, please download the Parkston School District App; it will allow you to access a lot of school information.