GMS Weekly News and Notes
Weekly Updates
Congratulations to "HydRobotics"-the GMS Robotics Team- for their terrific performance at Saturday's State Championship Qualifying Competition. This week's cover photo features "TIMMY", their entry into the competition. See below for all the highlights.
It was wonderful to welcome so many of our families to conferences on Wednesday! I want to emphasize one more time that we welcome questions from parents and guardians any time they arise. We will also remain committed to proactive outreach as we make our way through the remaining two thirds of the school year. We value the partnership of our families in making sure our students get the most out of their time at GMS.
The Fall Caregiver Survey is open. Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback on the year so far. The more families we hear from, the better our data is for planning purposes.
This week will be Spirit Week at GMS. We encourage all of our students to participate!
Monday 11/25: Sports Jersey Day
Tuesday 11/26: Rhyme Without a Reason
Wednesday 11/27: Canton Spirit Day
Please note that Wednesday is an early dismissal day with buses arriving at 11:05AM. There are no after-school activities on Wednesday.
One note for parents and guardians who drop things off for their students during the day. In the interest of minimizing classroom disruptions, we do not typically call a student from class to retrieve the dropped off item until the end of a class period or during X Block. If your student knows an item is being dropped off, they should swing by the main office in between class periods to pick it up. We appreciate your understanding of this practice.
Speaking of items to be retrieved, our lost and found table is overflowing. If your student is missing a t shirt, sweatshirt, water bottle, or other item from earlier in the year, please encourage them to take a look at the table located inside the solarium (gym entrance). Items not claimed soon will be donated. Thanks!
Picture re-takes will take place on Monday, November 25th starting at 8AM. Any student who wishes to sit for a re-take will be invited to do so at that time.
Campus Highlight: Not Half Bad!
Students in Mr. Murphy's (6M) math class worked together to demonstrate percentages in varying formats. A great way to build both mathematical and critical thinking skills!
Campus Highlight: Outdoor X Block challenge
This month, our staff has taken turns bringing their X Block groups outside as part of the ongoing GMS "Turkey Trot". Ms. Cassels and Ms. Sava brought their X Block group outside on Friday to enjoy some time in the outdoor classroom!
November Specialist Stars of the Month
Each month, each academic specialist teacher will recognize one of their students who stands out amongst their classes. Specialist Star awards recognize students for their work ethic, excellence, performance, passion, support, ambition, positive attitude, and/or kindness. Congratulations to our November honorees! Congratulations to Maria Lidenko, Arya Tripathi, William Shea, Olivia LeBlanc-Parisien, Jeremy Deveneau, Ellie Vellante, Valentina Cugno, Isabel McAdams, Lucy Molitor, Natalie Erickson, Lucia Armando, Kayla Hughes, Drew Mantie, & Destined Reuben!
Club Highlight: The Bulldog Steppaz
From Mr. Gibson:
The Bulldawg Steppaz (GMS Step Team) have achieved more than just showing how talented and committed they are with their rhythmic stomping and clapping but also showing how well they perform in the classroom. The team has been invited to perform in front of what will be an energized crowd at the Canton High School Pre-Thanksgiving Pep Rally on Wednesday morning. This will be the team's first public performance of the year. Good luck, Team!
Below: Our featured Steppin' Scholars: (L-R: Leeyah D., Irianna (Ari) R., Xamairy A., Jaron J., Sofia M., Mia W., Skyla H. and Leylah N.)
Club Highlight: HydRobotics, Assemble!
From Mr. Quinn:
The GMS Robotics team "HydRobotics" performed wonderfully at this past weekend's State Championship Qualifiying competition. The team put in a full days work arriving to Assabet Valley Regional High School at 7AM and were actively competing until 4:00PM. Throughout it all the team supported each other while proudly representing Galvin Middle School's values and work ethic.
Their robot came in 9th out of 37 teams during a tremendously competitive qualifying event. The team's innovation project utilized underwater sonar technologies, artificial intelligence and drones equipped with cameras to identity the migration patterns of large schools of fish.
Congratulations on a job well done to Avika,
Kavya, Kayson, Layla, Mia and Pranavi
Come See the Fall Play!
The GMS Drama Club's Fall Play will take place on Friday, December 6th and Saturday, December 7th in the CHS auditorium. Both shows start at 7PM. Click on the link below to get your tickets. We hope to see you there!
GMS Black History Month Project
Museum of Black and Brilliant Inventors and their STEM Contributions
Any student or parent who is interested in participating or having their child participate in the Black History Month Project in February, please see or contact Mr. Gibson for details.
GMS Building Project Update
Thank you to all of the attendees from the Special Town Meeting on November 18th. The project will now be brought to the ballot on Tuesday, December 10th. Please be sure to make your voice heard in the process!
GMS Fact of the Week
This week's fact comes to us from the World Languages department:
"Studies have shown that people who are bilingual show symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias later than people who speak just one language." (Alzheimer's Resarch UK, January 2017)
Bulldog Nurses' Blip
Welcome to full blown cold, flu, and everything else season.
You may have noticed in the news more information about “walking pneumonia”. Walking pneumonia is a kind of respiratory infection that causes milder symptoms than the typical pneumonia we would see in people who are immunocompromised or the elderly. Symptoms can be different based on the kind of pathogen that causes the illness. The predominant bacteria that is causing this season’s wave is called Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
With the predominant strain of bacteria, we may even see more strep-like symptoms like voice hoarseness and sore throat. So when you get the dreaded call in the middle of the day from the school nurse for a sore throat and headache, we also consider pneumonia as a possible infection.
Common ways to treat pneumonia
Your doctor may order a chest xray or diagnose your child based on symptoms alone. (side note, even if you don’t have a stethoscope or are trained in listening to lung sounds, put your ear up to your child’s lungs - if you hear something that doesn’t sound like your own breathing when you plug your ears, then there is probably something going on!).
People with pneumonia are usually given antibiotics and supportive therapies that help relieve discomfort like humidified air, medications that reduce swelling and pain, or cough drops.
What to do if your child has any of these symptoms!
Anytime your child has a fever, they should stay home from school. Sometimes their symptoms can start with mild presentation (vague headache, fatigue, stuffy nose), and turn into something else. Be in touch with your pediatrician to determine if your child needs more than rest to recover. We want to protect our vulnerable families and appreciate when kids can keep most of their germs at home!
May the odds be ever in your favor!
Lindsey Coppola, RN
(508) 584-1070 x3110
Tara Medeiros, RN
(508) 584-1070 x316
Native American Heritage Month
During the month of November, the GMS community recognizs and celebrates National Native American Heritage Month. National Native American Heritage Month is intended to recognize the history, culture, and achievements of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and affiliated Island communities.
The next GMS CAPT meeting will take place on Monday, December 2nd at 6:10PM in the GMS Library. We invite all interested parents and guardians to attend!
Important dates to note
Monday, November 25th: Picture re-takes, 8AM, GMS Cafetorium
Wednesday, November 27th: Early dismissal day
November 28th and 29th: All CPS schools closed for Thanksgiving
Monday, December 2nd: GMS School Council Meeting, 5PM in the GMS Library
Monday, December 2nd: GMS CAPT Meeting, 6:10PM in the GM Library
Tuesday, December 3rd: SEPAC Coffee Connection, 10AM at the Rodman Administration Building
Wednesday, December 11th: Early dismissal day for students
Friday, December 20th: Early dismissal day
December 23rd- January 1st, 2025: Winter Holiday Break
Reference Links
Events Around Town
William H. Galvin Middle School
Courtney Gaboury, Administrative Assistant
Jim Spillane, Assistant Principal
Karim Gibson, Dean of Students
Ginny Martin, Student Services Team Chair
Email: mulhernj@cantonma.org
Website: https://www.cantonma.org/gms/index
Location: 55 Pecunit Street, Canton, MA, USA
Phone: 781-821-5070