Cambridge Headlines
January 17, 2024

Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Congratulations Cambridge!
Governors Honors Program - State Semi Finalists
Congratulations to our eight GHP State Semi Finalist!
Tristan Lin - Dance
Dawkin St.Pierre - Computer Science
Tianyu Liang - Engineering / Electrical & Computational
Tyler Jou - Mathematics
Cameron Taylor - Social Studies
Lily Rendle - Theatre
Zane Kunter - Theatre
Erin Cook - Visual Arts
State Champs!
Congratulations to the "Repeat - State Champions" in Theatre Quiz Bowl at the Georgia Thespian Conference.
Reading Bowl Places 2nd at Regionals
Congratulations, Cambridge Reading Bowl Team! They won second place in the Metro Regional Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl competition on Saturday, February 8, at Clayton State University. Team members are as pictured Coach Mrs. Morgan, Emily Grizzard, Katelyn Rollins, Courtney Holiday, Serena Wang, Keshav Govindarajan, Aditya Kartik, and Zaeem Siddique.
What you need to know today!
Valentines Greetings from Around the World
This week, students will share a special greeting, "I Love You," in their native language. Today, Korean:
The Korean writing system is unique because it was invented by King Sejong in 1443, specifically for Korea.
Regular B2 - Before 1st Period
We will hold B2 (advisement) first thing in the morning, and the bell schedule for the remainder of the day will be affected. Please see our bell schedule for today below. This is a Regular B2; please report to your B2 classrooms.
Activities this Week
- Food Drive sponsored by SkillsUSA for North Fulton Community Charities (NFCC) – donation boxes in the front of the school!
- Pajama Drive sponsored by No Place for Hate - Donate pajamas (sizes preemie/newborn all the way to Adult XXL – with the tags still on them) to comfort children in the Foster Care system. Donate in boxes at the front of the building or in Ms. Pinsky’s room (2125).
- Cambridge Cross Country Trail Cleanup sponsored by FFA - On Wednesday, join FFA members on the trail to clean up the area and prep for spring running season.
- Tuesday & Thursday Lunch Kindness Challenges sponsored by PTSA. On Tuesday and Thursday, come spread some cheer and get a treat!
- Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Letters to Milton sponsored by No Place for Hate - During B² Wednesday through Friday, join No Place for Hate in room 2125 to write letters of condolences and support to our Milton High School friends who recently lost a student and an alum in a car accident.
Dual Enrollment Help Sessions
To offer support to students applying for dual enrollment, help sessions during both lunch periods outside the cafeteria:
Wednesdays:- February 19, 26,
- March 12, 19, 26
Dual Enrollment Resources, including a replay of the Dual Enrollment Information Meeting, is now available at www.cambridgehs.org > Academics > Dual Enrollment.
Summer Dual Enrollment
Take free college courses this summer! Students can engage in summer enrichment by taking advantage of free college courses offered through Georgia's Dual Enrollment program. Summer dual enrollment courses can help students get ahead and earn both college and high school credit.
For more information on Dual Enrollment, visit Academics > Dual Enrollment.
Student Information and Resources
Tickets are now on sale for $100 on GoFan. For more information Student Activities.
ASVAB Career Exploration Program
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP) can help students take steps now toward finding a career that’s right for them. You can explore your interests, expand your horizons, realize your strengths and dreams, and start opening doors to their future.
Testing for the ASVAB Career Exploration Program will be March 13, 2025. The program is free! Parents or guardians must register their student for the ASVAB testing. Parents can register students at the link.
2025 Georgia Scholar Program
Through the Georgia Scholar program, GaDOE identifies and honors high school seniors who have achieved excellence in school and community life. Each Georgia Scholar receives a diploma seal for their diploma and, new this year, a graduation cord. Georgia Scholar is a recognition-only program, no scholarship funds are associated with this program.
The 2025 Georgia Scholar Program application window is open until March 1, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Georgia public—or private-school seniors may apply, provided they meet all the criteria outlined by the Georgia Scholar Program. For more information and to apply, visit the Georgia Department of Education—Georgia Scholar or download the Student Application Guide.
Note that your counselor and Principal Agans must sign the School Verification Form by February 26, 2025.
Chorus Annual Disney Trivia Night
✨ Get ready for a magical night! ✨🎶 Join us for Cambridge Chorus's annual event, Disney Trivia, on Friday, February 21st at 6 PM! Test your Disney knowledge, enjoy special performances by students of CHS Chorus, and grab some tasty snacks and refreshments. Plus, three grand prizes are up for grabs for the top trivia teams! 🏆👑 All funds raised will support the CHS Chorus program. Don't miss out on the fun!
Mock SAT or ACT Test
Join Best in Class for a mock SAT or ACT test on Monday, February 17, 2025 (Presidents Day) at 10:00 am. The fee for this test and consultation is $75 - participants also receive a $75 voucher toward any Best in Class college test prep offering. Classes for the upcoming SAT and ACT test dates start ten weeks before the test date. Seats are available. Register for the February 17 test.
For more information, email chrisr@bicedu.com or call 678-332-2100.
Honor Graduates for the Class of 2025
Seniors with an overall numeric average of 88 (GPA, weighted, calculated through the first semester of the senior year) or higher are deemed Honor Graduates and qualify to purchase an honor cord to wear at Graduation. Please verify your GPA on your transcript in Infinite Campus. Transcripts can be found under 'Documents, Unofficial Transcript.'
Honor Cords are designated as follows:
- Summa Cum Laude for a numeric average of 96 or higher,
- Magna Cum Laude for a numeric average of 92 or higher, or
- Cum Laude for a numeric average of 88 or higher.
Note that the reported GPA on the transcript does not round up for Honor Cord eligibility. A senior must have a GPA of 88 or higher.
Honor Cords purchased by March 21, 2025, will be distributed with caps and gowns on March 27 during both lunches. Please note that all orders will be verified, and non-qualified senior orders cannot be refunded.
Graduation Announcements
Time to order graduation announcements! For more information see, and click, on the ad below.
Class of 2025 Graduation
This is what we know right now:
- The Cambridge High School Class of 2025 will graduate at Ameris Bank Amphitheater on Monday, May 19, at 2:00 pm.
- The last day for Seniors is Friday, May 16.
- Cap and Gown distribution is set for March 27 during both lunches.
Additional venue information, the rehearsal date, ticket information, senior walks, and events will be sent out as soon as they are finalized through student announcements (Cambridge Headlines), the parent weekly newsletter, and posted to Students & Families > Seniors and Graduation. or through the feature on the front of our website: www.cambridgehs.org.
College and Scholarships
Dereef Scholarship Program
In 2024, Fulton County Schools' Chief of Finance was honored with the prestigious ASBO International Eagle Award, generously sponsored by Equitable, a leading financial services company. In recognition of this achievement, Mr. Dereef launched the Dereef College Scholarship Program to support the next generation of leaders.
The program will award one-time $1,000 scholarships to five outstanding students from Fulton County Schools who are pursuing an undergraduate degree in business or education at institutions such as Clark Atlanta University, Tulane University, or any other accredited institution.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Senior students from Fulton County Schools
- Intending to pursue an undergraduate degree in business or education
Application Deadline:
- All applications must be submitted by March 15, 2025
To apply, see the application attached below.
National CCAA First-Year Scholarship
The National CCAA First-Year Scholarship is awarded to 16 randomly selected students from various geographic regions who attend one of our 117 member institutions in fall 2025. The scholarship was established to celebrate and promote Catholic higher education, and the National CCAA Board of Directors is pleased to help support students' transition to college.
For more information and to apply visit the National CCAA First-Year Scholarship.
American Legion Unit 202 Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship
American Legion Unit 201 awards three scholarships each year to qualified applicants. All scholarships are $1000.
- All College-bound High School seniors are eligible to compete for these scholarships.
- The Auxiliary will determine the amount of each scholarship.
- Your counselor or other school-assigned representative must approve the application.
- All applications must be returned no later than April 15, 2025.
- Applications may be duplicated as required.
- Completed applications should be mailed to:
Ellen Terrell-Youngblood
123 Sedalia Ct.
Alpharetta, GA 30009
eftot57@gmail.com - All questions or concerns may be directed to: Ellen Terrell-Youngblood, 678.462.9003
MARC Scholarship
The MARC scholarship program focuses on current high school seniors who have relocated into the Atlanta area sometime between grade 9 (after completion of 8th grade) and grade 12. The one-time award of $2,500 will be presented to an area high school senior in 2025. The award will be sent directly to the college of choice that the student will attend to assist with tuition, etc. Student must attend college in Fall 2025 to receive the scholarship. In addition, the winning application will automatically be nominated for a secondary scholarship opportunity awarded by the Worldwide Employee Relocation Council (WERC) Foundation. MARC will select the scholarship winner based on the strength of their total application package The student will be evaluated on:
- Academic performance (as illustrated in their transcripts)
- Extra-curricular activities (to be provided with the application), and
- Their essay addressing the way they handled the challenges associated with relocating to a new area and a new high school.
If you have questions, please contact your counselor. Deadline is Friday, February 28, 2025.
Kennesaw State University Open House
The Kennesaw State University Open House offers students the opportunity to learn more about their major and their desired field of study. They will also receive information on Admissions Requirements and Financial Aid and hear from current KSU students.
In addition, be sure to experience a complimentary lunch in our award-winning University Dining (for up to three visitors), along with the opportunity to participate in a walking tour of the campus and see a model room in one of our residence halls.
Open House is hosted on both campuses on different days. You and your student are encouraged to sign up for the campus that hosts their major, as this will allow them to gain the most knowledge about their KSU experience. For more information and to register, visit Kennesaw State University Open House.