December 19, 2024
We Commit to High Achievement for All Students
Follow us on X (Twitter) @parkelemsch
Jill Makee @parkelemsch to see pictures and videos from school!
Wishes for a Happy Holiday and Winter Break!
School Events
- December 20th - End of 2nd Quarter and Holiday Class Parties
- December 22-January 3rd - Winter Break
- January 6th - Classes Resume
- January 8th - Report Cards Home
PTO Events
- NO PTO meeting this month
*See Newsletter for more information
From the Principal's Desk—
Happy Holidays Hilltopper Families:
As we approach the holiday season, I want to extend my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. This time of year is for reflection and I’m incredibly grateful for our dedicated staff, our fabulous students and your continued support at home.
The hallways at Park were buzzing with excitement with spirit day festivities, Hilltopper awards and holiday assemblies as well as special winter themed projects. Be sure to ask your students about all the fun activities that happened this week!
Over winter break, I encourage you to spend time with loved ones and enjoy and cherish the simple joys around us. The moments spent together are truly the best gifts of all!
Our students have shown remarkable growth this semester and their achievements reflect the hard work of our educators, staff and YOU. I’m so proud of them!
As we look ahead to the New Year, I’m excited for the continued growth and success of our students. I wish you and your families a joyful and restful holiday season and a wonderful 2025!
With gratitude and holiday cheer,
Mrs. Makee
Topper Tuesdays!
Every Tuesday at Park School will be TOPPER TUESDAY! Join us as Students and Staff wear their Chardon Topper spirit wear or any Red or Black gear you like.
If your student is not going to be in school or is going to be late,
you need to call 440-285-4067 by 9:30 a.m.
🌟 Topper Tickets! 🌟
Topper Tickets are part of Park's PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) system. They are given to students as a special recognition when they demonstrate a Topper Trait - Taking Responsibility, Offering Kindness, and Persevering. Each day, we randomly select a few Topper Ticket winners from each grade level to receive a prize! Check the newsletter each week for their names!
1st Grade: Monty Catania, Axel Farinacci, Elijah Ruggiero, Ivan Slavic, Emaruth Starke, Franklin Wiencek
2nd Grade: Nora Baldrey, Lilly Bryant, Alex Crombie, Nicholas Lech, Sabella Lozner, Sophia Mack
3rd Grade: Ella Cahill, Lola Kaufman, Harper Klinger, Carter Morrison, Branson Porter, Brayden Roos
Keep up the GREAT work, Hilltoppers!
Topper Ticket Wheel Spin Winners!
We randomly choose one Topper Ticket winner from each grade to spin the WHEEL OF FUN on Fridays! The prizes on the Wheel of Fun are a step up from the usual, and include things like having lunch with a friend in Mrs. Makee's office, popcorn party for your class, an extra recess for your class, play a game with Mrs. Makee, pajama day for your class and more!
Liam Milroy: Miss Tufts - Persevere
Liam won a COOKIE PARTY for his class!
Harper Minnick: Miss Jen - Take Responsibility
Harper won a BOOK TOKEN for the Book Vending Machine!
Olivia Biacofsky: Mrs. Force - Persevere
Olivia won a PAJAMA PARTY for her class!
Hilltopper Award Donut Breakfast! Congratulations!
Park's Magical Cafeteria!
The cafeteria elves came! They left a stocking with candy and a Christmas tree pen for the best behaved student in each grade! They used their magic to let Miss Andrea know who had earned it at the end of lunch. The students told the elves they would leave out extra carrots and reindeer food on Christmas Eve for Oscar (pet reindeer of Happy the Elf)!
Cafeteria GOLDEN SPOON Award winners this week!
Market Day Economics Unit in Mrs. Whiting's Class
3rd Grade Field Trip to the Cleveland Science Center!
Park Clinic Corner
PSA: Girl's pants needed (leggings, jeans) in all sizes!
It is "Snow" secret we want the kids to be healthy!
I hope that everyone has a safe, healthy and happy Holiday season!
Here are some reminders/recommendations for our January return to school:
To prevent exposing other students and staff unnecessarily to illness, it is recommended that a student does not come to school if he/she has the following symptoms:
• Vomiting and/or diarrhea the morning of school
• An undetermined rash
• A temperature of 100.0 or greater within the past 24 hours
If a student must leave school due to illness, the parent/guardian is responsible for transportation. If you are not available, the person you designated on your student‘s emergency information in infinite campus will be notified to pick them up. It is important to have a plan in place in order for your child to get picked up promptly.
Thank you for helping keep our school healthy!
Mrs. Park and Mrs. Kolenich
Sarah Park RN
Renee Kolenich MA
Thank you PTO for the Magic of Science Assembly! What a fun holiday treat!
Making snowmen and sleds for Christmas in Mrs. Carver's class!
2024-2025 Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Application
We encourage ALL families to submit an application for meal benefits eligibility regardless of family income.
Title I
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides students who qualify with extra instructional services and activities beyond regular classroom instruction. Click HERE for more information about the Title I program and reach out to the school with any questions.
Chardon Schools' Summer School program is tentatively scheduled for June 2-20, 2025. The 3rd grade summer AIR test (for students that did not achieve the required passing score during the school year) will be June 23-27, 2025.
Please complete your Infinite Campus MANDATORY Annual Update!
LUNCH - Week of January 6th
MONDAY - Popcorn Chicken w/Mashed Potatoes
TUESDAY - Loaded Beef Nachos w/Black Beans
WEDNESDAY - French Toast Sticks w/Sausage
THURSDAY - Grilled Chicken Rotini Alfredo
FRIDAY - Big Daddy's Pizza
ALL Meal Payments are Processed Thru Infinite Campus
Breakfast $1.50-$2.00
Lunch $2.75
Daily Option - Tony's Galaxy Pizza, Uncrustable PB&J
Snacks available to purchase!
Additional breakfast & lunch menus can be found on our website:
The next PTO meeting is at 6pm on January 8th in the Park Cafeteria.
Please join us! Childcare is provided.
Meet the Park PTO Board
2024-2025 PTO Officers
Shannon Kaufman - President
Melissa Kleinknecht - Vice President
Tiffany Klinger - Vice President
Katie McCartney - Secretary
Robert Cahill - Treasurer
Click below to view Community Flyers
Park Elementary School
Tonia Seese, Secretary
Maureen Liechty, Clerical
Sarah Park, School Nurse & Renee Kolenich, Medical Assistant
Phone: 440-285-4067
Fax: 440-286-0484
Location: 111 Goodrich Court, Chardon, OH, USA
The mission of the Chardon Local Schools is we commit to high achievement for all students.