Welcome to ACE!
School ends. Learning doesn't.
September 2022 Newsletter
Greetings ACE Families,
We're excited about another great year of ACE. The Grand Prairie ISD ACE program is committed to providing additional academic support and enrichment opportunities to all students enrolled in the ACE program.
At ACE, we recognize the importance of working together with families and community members to better support our students. The ongoing social, academic, and emotional success of our students rely on the network of families and schools. We welcome all ACE families and parents to volunteer this school year. As a requirement of the ACE program, ACE parents must volunteer for at least two ACE family events per semester.
Click your ACE students' campus tab at bottom of this newsletter to learn about more ways to volunteer for ACE at your child's school.
Your Voice Matters!
The Grand Prairie ISD ACE Program values the input of all our ACE families. We strongly encourage you to complete this survey to provide feedback about your interests and the ACE program.
Upcoming Parent Information Nights
September 6, 2022
Seguin Elementary at 5pm
Barbara Bush Elementary at 5pm
Travis World Languages Academy at 5pm
September 8, 2022
Garcia Elementary at 5pm
Bowie Elementary at 5pm
September 12, 2022
Daniels Elementary at 5pm
GPISD Family Engagement Events
Tuesday, September 20th
Parenting on the Go Workshop: How to have a successful school year!
- Zoom webinar
- Overview skyward, attendance, and other areas that will help families have a successful year.
- https://www.gpisd.org/Page/49715
- 6 p.m.
Tuesday, September 27th
Tech Academy for Families: Google Classroom
- Zoom webinar.
- Advance registration required
- Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_r41XZLWfQSW8gYFuBVdP5A
- 6 p.m.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Click here to learn more fun facts about National Hispanic Heritage Month.
It's a Celebration / Es una Celebracion
* * * * * No ACE Programming * * * * *
All district offices/campuses are closed on
Monday, September 5, 2022
in observance of the Labor Day holiday.
All ACE Program Sites will be closed also.
Volunteer with ACE!
Tammeka Foreman, M.A.T.
Email: tammeka.foreman@gpisd.org
Website: https://www.gpisd.org/Page/49821
Location: 650 Stonewall Drive, Grand Prairie, TX, USA