The Bobcat Brief
November 15, 2024
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 18-Friday, November 22 - Onsite field trip for the Maritime Center
18th: Grade 1
19th: Grade 2
20th: Grade 3
21st: Grade 4
22nd: Grade 5
Thursday, November 21: SIC Meeting at 4:30 (in-person)
Thursday, November 21: National Parent Involvement Day
Thursday, November 21- Field Trips
Grade 2- Coastal Discovery Museum
Grade 5- USCB Shrek Jr.
Friday, November 22: College Colors Day
Tuesday, November 26: Coosa's Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon (flyer sent home)
Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving Lunch, Tuesday, November 26, 2024
A Message from Mrs. Fair, Our Miliary Family Life Counselor
We would like to recognize our military affiliated families by creating a display at Coosa. Approximately 1/3 of our current students have an active military parent/guardian in a branch of the military. We ask that you send in a family photo to display on our military bulleting board. You can either send in a nonreturnable printed photo or we can print it for you. If sending by email, please send to Renee.Roberts@beaufort.k12.sc.us or Melissa.Pender@beaufort.k12.sc.us.
Palmetto's Finest Award
EarlyAct Club
EarlyAct is a school-wide service club for elementary school students. Coosa's EarlyAct consists of students in grades 3-5. EarlyAct provides young students the opportunity to gain an increased awareness and knowledge of their community and the world. EarlyAct also engages students in character-building activities and prepares them for leadership roles to identify and carry out a minimum of three service-learning projects a year- for their school, local community and an international project. The Sea Island Rotary Club sponsors the club and students from Beaufort High School's Interact club assist. We look forward to showcasing their service-learning projects throughout the year.
Successful Career Day
Gifted and Talented Screening for Grades 3-5 Reminder
Do you feel you have a student who would qualify as Gifted and Talented in Arts? BCSD students who are identified as Gifted and Talented in Arts will have many opportunities provided to them, including both school and districtwide activities. This identification will follow the student through Middle and High School.
- Screenings are open to all students grades 3-5 who are interested and are referred by an adult. The form can be completed from September 23–November 25. Screenings will take place on a date to be decided between January 21 – February 13.
- If you are interested and would like the Related Arts teachers to fill out the form, please reach out to the appropriate teacher. Parents/guardians may also fill out the form on behalf of their child.
- Please contact Mrs. Smith (Music) or Mrs. Halopoff (Art) at Rachel.Smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us and Meredith.Halopoff@beaufort.k12.sc.us with any questions you may have about this process.
- Gift and Talented Screening Referral Form – https://form.jotform.com/242283246216150
- GT Audition Materials - https://tinyurl.com/GTAuditionMaterials
Coosa's Business Partners - Thank You!
If you are interested in partnering with Coosa, you can find more information on our website: https://ces.beaufortschools.net/about-us/business-partners
Bobcat Champion
- Randall and Marci Mann
- Harris Pillow Supply
Bobcat Gold
Bobcat Silver
Bobcat Bronze
- The Lane Family
- Erica Sanchez/Jolly Family
- Sea Island Animal Hospital
Bobcat Parent/Family Supporter/Advocate
- The Beulah-Fields Family
- The Muth Family
- The Vaughan Family