Plainfield Elementary
January Newsletter
Message from the Principal
Happy New Year! As we begin 2024, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the first half of the school year. It has been a time of growth and learning for our students. I am so proud of all they have accomplished and grateful for the dedication of our Plainfield Staff. They work hard to provide a safe, caring, and positive learning environment for our students. During this second half of the school year, we will continue our focus of providing quality instruction and supporting each child to make the best growth possible. We have many fun events planned for 2024 and can't wait to get started!
As always, if you have any questions, please call our office at (610) 746-4436. Wishing you a safe and healthy winter season!
Mrs. Lilly
Calendar of Events for January
1/8 PTO Meeting 6 pm @ WGMS
1/11 Title I - Math Workshop 6-7 pm @ Plainfield
1/12 PBIS Ring in the New Year Dance Party (during the school day)
1/12 PTO Book BINGO @ 6-7:30 @ Plainfield
1/15 School's Closed
1/22 Act 80 - 12 pm Early Dismissal
1/26 January Awards/Birthday Celebration
Flexible Instruction Days
Pen Argyl Area School District may utilize FID (Flexible Instructional Days) when there is bad weather or other circumstances that do not allow for a normal school day. Please read the following information that explains how an FID works at Plainfield Elementary.
Your child’s teachers will post their assignments on their Google Classroom by 8:00 a.m. on the FID. At any point during an FID, teachers are available to assist students and parents. The teachers will be available for live Google meets to answer any questions your child may have about the work, that is assigned for them, to complete on the FID day. The teachers will share with you the 2 hours they will be live in a google meet. Participating in the live sessions are not mandatory but your child may find them helpful to complete their assignments. Your child will need to complete the assignments posted on their Google classroom.
Flexible Instruction Days are mandatory. Students will be required to fill out an attendance form each FID by 11:59 p.m. Please ensure that your child completes this form. The attendance form link will be found on your child’s Google Classroom.
Here is the arts team schedule for FID days.
K: 9:00 - 9:30
1st: 9:30 - 10:00
2nd: 10:00 - 10:30
3rd: 10:30 - 11:00
News from the PBIS Team
E- Empathy
R- Respectful
O- On Task
Our class incentive this month will entail collecting robots by showing positive HERO behaviors. Each class will work together to gather six robots and once they have collected them all, students will be participate in STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art Math) activities with their class.
Our students will also participate in a PBIS "reboot" during the week of January 8th. Teachers will reteach expectations in each area of the school (cafeteria, hallway, classroom, bus, bathroom) and students will earn a stamp or sticker on a passport for each lesson they complete. At the end of the week when the passports are complete, we will celebrate with a pajama "Ring in the New Year" hallway dance party.
News from the PTO
- The next PTO Meeting will take place 1/8/23 at 6 PM in the WGMS Library.
- Book BINGO is coming 1/12/23 from 6-7:30 PM at Plainfield.
News from the School Counselor
Plainfield is holding a Family Workshop Thursday, January 24, 2023 from 6-7 pm with a focus on our PBIS program. We would love to have many families attend! Look for the invitations to be sent home in early January.
We love to spread kindness in our school so this January we will be creating a kindness chain that will include kind statements from all students and staff within our school intertwined into a paper chain. The chain will represent our kindness initiative and everyone will be included and responsible for spreading kindness throughout the school!
News from the Plainfield Library
December was a busy, exciting month at the Plainfield Library, and January is looking to be the same! Kindergarten and First grade have been studying the author, Jory John, and discussing the parts of a book. We also started to work on ABC order in first grade. Second and third graders have been reviewing ABC order and starting to work on shelf order and call numbers in the library. ABC order helps readers find books on the shelves in an efficient way!
January 24th is a special day called "Library Shelfie Day." Keep a look out for an opportunity to add a picture of your student to our Library Shelfie display!
REMINDER: Don't forget to return library books before your students' next library day so they can check out a new one!
Plainfield Elementary School
Email: lilly.heather@penargylsd.org
Website: https://plainfield.penargylschooldistrict.org/
Location: 539 School Rd, Nazareth, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 746-4436