Byam Newsletter
December 13, 2024
Message from Principal and Assistant Principal
Mark Your Calendar
12/16-12/20 Winter Spirit Wear Week (calendar below)
12/16-12/17 Part 2 1st Grade Enrichment Light and Color
12/18 Grade 4 State House Concert
12/23-1/3 Winter Break
1/6 School Reopens
December 16-20th Winter Spirit Wear Week!
Celebrating Us
Thank you to our families who attended our first Celebrating Us planning meeting. The date for this year's Celebrating Us event will be Wednesday, March 19th 6:30-7:30. A flyer will be coming home in backpacks in January with a QR code to sign up to particpate. More information coming soon. We look forward to this great opportunity for families to share more about their backgrounds.
Cold Weather Attire and Labeling Winter Coats
With cold weather now here, and outdoor recess in lower temperatures, we request that students come to school with cold weather attire. Writing a last name on a coat tag helps immensely with finding where a forgotten coat belongs. We had to donate many winter items from lost and found with no names inside. Thank you for your attention to this seasonal request.
Kindergarten Louie's Loot
On Thursday our kindergartners received their Louie's Loot bag. This home literacy program connects families to early literacy skills. Of course our mascot Louie made an appearance to pass out the bags!
Enrichment Programs
Thank you to the BSA for sponsoring wonderful enrichments this week. We had author Rob Buyea visit our 4th grade for a presentation and writing workshops. The Discovery Museum presented to our first grade students a light and color program while our 3rd graders had a force and magnetism program.
Interactive Sandbox Fun in Kindergarten
Health Screenings
Dear Byam families,
We will be holding state mandated screenings for hearing and vision at Byam School on December 16, 17 & 18. BMI measurement with height and weight will also be recorded this school year for students in 1st and 4th grade.
Grade level screenings include:
Kindergarten: hearing, vision/stereopsis (if not already submitted for enrollment during K registration)
1st grade: hearing, vision/stereopsis, BMI (height and weight)
2nd grade: hearing, vision/stereopsis
3rd grade: hearing, vision/stereopsis
4th grade: distance vision, BMI (height and weight)
If you would prefer your student not participate in these screenings, please notify the nurse in writing via e-mail or a letter sent in to school with student (phone messages are not accepted) by Friday, December 13th in order to be removed from the screening list.
Thank you,
Emma R. Pappo, BSN, RN
Byam School Nurse
25 Maple Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone (978) 251-5144
Fax (978) 926-0445
We're Hiring!
help spread the word to other friends or acquaintances! (or maybe you're interested in finding out more yourself), we are currently interviewing for Byam ABA Paraeducator positions and Byam Recess Lunch Aide position. For anyone interested in applying, please click on links below. Previous experience preferred but not required.
- Byam ABA Paraeducator Posittion: This position is a full time 8:45-3:15 position supporting students in our SAIL (Students Achieving Independent Learning) Program program. Prior experience preferred, but not required. https://www.schoolspring.com/jobdetail?jobId=4902522
- Byam Recess Lunch Aide Position: This position is part time position, great for elementary caregivers!, mid day hours, fifteen hours per week: https://www.schoolspring.com/jobdetail?jobId=4901620
We provide training for both positions. For anyone interested in applying as an intermittent substitute at Byam, email Bridget Freelove at freeloveb@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Byam Weekly Announcements Video
December Lunch Menu
A reminder to all our families, breakfast and lunches are free. There is a charge for milk only. The December Breakfast and Lunch calendars are below.
December Breakfast Menu
BSA Information
12/9 and 12/16: Discovery Museum, light & color program with 1st grade
12/11 and 12/13: Discovery Museum, force & magnetism program with 3rd grade
12/17/24: Evivva Dine in Night 11:30am-8pm
2/1/25: Riverhawks Hockey Night
2/8/25: Sweetheart dance 4-6pm and 6:30-8pm
3/3/25: Roller Kingdom Night 6-8pm
3/29/25 : Hootenanny Talent Variety Show
5/3/25 : Walk a Thon 10-2pm
5/6/25 : Byam Art Night, 5 - 7pm
Evivva Dine in Night:
10% of sales will be donated to the BSA! Must show or mention flyer!
When you dine in or get takeout from Evivva in Westford on Tuesday December 17th from 11:30am-8:00pm
Order amazing gifts with YOUR CHILD’S ART!
Good news! Our Square1Art deadline has been extended to 12/5/2024! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to order special keepsakes featuring your child's artwork just in time for the winter holidays! Your order will also support the Byam BSA and help fund school enrichment opportunities like field trips and assemblies.
Order deadline: EXTENDED TO 12/5/2024!
Follow the BSA on Instagram
No-cost Registration for Byam Events:
*Financial concerns should never stand in the way of families participating in school events. If you are interested in any Byam activities please contact Lyndsey O’Neil, our school counselor, to register at no cost: oneill@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Want to get involved?
Want to get involved? BSA Help Needed
Here are some openings the BSA is currently seeking help on, reach out the bsa.chelmsford@gmail.com if you are interested in any of these positions!
Stay Connected...
Follow Byam School Happenings on Instagram!
CPS Academic Calendar 2024-2025
2024-2025 School Wide Academic Calendar
Byam School
Office: Secretary Dossin dossina@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Clerk/Attendance: murphys@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Principal Fredette fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.usAssistant Principal Dolan dolane@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://byam.chelmsfordschools.org/about/
Location: 25 Maple Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-251-5144