Hembree Highlights
August 2, 2024

October 18, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families,
This has been a great short week. I am so excited for our Trunk or Treat event tonight. The students have been talking about it all day.
Next week, the state Department of Education will be visiting us to observe our practices and learn about our journey to achieving Title One distinction. This is a fantastic chance for us to highlight the incredible work of our dedicated staff and talented students.
We have been very busy this month with conferences, field trips, and staff appreciation. Thank you to our wonderful PTA for a coffee truck on our workday. The staff loved it!! Thanks also to Cobb EMC for their generous donation of school supplies.
Please look for an email from me next week regarding after school club sign-ups.
I hope you all had a great Fall Break. This weekend Georgia takes on Texas. While I will be cheering Georgia on, I do believe this game will be a challenge. I just hope we make it competitive. Fingers crossed!!
Have a great weekend and I hope to see many of you this evening!
Nancy Lahey
Important Dates
10/22 Reflections Reception- Media Center 8:00-8:30am
10/28-11/2 Red Ribbon Week (see below for details)
10/31 Book Character Day
11/5 Remote Learning Day (Election Day)
11/7 Fall Into Reading Literacy Celebration & Star Night @ 5:30-7:30pm
11/12 Title I Technology Workshop @ 7:40-8:40am
11/13 PREP Program for early learners and rising K 8:00-9:00am
11/18-11/22 Hembree Springs Elementary Book Fair!
11/19 Surcheros Spirit Night
11/20 Thanksgiving Feast and Art Show
11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
Red Ribbon Week 10/28-11/1
Book Character Day
On Thursday, October 31, 2024, we will be hosting a Story Book Character Day! On this day the staff and students may dress up as their favorite storybook character. We are asking that the character comes from a book that you have read and loved (not just from a movie or cartoon.)
Parents, please work with your child to plan a fun and simple homemade costume. We are asking that you work together to be creative with items around the house versus spending money on a store-bought costume. Your child may bring a copy of the book to class that day so that we can take part in several character study activities!
To help ensure students’ feelings of safety and security, violent or frightening costumes are not acceptable. No props, dangerous-looking items, or costume masks covering the face. Please reach out to your teacher with any questions.
Technology Workshop
Parents and caregivers, please join us on 11/12 @ 7:40am for our Technology Workshop. We’ll discuss digital citizenship, the Infinite Campus parent portal, online resources, digital tools and much more!
Beanstack! Help us reach our school wide reading goal of 50,000 minutes!
Have you heard your child mention anything about an app called Beanstack? It was introduced in the Media Center. Beanstack is a digital reading log that students can use to log the number of minutes they are reading. They can earn badges and rewards along the way. This year, we have a schoolwide reading goal of 50,000 minutes! We can’t reach our goal without the help of your child! If your child is reading at school, home, daycare, etc. they can log their minutes and help us get closer to our goal. The following is a video explaining how to use Beanstack from home. You can always find your child's lunch number/student number in infinite campus or email Mrs. Soberanis: soberanis@fultonschools.org. Happy Reading!
How To Video: https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cZQTbzVSAkv
Art Show - Save the Date
Book Fair - Save the Date
Parents and guardians, save the date! The Scholastic Book Fair is happening the week of November 18th-22nd. Interested in helping? We have plenty of volunteer opportunities. Please sign up at the link below!
Fall into Reading!
Bring the whole family and join us on Thursday, November 7th from 5:30-7:30pm. We’ll have free pizza from 5:30-6:30pm as well as free book giveaways, activity stations, read-alouds with “celebrity” guests, “read to a friend,” STAR night and more! RSVP here- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C054FADAD2FAAFD0-51908946-fall to ensure sufficient pizza and books for everyone!
School Family Compact Signatures
Families- please check out the flyers below and ensure that you have digitally signed the school-family compact for 2025. The School-Family Compact and Parent and Family Engagement Plan will be discussed with you throughout the year at different school-family programs (for all grades) and at parent-teacher conferences, as we work together towards your child’s academic successes this year. You may visit our school’s website https://hembreesprings.fultonschools.org/our-school/title-i or contact a school representative to request a copy of the school-family compact. If you need more information or have any questions, please contact Lucy Gilbert, lgilbert2@fultonschools.org OR Ashley Zuniga (en Espanol), zunigaa@fultonschools.org.
Yearbooks Are On Sale!
All Stars Wanted
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
From Title I
Family Engagement Thursdays
Families! YOU are your child’s first and most influential teacher. As such you have so much to offer your student! To encourage family engagement at home, we are offering family engagement Thursdays. Each week there will be (1) activity to do at home to be completed prior to Friday. We’ll list the activities for the month in Hembree Highlights and offer reminders via social media. Your student will have the opportunity to receive a *bonus* Hawk’s ticket for participating (look out for more details from your teacher) We’ll include tips and tricks to get the conversation started and reinforce learning from the school day. Please spend anywhere from 10-20 minutes with your child engaging with them around their day at school and encouraging their social and emotional skills. We’ll also encourage you to practice other skills inclusive of Math and ELA. Please feel free to reach out to me Lucy Gilbert, Title I Parent Liaison (gilbertl2@fultonschools.org) with any questions.
Del Título I
Jueves de Participación Familiar
¡Familias! USTED es el primer y más influyente maestro de su hijo. Como tal, ¡tiene mucho que ofrecer a su estudiante! Para fomentar la participación familiar en casa, estamos ofreciendo participación familiar los jueves. Cada semana habrá (1) actividad para hacer en casa que se completará antes del viernes. Haremos una lista de las actividades del mes en Hembree Highlights y ofreceremos recordatorios a través de las redes sociales. Su estudiante tendrá la oportunidad de recibir un boleto * extra* de Hawk's por participar (esté atento a más detalles de su profesor). Incluiremos consejos y trucos para iniciar la conversación y reforzar el aprendizaje de la jornada escolar. Pase entre 10 y 20 minutos con su hijo, involucrarse con ellos durante su día en la escuela y fomentando sus habilidades sociales y emocionales. También te animaremos a que practiques otras habilidades, como las matemáticas y Arte del Lenguaje en Ingles. Por favor, siéntase libre de comunicarse conmigo Lucy Gilbert, Enlace de Padres del Título I (gilbertl2@fultonschools.org) con cualquier pregunta.
Bus Transportation Information
Lunch Visitor Sign Up
We will begin to welcome lunch visitors the week of September 9th. Due to limited capacity, we ask that you sign up using the links below. Please do not sign up for the year to allow the opportunity for many families to visit. Thanks for understanding.
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902