Columbus School District
December Newsletter
Columbus School District
Email: promote@columbus.k12.wi.us
Website: https://www.columbus.k12.wi.us/
Location: 200 West School Street, Columbus, WI, USA
Phone: (920) 623-5950
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusWisconsin/
Instagram: columbusschooldistrict
Upcoming Events
December 9th
December 13th
December 23rd - January 1st
School Resumes January 2nd
Message from the Superintendent
The first action in the newsletter this month is to express our gratitude to all of you this holiday season. We want to be sure that our students, staff, parents, and community members hear that we appreciate them. We hope that all of you had an enjoyable and relaxing Thanksgiving. Also, we hope that this next month is filled with excitement and happiness. Columbus is a special place!
For me, the holidays bring an opportunity to reflect and celebrate. I want to take a moment to share and celebrate some recent success that we experienced as a district. During the month of November, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) releases the District and School Report Card for the previous year. It is a variety of data that is combined to give an overall score based on the criteria determined by the DPI. A key component to the Report Card comes from the state assessments for students in grades 3-11. You may have seen an article in the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen on this topic a couple of weeks ago (note: you need a subscription to read). I want to emphasize that the Report Card is only one of several measurements that we use to assess our success. We found the 2023-2024 Report Card to be a positive one for CSD.
The score on the Report Card is composed of the following 4 Priority Areas: Achievement, Growth, Target Group Outcomes, and On-Track to Graduation. An area that we are proud of is our Growth Score Priority Area. The Growth Score compares the amount that our students grew, no matter of their achievement level, compared to similar peers across the state. Our student growth was the same or better than 95.5% of the districts across the state. This is the second year in a row that we have experienced strong results in the Growth Score Priority Area.
Even though it is only one measuring tool, this year’s Report Card results are exciting. Success should be celebrated. We want to celebrate our students for their perseverance and hard work. Also, all of you for your work with your child(ren)! Our dedicated staff has been the key ingredient to continuous improvement. In addition, our Board of Education and community partners have been integral parts to our growth.
We will continue to strive for academic excellence through intentional action and not happenstance. Like most industries, there is a natural ebb and flow for schools. We are realistic that test scores are susceptible to ups and downs. We hope intentionality maximizes our opportunities and increases stability. A few of the recent intentional actions include the following: Implementing Teacher-Leaders, Utilizing Professional Learning Teams, Providing a Variety of Learning Options (DCS/Work-based Learning Experiences), Course Offerings, Co-Curricular Opportunities, Maintaining Appropriate Learning Environment (Reasonable Class Sizes/Facilites/Appropriate Technology), Focus on Visionary Priority Areas/Action Steps, and Aligning Staffing to Student Needs.
Here is a link to a recent presentation regarding the District’s Report Card. The presentation will provide more details than this newsletter article. Please understand that scores are not percentages; instead, they are a formula-based score. We hope that you will take a moment in celebrating the success of our students. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to celebrate. We hope you find it valuable. Happy Holidays to all of you and Go Cards!!!
Jake Flood
Columbus School District
2024-2025 Inclement Weather/School Cancellations
Soon winter and possible inclement weather will be here. For your safety and that of your children, this message is to inform you of how you will be notified of weather-related school closings. All parents who have updated information with the district on file should receive an email, text message, or phone call from the school informing them of a school closing. Your communication method that you receive will be based on what you selected as a preference for Infinite Campus. The most common types of weather-related school closings are: full-day school closing, 2-hour delay, or early dismissal. Early childhood and 4K typically follow the same closing schedule. In the event of a 2-hour delay, there usually is no school for early childhood or AM 4K, either. On days with a 2-hour delay, typically afternoon 4K students will have school. There could be an occasion where PM 4K is canceled in anticipation of a possible early release.
If you have recently changed your phone number or email address, please check with the office at your child's school to see if we have your most up to date contact information on file. Let's have a safe and warm winter together!
Winter is coming... Are you prepared to face the cold?
Rotary Youth Exchange Program
Charlie's Tree House K-5 Menus
Club Charlie's 6-8 Menus
Charlie's Food Court 9-12 Menus
2024-2025 District Calendar
Angel Funds Donations
Are you looking for ways to help in our community? Consider donating to the Columbus School Nutrition Angel Fund.
The funds will be used to help families receive nutritious meals through the School Nutrition Program.
It’s easy to do. You can send or drop-off your donation to the District Office or any school office. Make checks payable to Columbus School District. In the Memo write Angel Funds.
Columbus School District Office, 200 W School Street, Columbus, WI 53925
If you wish to donate electronically please click the link.
For more information, please contact the district office 920-623-5950
Care Solace
If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs regardless of the circumstance. Care Solace is a complementary and confidential service provided to students, staff, and their families by Columbus School District. Care Solace's team is available 24/7/365 and can support you in your language. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
- Call 1 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365
- Visit www.caresolace.com/columbus and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
See attached flyer English
See Family letter English
See attached flyer Spanish
See Family letter Spanish
Board Business
We are hiring! Please click the links below to redirect you to the job postings.
Certified Staff Positions Available - WECAN
Support Staff Positions Available -WECAN
Support Staff Positions Available - Indeed