Youth Services News
June 7, 2024
CollegeBound Saver
- Info session Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84904680244
- CollegeBound Saver on the Summer Reading Program LibGuide
Summer Visits
As you're gearing up for summer I would love for you to consider inviting me to your library to see a program, learn about something new you're trying, or just see your space and catch up. I know you have a lot on your schedule the next few months, so there is absolutely no expectation or pressure. I'd very much like the opportunity to see your amazing work, so if you're open to having me as a guest please schedule a time below.
A big thank you to those who have extended invitations; I'm looking forward to seeing you, your library, and meeting your community!
- Danielle
Summer Meals
Summer meal sites are getting ready to feed kids who may be missing out on nutritious lunches while school is out (maybe your library is one such site!). Last week your library should have received a packet of flyers for the 2024 RI Summer Meals program. Please post and share these flyers in your library and community. A PDF of the flyer is included below if you need additional copies.
How to help families find summer meal sites in your community:
- print and distribute the RI Summer Meals flyer
- promote the RI Summer Meals program on your library's web site and social media
- call 211 for locations
- show families and teens how to download the RI Summer Meals app from the App Store
Additional SRP Updates
- Libraries using any iREAD materials (including slogan and artwork) must use the following credit line on ALL SRP signs, press releases, posters, websites and promotions. This credit line should also be used when promoting activities funded by the LORI SRP Mini-grant, even if your library is not using iREAD materials. Libraries may personalize this credit line by adding the library’s name and the names of local sponsors at the end:
The statewide Rhode Island Summer Reading Program is supported by the RI Office of Library and Information Services, with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
- If you are so inclined to hashtag your SRP social media posts, we’re going to be using #RISummerReading and #ReadRenewRepeat to organize and promote everyone’s events and activities.
- Keep your eyes peeled for statewide SRP promotional billboards and RIPTA bus ads.
Join the RICBA Committee
The Rhode Island Children's Book Award committee is seeking three new members to serve a three year term, 2024-2027. Prospective members should have experience working with youth in grades 3-5 and knowledge of current children's literature.
Please complete the application below by Monday, June 17. Applicants will be notified at the end of June regarding their application status for the term beginning in September 2024 and ending in June 2025. Please feel free to share this application with anyone you think may be interested.
Let's Move in Libraries: StoryWalks
From Let's Move in Libraries:
StoryWalk® Week 2024
We want to remind you that for the fourth consecutive year we are teaming up with the Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services (ABOS) for the Fourth Annual StoryWalk® Week celebration!
This year the fun will be November 10-16, 2024.
To participate, all you need to do is a share a photograph of your library’s StoryWalk from the year 2024, along with a brief caption. We’ll be opening up the call for participation in October 2024.
To get ideas and inspiration check out the webpages for
And our StoryWalk resource page
Let’s get moving outside!
While you wait for StoryWalk Week 2024, we’d like to also invite you to share your StoryWalk stories ! We feature them online and in our newsletters to inspire others.
A New StoryWalk Resource
Kelley Donner recently shared the following StoryWalk resource with us. It sounds like a promising product for librarians who may wish to purchase ready-to-go StoryWalk pages that come with activity prompts embedded in them.
Kelley writes “As an author/illustrator, and an educator for over 20 years, encouraging children to read has always been a passion of mine. Nevertheless, as a mom of three boys with dyslexia, I’ve found that sometimes in order to get children to read you need to think outside the box. About a year ago, I found out about the Storywalk® Project and it inspired me to create something completely new. I decided to make editions of my books that are especially suited for walks in schools and which can be used either indoors or outdoors. Now, instead of needing to buy 2-3 books in order to do a walk, a librarian only needs to buy one, cut on the dotted lines, place spreads together, and laminate. Prompts have already been added. I currently have four of these DIY books on the market, including School is More Than a Building and Run, Oscar, Run! (which is a Storybook Run, not walk).
Researching and creating these editions led me on a journey to really think about creative ways to get children to read. After discussing with librarians and teachers about their experience setting up and creating walks, I decided to set up a website called StorybookWalk.com. Here you will find books, display ideas, and links as well as hanging hacks and tips for how to do a walk on a budget. I also give information on how to get permission from authors and how to do a walk from scratch. Of course, there is a link to information regarding the original Storywalk® Project as well.”
Building Equity-Based Summers (BEBS) Podcast
Building Equity-Based Summers’ (BEBS) empowers libraries to create summer services that are built on a foundation of equity and designed with the community to ensure systemically marginalized groups engage in library services in new ways. Learn more about this work with the BEBS podcast. The first four episodes include:
The Why of Equity and the Why of Equitable Summer Services
- Start Where You Are But Don't Stay There
- Evaluation Can Have an Equity Center
- It's OK to Feel Discomfort
- We Need to Give This Work Time to Take Hold
- Equity-Based Teen Services Requires Authenticity
- Balancing Thoughtful Progress with Equity Goals
- Reimagining Libraries: Acting as a Public Servant to Foster Community Connection
- Who Are We As an Organization?
Danielle Margarida, Youth Services Coordinator (she, her, hers)
Office of Library & Information Services
Rhode Island Department of Administration
One Capitol Hill | Providence, RI 02908-5803