Snow Day for Students
Friday, Jan. 24, 2025
Another Snow Day for Students
As conditions outside will freeze again overnight, Friday will be another Snow Day for students at NHCS - including Rachel Freeman students. Hopefully weather conditions improve over the weekend. As of right now, we have enough time built into our calendar that we should not have to make up this time. Please stay safe and warm out there! The Freeman Frolic will be sent out tomorrow with next week's updates.
Remote Day for Staff
From HR for NHCS Staff
Due to continued icy weather conditions, tomorrow, Friday, January 24, 2025, will be another remote workday.
Please look at the information below for italicized updates that have been included. Your safety is our priority, and we have arranged the following work options:
For Certified Staff:
Work remotely on:
Instructional planning
Required Vector training
Or any other assignments directed by your immediate supervisor
Take leave which must be entered into AESOP system today
For Classified Staff:
Remote-eligible positions (office staff, data managers, Teaching Assistants, etc.): TAs are eligible under the direction of the supervising teacher and/or Principal. You may work remotely or take leave
Non-remote-eligible positions (10 or 12 month staff, bus drivers, custodians, cafe staff, etc.): Custodians may work with building Principals on a situational basis. You may either:
Take leave, or
Trade time by working one full 8-hour day according to your calendar:
12 Month Staff
April 12
May 24
WECHS and SEA-Tech (10 month staff)
March 3 and/or March 4
Restart – Freeman and Snipes (10 month staff)
April 14 and/or April 15
Traditional and Isaac Bear (10 month staff)
April 14 and/or April 21
Year-Round – Codington & Eaton (10 month staff)
March 31 and/or April 1
Important: By the close of business today, any staff choosing the trade time option must communicate their request to their immediate supervisor with documented dates for their trade time. Supervisors must submit this staff trade time document to Payroll to ensure staff pay will not be negatively impacted. Please stay safe and take necessary precautions during these weather conditions. Please keep in mind that staff taking the trade time option will need a total of 2 trade days if not using leave for either remote workday.
I realize this can be tricky and not ideal; however, we believe these options are the best ones when battling against Mother Nature and state level mandates!