Inside Islip Schools
Islip School District's E-Newsletter - May 2024
Meet Islip’s 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian
Islip High School’s Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian are Jaci Narducci and Erica De Lapi, respectively. Narducci, who earned a 105.08 weighted GPA, is an AP Scholar with Distinction, treasurer of the National Honor Society, president of the Interact Club, a Keep Islip Clean Club Junior Commissioner, and a participant in the Women in Science and Engineering, Student Partnerships for Advanced Research and Knowledge, and American Legion Auxiliary Empire Girls State programs. She will graduate with an AP Seminar and Research Certificate. Narducci will attend SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, majoring in wildlife biology. De Lapi, who earned a 103.31 weighted GPA, is an AP Scholar with Distinction and a member of the National Honor Society, National World Language Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Business Academy and varsity tennis team. She will attend the University of South Carolina, majoring in business marketing.
Islip HS inducts 123 students to six honor societies
Islip High School proudly inducted 123 students across six societies at this year’s honor society induction ceremony, held on April 17 in the school auditorium. Exceptional scholars took the pledge to join the English Honor Society, Math Honor Society, National Honor Society, World Language Honor Society, and, for the first time, the Art Honor Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society.
Islip’s SPARK scientists explore protein structures at BNL
Islip High School students participating in the Student Partnerships for Advanced Research and Knowledge (SPARK) program at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) recently visited the lab to work on a beamline at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLSII). SPARK provides high schoolers with an opportunity to become visiting researchers at the lab’s scientific facilities. The young Islip scientists, in conjunction with fellow high schoolers from Eastport-South Manor High School, are working to determine the structure of a protein that has never been resolved before: a Beta-lactamase that plays a role in antibiotic resistance. After trying to grow the crystals themselves without success, they worked collaboratively with Dr. Scott Lovell at Kansas University. He grew the crystals with his far superior lab equipment, then shared the images with the students remotely. They selected the crystals most likely to produce good data, and Dr. Lovell shipped them to Long Island. With the help of NYX beamline scientist Dr. Kevin Battaile, students gathered data on eight samples, then used the imaging software Phenix and COOT to determine the protein structure.
Wing’s Community Reader Day ignites passion for reading
Community Reader Day, a highlight of the two-week Pick a Reading Partner celebration at Wing Elementary School, welcomed local community members on the morning of March 14 to read favorite books to students in pre-K, kindergarten and first grade. 2024 guest readers visiting Wing’s classrooms included Islip Board of Education Vice President Tom Leggio and trustees Paul Austin, Eric Buehler and Laura Rogacki; Superintendent Dr. Dennis P. O’Hara; Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Michael Giacchetto; Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, Administrative Services and Operations Donna Brower; Director of School Counseling Dr. Cynthia Fitzgerald; Fine and Performing Arts Director Michael Hershkowitz; Athletic Director John Sparacio; World Language/ENL Coordinator Rabia Hirji; Islip Middle School Assistant Principal Curt Juengerkes; Islip Middle School Dean of Students Jamie Wright; Commack Road Elementary School Principal Jacqueline Beckmann; Maud S. Sherwood Elementary School Principal Briana James; Suffolk County Legislator Samuel Gonzalez; Islip Town Receiver of Taxes Andy Wittman; and several of the district’s teachers.
Seven young Islip leaders chosen for Boys State and Empire Girls State programs
Four young leaders from Islip High School were chosen by Islip American Legion Rusy-Bohm Post 411 to attend the summer 2024 American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Empire Girls State programs, with three additional students selected as alternates. American Legion representatives visited the high school on April 11 to congratulate these young men and women, who were selected due to their demonstration of personal character and patriotism.
John Oggeri and Djimon Senior were chosen as primary delegates for Boys State, with Mason Nasta selected as an alternate. Elizabeth Ford and Kathryn Quinn were chosen as citizens for Empire Girls State, with Aliannah Madriz and Melanie Marroquin selected as alternates.
Islip HS students model world languages for seventh graders
Continuing a fundamental annual event in Islip’s secondary schools, World Language Immersion Day took place at Islip Middle School on March 15. Juniors and seniors in Islip High School’s World Language Honor Society modeled usage, comprehensibility and proficiency of Italian and Spanish through various student-created activities for seventh grade Islip Middle School language learners.
CRES fifth grader Kelly Pitt wins second consecutive hoops contest
Fourth and fifth grade students from Commack Road and Sherwood competed in the 38th annual Town of Islip Sharp Shooter Basketball Contest. The Sharp Shooter program, sponsored by the Islip Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs since 1993, challenges local students to score as many baskets as possible in one minute. The fourth and fifth grade students that score the most points in each of their respective grades make it to the final round.
Commack Road’s in-school winners were fourth graders Erin Lella and Colin Moon and fifth grade athletes Jaxon Gerena and Kelly Pitt, while Makenzy Covelli, Emma Myles-McAnally, Tanner Oswald and Matteo Spallina were the second-place finishers. At Sherwood, the winners were fourth graders Tyler Bucaro and Kenley Simonetti and fifth graders Michael Monahan and Milania Paiz. All eight of the first-place winners represented Islip in the townwide Sharp Shooter competition, where Pitt put on a remarkable hoops performance, scoring 32 points to make her the overall winner for fifth grade girls. It was Pitt’s second consecutive Sharp Shooter victory, as she won in 2023 as a fourth grader, breaking an event record. Town officials searched previous records dating back to the late 1990s and could not find another player who achieved this amazing accomplishment.
Celebrating Sherwood’s young writers
Sherwood Elementary School held its second writing celebration of the year. During the workshop, students learned the importance of having a growth mindset, how to focus on “process over product,” and shared their work with classmates, teachers, support staff, special area teachers, literacy coaches, administrators and even the school nurse.
Islip High School’s PTSA Fashion Show was a “model” event
The Islip High School PTSA’s Fashion Show was a huge success. The annual event acts as a fundraiser for scholarships and student events. For this year’s show, student Lucas Bohr served as the dapper master of ceremonies and Suffolk County Legislator Samuel Gonzalez was the guest announcer. Dresses were provided by the Nalu Dry Goods in Bay Shore, Sweet Simplicity of Islip and Town of Islip Youth Bureau.
Middle schooler Max Kjeldsen leads animal donation campaign
Max Kjeldsen, a member of Islip Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society, recently worked with his mother to initiate a remarkable monthlong campaign to help animals in need, bringing together Islip Middle School students and staff in a heartwarming display of generosity and compassion. Throughout the month of March, IMS students and staff generously donated various items, from pet food and toys to blankets and supplies, to support this cause. Donation boxes were then delivered to Almost Home Animal Rescue and Adoption in East Patchogue. Kjeldsen is a dedicated student volunteer at the organization, which provides shelter, care and love to animals in need.
Islip High School VE students connect with local business
Islip High School Virtual Enterprise students recently visited a new local store, Redefine Meals, a healthy meal prep business. Students met with the owners and management team to learn about their business plan, target market, supply chain and logistics of the business.
Islip School District
Location: Administration Building - 215 Main Street, Islip, NY 11751
Phone: (631) 650-8200