The Cub Corner
November 6, 2024
Mrs. Stacy Murphy
Mrs. Susan Lovato
Dear Millbridge Families,
As the parent-teacher conference days commence, I hope that you had the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher regarding their academic and behavioral progress so far this school year. Conferences are an important component to ensure that the school and the home work together to maximize your child’s full potential. I encourage you to stay in close communication with your child’s teacher and, most importantly, to stay involved in their education. Whether through a phone call, an email, or a note, Millbridge staff is ready to help.
Our Halloween parade was a HUGE turnout this year. Thank you all that showed up to support our little learners. November is a time intended for giving thanks. Please ask your child what they are doing to support this important character trait. How are they showing thankfulness and appreciation? We are very fortunate to have a school community with a nurturing staff, happy students, and caring parents. Thank you to our PTO that created the Paw Wishes that some of you may have taken during conferences for donations for your child's classroom. If you are a second grade parent they are doing a wonderful project for Thanksgiving and are in need of colored sharpie markers. Take a moment to create a note or card for your child's teacher. The little things mean so much.
Plase be reminded we do NOT have school November 7th-8th, and November 27th is a single session day which means students are dismissed at 1:00. Monday is Veteran's Day and we will be honoring and celebrating by wearing red, white, and blue.
Stacy Murphy
November Lunch Menu
Here is the correct lunch menu for the month of November at Millbridge.
Book Fair - November 11 - 15
Please return the permission slip that was sent home with your student. You may send in cash, check or put money on their e-wallet account.
Click on this link to learn about e-wallets and how to set one up.
eWallet: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/millbridgeelementaryschool
Students will shop during their Library Classes.
Book Fair will also be open during the PTO BINGO night, Wed. Nov 11 from 6 - 8.
Teachers will be creating wish lists and you will be able to shop for your child's classroom teacher, as well.
If you would like to volunteer to help with Book Fair, sign up below.
Signup: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040A48A5AD22A4FC1-52050579-millbridge
If you have questions, you can email our librarian, Mrs. Reasso, at mreasso@delranschools.org
Delran STEM Ecosystem Alliance
Event Registration will open on Monday, November 11 at 7:30am.
The Delran STEM Ecosystem Alliance will be hosting a STEM engagement night for all K-8 families the evening of December 12th in the Delran Innovation & Fabrication Lab. Students and their families will engage in three fun forensic investigations, becoming sleuths, using science to solve crime! Join us on Monday, 12/2/24 from 5:00-7:00pm in the Delran Innovation & Fabrication Lab. SPACE IS LIMITED!
Lifetouch Picture Retake Day - Wed., November 20
You can still order on mylifetouch.com with your Picture Day ID: EVTFH3SCQ
If you want your picture retaken, simply return your original package on Picture Retake Day.
Holiday Food Drive - November 11 thru December 3
Flagg's Garden Center Holiday Open House
enVision Mathematics
Nearly 100 parents attended the Parent Math Info Night in October. If you were unable to attend in person, a recorded, webinar-style version of the presentation is now available. It’s about 23 minutes, and it includes an overview of the program, explains the parts of a typical daily math lesson, and demonstrates how to access online resources to support your children’s math learning. The enVision Math page on the district website includes a link to view the recorded Parent Info Night webinar, as well as links to other helpful resources.
Math - Family Resource Links
Here is a link to the enVision family resource pages for each grade level, K-5. https://www.delranschools.org/curriculum/district_supervisors/MaryJoHutchinson/en_vision_math_k-5
New Safe Snack List
Please adhere to our new safe snack list for all parties/celebrations.
Parent Portal
PTO Membership
Arrival & Dismissal
10-minute buffer
Expect the first two weeks to be slightly longer…do NOT panic
Parent Pick Up
Early Dismissal - any pickup before 3:00 through office, email MBOffice@delranschools.org and your child's teacher. No dismissals from the office after 3pm.
Fast Passes can be used from prior year for the first 3 weeks of school.
Buses - dismissal begins at 3:20
If you are dropping your child off, please enter the parking lot closest to the cafeteria. This is the carpool line. Staff will direct you around and assist your child out of the car. It is extremely helpful to have your child in the back on the passenger side for exit. A staff member will open the car door when it is safe for exit. There will be staff members to assist in crossing and navigating the hallways to help find classrooms.
YMCA - Prime Time
Counselors Corner
HERE is an important link from our counselors regarding some tips about promoting kindness.
Dates to Know
November 7-8 - NO SCHOOL - NJ Teachers Convention
November 11 - Veterans Day - Wear Red, White and Blue
Delran Education Foundation
Parent Resources
Contact Information
Email: mboffice@delranschools.org
Website: http://mes.delranschools.org/
Location: 282 Conrow Road, Delran, NJ, United States
Phone: (856) 461-2900