LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 3, 2024

October 7th, 2024
Hello Levelland Lobos.
We had such an amazing week at LISD. Congratulations to our very own Ashley Howard on being named Education Professional of the Year. This honor is very fitting for Mrs. Howard as she Expects Excellence in all that she does for Levelland Academic Beginnings Center and LISD.
The Homecoming festivities provided an outstanding display of school pride. Congratulations to our Lobos on a great win on Friday!
Have a wonderful week.
Go Lobos!
Expect Excellence
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent
Educational Professional of the Year
Levelland ISD congratulates LABC Principal Ashley Howard for being recognized on Friday at the Chamber of Commerce Volunteer Luncheon as the Education Professional of the Year! Ashley Howard earned this award because of her outstanding contributions to both LABC & our community. As the President of & Region 17 TEPSAN of the Year, her leadership has been a valuable asset. Her seven-year tenure with LISD, where she progressed from Assistant Principal to Principal, reflects her unwavering commitment to nurturing student success & supporting her staff. Her dedication extends beyond school through impactful programs like the Adopt-A-Lobo Program, Bill’s Backpacks, & the Watch DOGS initiative, providing essential support & mentorship to students. Her active involvement in community events, such as Parades & Autism Awareness activities, shows her willingness to invest time & effort for the greater good. By partnering with the Chamber of Commerce on initiatives like Perfect Attendance & Touch A Truck, Mrs. Howard demonstrates how valuable contributions can enrich both educational & community landscapes. Congratulations, Mrs. Howard. We are proud of you!
Homecoming Festivities
Out of the Box Learning
LHS students in Ms. Tori Henderson's Floral Design classes thought outside the box this year and made a gigantic mum for Homecoming this year. This is such a fun way to celebrate Homecoming at LHS and we are so proud of this CTE class that offers students a career path after high school! Way to go Ms. Henderson and students.
Powder Puff Games
Our LHS Cheer Squad kicked off Homecoming Week last night with a Powder Puff Scrimmage last night. A good time was had by all, especially the Cheerleaders! Congratulations to the Sophomore Powder Puff Team on their win!
Sugar Bees Makes Mums Posssible
LISD sends out a huge thank you to Sugar Bees Floral for donating all the materials needed to Mrs. Melissa Young's students in LOC and at LMS so that they could all make themselves a Homecoming Mum or Garter. Many skills were practiced during this floral design class, and every student had to learn, measure, cut design, and show symmetry in order to make a mum. Sugar Bees Floral donated all the items needed to complete this task, providing a new opportunity for our students. We cannot wait to see all of these mums and garters at the game on Friday! You can see they are so proud of their work!
Emily Ramirez Crowned as Queen
LHS Senior Emily Ramirez was crowned as the 2024 LHS Homecoming Queen! Congratulations to her for this honor! (Photo courtesy Kelly Buckner)
All Things LISD..................
Watch DOGS
Who let the watchdogs out? ABC called all men earlier this evening to become a WATCH DOG! DOGS stands for Dads of Great Students but they are fathers, grandfathers, step-fathers, uncles, and other father figures. They signed up to volunteer at ABC this year to make a difference for all students. They visit each class that their child participates in from reading to music, and from math to art. The ABC WatchDogs Program successfully engages parents and guardians in the school situation by focusing on fathers and father figures, while the male figures are mentors to all students. The guest speaker was Mr. David Howard who participated in the Watch Dog Program when his children were younger. He spoke about what an impact each of them could have on children in the classroom. Thank you Mr. Howard, for encouraging our amazing father figures to come volunteer with our Littles! We appreciate you!
Learning Skills for Future
Our students are the smartest because they are learning excellent skills during their time at school. South Elementary's teacher Kayla Belcher shares that South's 4th Grade GT project will create monthly news broadcasts for the school this year. Each month they will feature events happening around school, staff spotlights, Lobo character traits, and all the amazing things that happen at South Elementary. This is so amazing that our students are learning this skill at such an early age! Great job, kiddos!
Anatomy Study
Did you know much about the human body in first grade? These ABC students in Mrs. Branch's Reading & Science Classes do! They are learning anatomy and about internal organs that perform vital jobs. They will learn the functions of the five body systems: skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems. By the end of the study these Littles will know why the heart and brain are so important, the keys to good health, and how to avoid disease. WE know that some of these students will be doctors in the future! Mrs. Branch purchased these amazing interactive visuals for her science labs with the Grant money she received from the Endowment Foundation of West Texas. Thank you, Mrs. Branch, for #expectingexcellence #expectingexcellence and for always engaging your students in the best learning experiences.
Learning the Beat!
Our ABC Littles were caught in Mr. Robin's Music class learning about the beat and percussion instruments while playing tambourines. Students moved around while marching and beating out the pattern to the music. Mr. Robin's students are learning to create rhythm but he is also about fostering coordination, creativity, and musical expression in his ABC students. Thank you for that!
Cheerleaders Support Community
Our JV cheerleaders were seen at the National Night Out Event at Kauffman Park, supporting our Police and Fire Departments earlier this week. We love that our girls are so active in connecting LISD with our community! We can also tell that Officer Rincones just loved his Paw Print Face. Thanks for being a good sport, guys!
American Gothic Parody
LMS Art Teacher LeeAnn Jackson challenged her Art students to re-create the famous 1930 American Gothic Painting. Although the original painting is of a farmer and his daughter, Ms. Jackson let her students be creative. Please enjoy all these amazing ideas that Ms. Jackson's kids have! Thank you, Ms. Jackson, for letting your students express themselves every day.
See more photos at https://www.facebook.com/leeann.p.jackson
Jumping Into Math!
ABC first graders in Mrs. Pena and Mrs. Smith's classes are learning how to add and subtract up to ten using a number path. Students were caught enjoying the beautiful weather and absorbing math simultaneously. The kids were challenged to show how many spots they jumped to get to the mystery number. They also had to tell if they counted forward or backward. What a great way to make a math lesson stick! We appreciate the creativity of our educators!
Students Learn the Franchise Business
Mr. Bill Cohen, McDonald's Owner, spoke to Mr. Russell Hill's Entrepreneurship & Marketing classes to teach them about franchises. After being a pilot, Mr. Cohen changed his career path and wanted to work for himself. That's when he studied franchises & bought McDonalds in Levelland. Mr. Cohen now owns 5 McDonald's Restaurants and has 300 employees and supervisors that keep things running smoothly. He said he trains people from the ground up, helping them along the way. They can move up through the ranks and increase their pay and benefits. He strives to mold his employees to be loyal, committed, passionate people. He concluded his lesson by stressing how important it is to give back to the community that you live in, and Mr. Cohen sure does that. Thank you, Mr. Cohen for giving back to LHS students learning about the business! We appreciate you!
1,000 Digs!
LHS Volleyball Coach Whitney Gibson shares that the Loboettes swept Estacado in 3, and Aubree Gaona got to celebrate her 1000th career dig! Coach Gibson #expectsexcellence and says, "I’ve had Aubree with me for 3 years now, and it’s been fun watching her grow as a player and as a leader for our team. I’m proud of how hard she’s worked to make it to this accomplishment, and I can’t wait to see what else she does! I’m so thankful that I have the opportunity to coach these girls." Way to go, Loboettes and Aubree! This is exciting!
Lobos Take the Tigers by the Tail
Congratulations to our Lobos and Coaches on their Homecoming Win over the Snyder Tigers!
LMS Cross Country
The LMS Girls Team are District Cross-Country Champs, and all four boys medaled but with only four runners! We are proud of you and so glad you chose to participate in this sport!
Bill's Backpacks!
The food item for October is
mac & cheese cups!
BBP is always accepting donations.
Thank you to NHS & HOSA
for helping bag for our students!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Twitter: @LevellandISD