Looking Ahead
January 6th-10th, 2025
End of second quarter is January 17th, 2025
Tax Statements
Tax statements will be emailed to families by January 31, 2025
When your child is out sick please call the office before 8am @ 715-392-2976. Do not email the office as we do not always get the emails.
- If you send your child to school with Cough Drops they must be in a bag, with a note to be given to the teacher. Students can not have cough drops in their pockets.
- If your child is vomiting, they need to remain at home. They can return 24 hours after vomiting has stopped.
- If your child has a fever they can not return till fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
- Please do not send your child to school if you have given medication due to not feeling well in the morning.
Catholic Schools Week
Mark your calendars
As we start off our school week we will kick off our Read A Thon. Families are invited to snuggle up and read books with your childr(ren) in the gym from 7:30-8:10a,m on Monday, Jan 27th, 2025
Pancake Breakfast
As some of you may know, one of the exciting experiences that our middle school students get to take part in is a trip to Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center each fall as a middle schooler.
To help lower the cost for students next year, the Catholic Schools Week Pancake Breakfast donations will be used towards the trip.
We have options for students and adults at the pancake breakfast. Please use the sign up genius link below. Each shift is 1.5 hours in length.
Please invite your friends and family to come and enjoy this tasty event!
Preschool Preview Night
Kindergarten New Family Night
Middle School Inofrmation Night
The vocations team of the Diocese of Superior would like to invite any young men who are in college or who are juniors or seniors in high school to join us the Vocation Information on February 22-24, 2025 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, MN. Hang out with college seminarians, get a taste of seminary life, attend Sunday Mass, and visit classes! For more information or to sign-up, please contact Fr. Isaiah Schick at 715-736-3102 or by email at fatherisaiahschick@stjosephricelake.org. Know of our prayers for all discerners for an openness to the will of God. Look forward to seeing you there.
Cathedral Blankets
Looking for ways to show your school spirit? You can do just that by purchasing a Cathedral School Spirit blanket! Blankets are available during the school day Monday- Friday from 7:30am- 3:00pm for $60.00. These blankets make perfect gifts for both current students and alumni!
Spirit Wear
The online store offers 5 different tabs/ sections, Uniform, Youth, Adult, Ladies, and Accessories. Please note that items in the Uniform tab/section meet the requirement for our uniform Policy. The remaining 4 tabs/sections are for spirit wear days, typically Fridays. Please click the link below to make purchases.
- The uniform section can be worn daily.
- Spirit wear section is for Fridays.
- Spirit wear sweatpants can also be worn all year on Fridays along with Middle School PE classes.
- Spirit wear shorts can be worn on Friday in the months of September, October, May, and June also all year long for Middle School PE classes.
Shirts unlimited will be processing orders the1st and 15th of every month. They will call you when your order is ready for pick-up. Please use the link below for ordering.
Important Dates
Janaury 17th- End of 2nd Quarter
January 20th- No school
January 26th- Feb 1st- CSW
Januray 26th- Pancake Breakfast @ 8:30am-12pm
January 27th- Feb 12th- Read a thon
January 28th- Bishops Mass @ 10:00am
January 28th- New Family Preview Night: Preschool @ 4:30pm-6:00
January 30th- New Family Preview Night: Kindergarten-8th grade @ 4:30pm-6:00pm
January 30th- Middle School Information Meeting @ 5:30pm-6:00pm